CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Re: CSI: Holland #3

Dutchie said:
Canterbury...you don't live there, do you? :p
VERY VERY nice historial place
went there about 7 yrs ago. wanted to study there too :(, but tooo nice for me :D

have fun :)
take LOOOADs of pic, its REALLLY worth pics ;)

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Dutchie said:
Canterbury...you don't live there, do you? :p
Gawd, Canterbury, I know that place by heart.. been there too many times :p It's a cute little town.. don't forget to go to the Roman Museum haha.. and Marlow's Pub.. oh oh and the theatre.. and .. and.. I could go on for ages!!
nice isnt it :)
when did you go ;)
why dd you visit :p i only like 80km from there!! :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

^Because I always do these English Studies, with almost every study we went to Canterbury :rolleyes: It's nice though, I really like it. First time I went there was in 1998, last time I was there was in 2004.. I hope to get back there soon, it's been too long!!! I used to stay at 'Kipps' at Nunnery Fields, which is near John Dane (Done??) Mound :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

It was great, too bad we had only three hours to be there, but still it was great. Me and my friends even managed to get lost. In Canterbury yes. Stupid us... :lol:

I took pictures, but I had this disposal camera thing, so there are 26 photo's, I think...It does have a Starbucks! So funny :D

Ducky, I don't know, maybe we should! Did you guys hear it, (of course you did :rolleyes:) we don't have a cabinet anymore!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

ah, when it comes to politics, I'm like Grissom: I try not to make it my business. I hate politics. That's why I didn't know about the fall of J.P's lil' group until my friend noticed our newspaper lying on the table, yesterday. She read the headline of the newspaper which she had already read and I was like.. WTF? :eek:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Politics.. what's that?? :rolleyes:
Voting.. what's that?? :rolleyes:

Honestly, my mum and I, when it comes to voting.. what we do is.. we stare out of the window..
Me: "Ohhh looks like it's drizzling!"
Mum: "Really?? Hmm.. let's wait a while" *10 minutes later*
Me: "Still raining."
Mum: "Well, the voting-place-thingie is like a 5-minute-walk?"
Me: "Yup. Umbrellas?"
Mum: "But then the umbrellas will get wet!"
Me: "You're right. No voting this time!" :p :lol: We always find excuses not to go.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Politics.. what's that?? :rolleyes:
Voting.. what's that?? :rolleyes:

Honestly, my mum and I, when it comes to voting.. what we do is.. we stare out of the window..
Me: "Ohhh looks like it's drizzling!"
Mum: "Really?? Hmm.. let's wait a while" *10 minutes later*
Me: "Still raining."
Mum: "Well, the voting-place-thingie is like a 5-minute-walk?"
Me: "Yup. Umbrellas?"
Mum: "But then the umbrellas will get wet!"
Me: "You're right. No voting this time!" :p :lol: We always find excuses not to go.

I do vote! But other than that. I really can't care anything about the whole politics stuff in this country. I heard it the day after... But I really couldn't care. But somehow I'm glad I am not going to see that JP Balkende on tv anymore.. He just has this irritated way of talking...
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I'm half dutch, I haven't been there since I was seven, and I remember I loved it to death. My sister's there right now with my Oma Harry. I'm very jealous.

Yes, off topic, but I just noticed this thread.

*goes off in attmpts to embrace my orange side*
Re: CSI: Holland #3

i'm 100% dutch! :p I think. As far as I know all my ancestor's ancestors are dutch and so on! But can;t be for sure...

and damn the weather! summer is fun but this is a little to much!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

100% Dutch here. :D It's hot yeah, I mean, nice weather is great, but it can also be toooooo warm. :rolleyes:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Dutchie said:
100% Dutch here. :D It's hot yeah, I mean, nice weather is great, but it can also be toooooo warm. :rolleyes:

and I'm having the flu as well. And I can tell you that it is a whole lot more comfortable to lay down in bed (with nice warm blankets) when the temprature is 20 to 30 degrees Celsius colder than what it is right now!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

i'm also 100% dutch, but i hate this weather.i Was today in Walibi world with school and it was to much with this weather, the whole day i've got a headache.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

debje said:
i'm also 100% dutch, but i hate this weather.i Was today in Walibi world with school and it was to much with this weather, the whole day i've got a headache.

just stay in a rollercoaster. lots of wind haha
Re: CSI: Holland #3

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Yay for half Dutch people.. I'm half Dutch too, but I do live in Holland :p What's your other half?? :)

New Zealand, although I was born in Canada. Dutch at heart, though.
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