CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

Question: Is the trilogy eps that don't take place in Vegas going to be fair game for discussion on this thread or would they be considered off topic?

Athersgeo- I think it would be fine discussing the trilogy as a whole here. There is the NY current series thread, but I dont think we have to be that strict- its kinda like 1 long epi really.
Greetings :). Both Smokey and myself had a quick word regarding this and we both agree that all seems to be fine in discussing the three episodes, as a whole, here, so no worries.

Unfortunately, seeing I'm perched here on the opposite side of the ocean, I don't know the days in which CSI is aired for you fine folk...other then "Vegas Tuesday" :lol:. So keep in mind that until an episode has aired, please remember to use the spoiler tags. Other then that, discuss away
^ Thanks DJ!

Ok, the Vegas epi.
Athersgeo- I agree with all you said. Good Nick episode. It does seem that the epis where Nick is featured heavily are some of the best :)
Greg's little rant was great. After so may seasons of neglect it good to see Greg finally get some decent scenes once more. And he was really sweet to Wendy. Plus, he was looking really hot :devil:
Good to see interaction between Hodges and Wendy again. They are such a great couple. Im not sure what I think about her 'pulling a Sanders' and going out into the field though.

April seemed a little annoying, but I didn't dislike her.

The Trilogy

loved the funny bits with Ryan (who else!), Jesse and Walter- when they were with that bear. :)
It was strange how they all called Langston 'Dr Ray' It didn't sound right.
The case was ok. Langston seemed able to drop everything and come to Miami far too easily though. But I liked the references from the 1st Miami epi, to Catherine and Warrick. Im glad they put that in.
It will be interesting to see how they manage to eek the case out into another 2 episodes.
Las vegas episode ,
I quite enjoy this episode , i thought it was funny when Greg was talking to himself , Solitaire i have to argee with you Greg did look very hot in this episode , can't wait to see next week episode .

Trilory Part1

i thought the bit with the bear was quite funny :lol: i thought it was nice when H remember Warrick , can't wait to see what is going to happened with this storyline .
The NY part of the trilogy

It was ok, but abit dull. I liked the rapport between Mac and Ray, although I prefer Mac and Horatio. I was glad to see they had Dave from the Miami team on the video link, but I would have prefered to see one of the main cast members (Unsurprisingly Ryan comes to mind!, just to see him an extra time!!)
The case didn't really grip me, and I dont know how they are going to make it last out another episode.

My sister used to watch all the csi shows, but since having kids got out the habit of watching them. So she decided to watch the trilogy. After seeing the first 2 parts she has decided she hasn't missed csi at all. She would have thought that they would have done much better episodes for this, to get back people like her- lapsed viewers who would start watching again if the episodes really grabbed them. And I can see what she means. Both epis so far have been pretty average. They have stuck to the individual shows format well, which is good, but they haven't upped there game.
*grins* Entertainingly, you've got completely the opposite feelings on this to me. I thought the NY episode was pounds better than the Miami ep, partly because I actually could see how THIS case was going to last into the third episode, unlike the case in Miami which was the usual "solved in an hour" story. I'm with you on the rapport between Ray and Mac, though. That was good - and for a change, Ray didn't come across as all-knowing-all-wise; instead he came across as what he is, which is an inexperienced CSI still learning his role and I loved Mac's pep talks. Very nicely done. What I really DIDN'T like was Super!Ray in the junkyard chase sequence. That just...no.
*grins* Entertainingly, you've got completely the opposite feelings on this to me. I thought the NY episode was pounds better than the Miami ep, partly because I actually could see how THIS case was going to last into the third episode, unlike the case in Miami which was the usual "solved in an hour" story. I'm with you on the rapport between Ray and Mac, though. That was good - and for a change, Ray didn't come across as all-knowing-all-wise; instead he came across as what he is, which is an inexperienced CSI still learning his role and I loved Mac's pep talks. Very nicely done. What I really DIDN'T like was Super!Ray in the junkyard chase sequence. That just...no.

I didn't like that bit when ray jump on the bike as well, i thought it was a bit over the top .
I didn't like that bit when ray jump on the bike as well, i thought it was a bit over the top .

Very much so.

I could have bought it if it had been one of the younger CSIs who'd done it because it's the kind of thing that I could easily see someone like Danny or Nick (characters who do have a tendency to leap before they look) doing. But Ray? And also: where did Ray learn to be quite so comfortable with a shotgun?! I mean, the guy is supposed to be a fairly mild-mannered former doctor, former lecturer and now scientist.

Unless, of course, this is another sign that Ray really isn't quite who he says he is...

...but I suspect the writers just wanted to give LF something "cool" to do. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I really liked it when Ray was upset about calling the victim's Mother, and Mac's sympathy for that. I agee it was good to see Ray's inexperience, rather than the usual super- Ray character. I wish they would show this more.
And that bike thing was way over the top. But it did make me laugh!
But they were trying to make him look cool. (and after just being in a wheelchair I would have been shouting at the tv if Danny had gotten on the bike)
I dont see the need to make Ray 'action man.' Grissom was agreat character and never had to do any stunts like that.
Athersgeo- I agree on the shotgun thing. When he refused it at first, I thought 'wow, continuity from him shooting someone last season and not wanting to do it again.' But when he accepted it so that he could go after the suspect, he seemed far too comfy with it.
(and after just being in a wheelchair I would have been shouting at the tv if Danny had gotten on the bike)

*laughs* You and me both. Danny doesn't always have the good sense God gave a gnat, but to be fair, I don't think he'd have actually done it in that episode. Before the shooting, though, and I think all bets would be off...!

As far as the Grissom stunts vs Ray stunts thing goes, I think that's partially the difference between the two actors. After all, LF does have a career history of playing action roles (as well as dramatic roles, obviously) and in one sense, the writers would be daft to not make use of that from time to time. The trouble is, the character they've written for him really doesn't suit that.

Equally, I think it's one of the ways the writers are trying to say that Ray is different from Grissom. Trouble is, Ray ISN'T that different from Grissom so when they do it, it comes off really jarring.
Happy 'Trilogy Tuesday' Everyone ;)

Have missed all of last weeks conversations due to not having my computer :( so am gonna wait untill have seen the last part before i attempt to 'catch up' :p

Anyhoo' hope everyone enjoys.. x
I think I can comfortably say that was the best part of the story. It did draw both the previous episodes together (which I really wasn't expecting because I thought the Miami story had pretty much wrapped up in one - didn't count on the tattoo actually meaning something!) and I think the ending was satisfying without being cloying which, let's face it, that ending could have been!

So. Few more thoughtythings...

-The Dr Ray epithet needs to die. Now. I didn't mention it from last week's episode but I'm with everyone else who mentioned it: UGH. At least Nick only did it once.
-Am I the only one amused by Nick being the one to freak out about a CSI not answering their phone? Yes? Okay then... *grin*
-Pimps get a con?! Well, I suppose it IS Vegas...
-MUCHLY amused by the pocket cocaine test sequence
-Not sure what I think of the Didi character, though; on the one hand, you have David presenting that video which quite clearly shows she's a VERY dizzy Blonde (with all the negative connotations that implies). On the other hand you have Diane presenting her as a verrrry canny, sharp and with-it girl who manages to fool an experienced pimp. The two do not quite go together in my mind.
-The conversation with Nick and Hodges over a pay rise *giggles* For that matter, Hodges' glasses and the responses from Greg, Wendy and Catherine. I believe I've mentioned before that I AM easily amused...:lol:
-Typical Hollywood, though; when you need a bad guy playing, hire a Brit who, in this case, can't QUITE keep his accent up...though I suppose Mark Sheppard would excuse himself on the grounds his character had been living in America for quite a while
-Lastly, can anyone remember a crime scene where David's first line WASN'T "Sorry I'm late" or some variation on that theme?

Overall, then, I think I enjoyed the story as a whole, even allowing for not going so much on the Miami episode. I do think that they could have done a little more to tie the Miami episode in (like getting in the fact that the tattoo meant something so that wasn't quite so out of left field), but given you're talking three different writing teams, two of them juggling an unfamiliar character...maybe I'll let them off that. Maybe ;)

What did anyone else think?
I have to say I was underwhelmed by the whole thing.
I do agree that story wise the best part was the vegas epi. It pulled everything together well. And I liked the ending- it was quite sweet.
But was was with the pimp party? Very strange. And how did 'Dr Ray'(!) know where it was?
I prefered the Miami epi for entertainment. The 'bear scene' was the best thing about it. But every part was pretty average. I would have preferred a case involving a serial killer. Something abit more interesting. And I cant understand why the bad guys wouldn't have killed Maddy when they realised that the police were on to them. And I agree that the Didi character was a little off.

I suppose I was just alittle disappointed by the whole thing. Oh, and Maddy seemed awfully healthy at the end- for a girl who had recently been in a nasty car crash, without a seatbelt, and had had a miscarriage without receiving any medical attention (I presume not, anyway.)
But was was with the pimp party? Very strange. And how did 'Dr Ray'(!) know where it was?

THAT part's easy to explain *grin* While he was standing on the Strip asking people if they'd seen Maddy (shortly before Nick arrives) there's a huge advertising truck goes by in the background advertising "Playacon" which is what the pimp party is.

Maddy...hrm. I think you can probably assume that there was SOME medical treatment for her because, after all, if she's too damaged, she can't earn anything and that is the whole point, so you can probably figure her car wreck injuries, at least, got treatment. The rest...well I would assume that the immediate what-happened-next was that Ray hustled her off to Desert Palms for a dang good check up!