CSI: Hangman #10

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X1: I too- a -sy-ho -io-o-y --ass on-e, an- we s--died a -e-y in-e-es-in- -ase. O-ay, the-e was a --y.
-e -i-ed -n a fa-- and -ite-a--y the on-y way that this --y -o--d -et se--a--y satisfied, was when he was with -i-esto--.
X2: That's o-ay, I'- -ood. I...
X1: We--, see, a--a-ent-y the who-e thin- sta--ed one ni-ht ---a-se he was in the -a-n, it sta-ted snowin-, he -ot st--- in the-e, he -o--dn't -a-e his way -a-- t- the fa--ho-se, so he de-ided he wo--d t-y an- stay wa--...we--... with a shee-. --t then the ho-ses we-e -ea-o-s, so, y-o -now... and... I thin- the-e was a -ow in the-e as we--.
X3: Y-o -now, I thi-- we -ot the -i-t--e.
X2: I wish I didn't.

Letters guessed: E, T, A, S, I, D, W, H, O , N, F, Y

Good luck :cool:
Wendy: I took a psycho biology class once, and we studied a very interesting case. Okay, there was a guy. He lived on a farm and literally the only way that this guy could get sexually satisfied, was when he was with livestock.
Nick: That's okay, I'm good. I...
Wendy: Well, see, apparently the whole thing started one night because he was in the barn, it started snowing, he got stuck in there, he couldn't make his way back to the farmhouse, so he decided he woldd try and stay warm...well... with a sheep. But then the horses were jealous, so, you know... and... I think there was a cow in there as well.
Greg: You know, I think we got the picture.
Nick: I wish I didn't.

New York:

C1: ------- ---- - ----- -- ---- ---.
C2: - ------'- ---- -------... --- --- ---- --?
C1: - --- ---- --- ------- -- --- ---- -- ------ -----.
C2: ---- ---- -- ----- -- --- ----?
C1: - ---------.
New York:

C1: S------ t--- a -as-- t- t--s ---.
C2: A t-tt--'s ---- -------... -a- --- ---t -t?
C1: - -a- ---t t-- t-ta--- -- --- ---- -- ------ t---s.
C2: --at ---- -- t---s -- --- ----?
C1: A ------a--.

Letters guessed: T, A, S
New York:

C1: So--o-- too- a -as-- to th-s -u-.
C2: A t-ttoo's ---- ---o---... -a- -ou ---t -t?
C1: - -a- ---t th- t-ta--- -- -ou ---- -- --o--- too-s.
C2: -hat ---- o- too-s -o -ou ----?
C1: A ----o-a--.

Letters guessed: T, A, S, O, H, U
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