CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Re: CSI: Holland #3

:lol: I've just seen the 13x01 episode Bloodlines, and it's amazing, I can tell you. And uhm;

Well, in that episode you see Luka caring about Abby. I could never pick between Luby (Abby/Luka) and Carby (Carter/Abby). And, I didn't type it wrong.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Lizzy_004 said:
To Jayne: How was your Guinness in Zwolle? :p
I didn't drink Guinness this time.. honestly, I was really tired from traveling and had a huge headache from teaching and getting up early again. I strolled into the Irish pub now and then, because a friend of mine works there but I only drank cola.. until I visited another friend where I had 3 bottles of Hertog Jan.. there, now you know it all.. oh and I didn't see a red backbag walking at the railway station that day :p But I wasn't around at the time you were going to be there.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

i wish she was pregnant from carter not from luka but other wise its nice for luka to have a child again.. diffucult its makes me confussed :eek:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Hehe. Good girl, you Denise! :p

Jayne, you're a bad girl. You didn't even drink Guinness? That actually surprises me. :eek:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Anyone in here? *waves* Helloooo? Sorry. I'm bored, but I still have to do my homework.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I'm here! For the first time, too. Haha. Anyway, I have to go to dance class now, so... I'll be on later. :)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

JayneEmilysRealm said:
had a huge headache from teaching and getting up early again.

:eek: And you like getting up early!! :confused:

Welcome SaraStar in the Holland thread. :)
You know guys, I really think we should have a Dutch Welcome basket like they have in Shipper Central :p And it should contain stroopwafels and Heineken.

Hehe, saras_girlfriend, lovely avi. I'm using the Marg Helgenber one on MSN :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Hey Roos i'am here... *waves back*, a little bit later, but who cares.. :rolleyes:

Welcome SaraStar ! :)

Lizzy I agree on the welcome basket! Maybe it should contain drop too! :lol:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

So Eva, tell us something about yourself? How old are you? Where do you live? That kind of stuff. If you don't want to tell where you live, it's ok.. it has just became a sort of ritual for newbies here ;)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Lizzy i love your banner its so sweet...
and welcome here Eva nice to hear something of you.. hihi My roommate is also called Eva.. Funny :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Hehe, thanks. It´s my desktop wallpaper too :) I was just considering changing it, but because you like it, I'll leave it like this for a while ;)
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