CSI:LV season 10 in the UK


CSI Level Two
The new series is starting at 9 this Tuesday- its usual slot!

I have to say I wasn't overly impressed with last season so im hoping that this one is going to be an improvement- less Langston and more Greg and Nick.

This thread seemed to die a quick death last year, I wonder if it will last any longer this time! :)
Hi i can't wait to for the new season , i hope we get to see more Greg and less of Ray .
Has anyone seen the promo on 5? I was well confused. Didn't have a clue what was supposed to be going on there. Looked exciting though!!
Has anyone seen the promo on 5? I was well confused. Didn't have a clue what was supposed to be going on there. Looked exciting though!!

yes i have , i was bit confused as well , it did look very exciting !

I've been following the spoilers so, in theory, I *DO* know what's going on and I'm confused... Pretty sure it'll all become clear come 9pm tomorrow (or fairly soon after that, perhaps I should say :lol: )
Has anyone seen the promo on 5? I was well confused. Didn't have a clue what was supposed to be going on there. Looked exciting though!!

yes i have , i was bit confused as well , it did look very exciting !

I've been following the spoilers so, in theory, I *DO* know what's going on and I'm confused... Pretty sure it'll all become clear come 9pm tomorrow (or fairly soon after that, perhaps I should say :lol: )

Got very excitted when i saw it first.. well everytime i see it, but am deffinately confussed !! :rolleyes:
Season 10 begins tomorrow! I can't wait! I have been following the spoilers, though not many of them, and I'm just as confused about the promo. It looks exciting! Perfect way to unwind after an exam in the morning :lol:
^ Hope the exam goes well.

im glad that it isn't just me who is confused!
I have been good and not read any spoilers. Looking forward to it.
^^ Good Luck with the exam :)

..As for spoilers, my resolution to not read any was lost about 6 months ago. I think it may be an actual illness. :rolleyes: Saying that, they haven't helped with the adverts much. :p
I think Spoiler addiction is definitely an illness! :p
Ive managed to avoid LV and NY ones, but I gave into Miami spoilers after about 2 weeks.
Good news is my freeview seems to be working at the mo for certain channels- including 5, surprisingly. So I can actually get a decent picture for the episode.:)
Aaaah.. i stayed away from New York & Miami, just not vegas. :\
Glad to hear about your freeview. :)

All thats left to say.. 'Happy Vegas-Tuesday Everyone' !! ;) x
So what did you guys think?

As a certified arachnaphobe (well - someone made me a certificate about it when I was in university after I screamed the house down over a spider in the shower :shifty:), I can only say that I'm extremely grateful for knowing ahead of time about Stevie and his little pal! (Also: how in the world did Grissom lose Stevie in the first place? Or is that one of the s7/s8 episodes I'm still working on seeing?)

Leaving the spider(s) alone, though, I thought it was a really good episode.

Are we allowed to talk spoilers in this thread, or do I need to use spoiler tags?
Are we allowed to talk spoilers in this thread, or do I need to use spoiler tags?

To tell you the truth, I don't know! :lol: Sorry guys, but before I became one of the LV mods, I never read this thread.

So you tell me...is this thread to be spoiler-free and you need to use tags? Or would you like it to include spoilers and I'll put that in the thread title?
Are we allowed to talk spoilers in this thread, or do I need to use spoiler tags?

To tell you the truth, I don't know! :lol: Sorry guys, but before I became one of the LV mods, I never read this thread.

So you tell me...is this thread to be spoiler-free and you need to use tags? Or would you like it to include spoilers and I'll put that in the thread title?

Well, speaking for me, I'd say yes to spoilers :lol: but I am the newbie around here and I know newbies are supposed to sing small and not go around changing things to their desires, so if all else fails, I can always resurrect the actual episode discussion thread to vent my needs!