CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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New phrases for Thursday, June 7th--it's Hankster Rayburn's FIRST 39th Birthday Edition:

George Eads said "Hankster is a fellow Texan who appreciates good barbecue. However, one time we ended up at a barbecue at Weird Willie's that was SOOOO WEIRRRDD!" (Audience: HOW WEIRD WAS IT?!?!) "It was so weird that instead of barbecued pork or beef ribs, he served barbecued ____________ ribs!"

Natalia Boa Vista said "One time, Hankster visited Miami and we thought he was a Crime Lab employee because he was wearing a Lab coat with a _______________ shirt underneath it!"

Hankster's wife Julie said "It may be Hankster's birthday, but if he forgets to take out the ___________ tonight, he won't get his *special present* tonight!"
*Shares the (Hic) GOOD stuff*

A: ...lobster (do they even have ribs?)
B: ..."I love swabbing for DNA"
BP: ...wife to an expensive restaurant
Wow, Hankster, ur ooooooooold!

:lol: Just kidding! :p Happy birthday! :D

A. squirrel
B. orange
BP. scraps for the dogs (wow, revisiting my childhood at Grandma's house right there :lol:)
a. human

b. tropical print shirt [it is Miami after all ;) ]

bonus. Garbage

Happy Birthday Hankster! Welcome to the '39 forever' club :lol:
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