CSI: Hangman #10

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Yey :D
This kinda a long one, but I LOVED this scene :D
It's from Vegas :cool:

X1: - ---- - ------ ------- ----- ----, --- -- ------- - ---- ----------- ----. ----, ----- --- - ---.
-- ----- -- - ---- --- --------- --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ----- --- -------- ---------, --- ---- -- --- ---- ---------.
X2: ----'- ----, -'- ----. -...
X1: ----, ---, ---------- --- ----- ----- ------- --- ----- ------- -- --- -- --- ----, -- ------- -------, -- --- ----- -- -----, -- ------'- ---- --- --- ---- -- --- ---------, -- -- ------- -- ----- --- --- ---- ----...----... ---- - -----.
X3: --- ----, - ----- -- --- --- -------.
X2: - ---- - ----'-.
I forgot a part in my last post. I added it. Sorry.

X1: - t--- a ------ ------- --a-- ---e, a-- -e -----e- a -e-- ---e-e----- -a-e. --a-, t-e-e -a- a ---.
-e ---e- -- a -a-- a-- --te-a--- t-e ---- -a- t-at t--- --- ----- -et -e--a--- -at----e-, -a- --e- -e -a- --t- ---e-t---.
X2: T-at'- --a-, -'- ----. -...
X1: -e--, -ee, a--a-e-t-- t-e ----e t---- -ta--e- --e ----t ---a--e -e -a- -- t-e -a--, -t --a-te- -------, -e --t -t--- -- t-e-e, -e ------'t -a-e --- -a- -a-- t- t-e -a------e, -- -e -e---e- -e ----- t-- a-- -ta- -a--...-e--... ---t a --ee-. --t t-e- t-e ----e- -e-e -ea----, --, --- ----... a--... - t---- t-e-e -a- a --- -- t-e-e a- -e--.
X3: --- ----, - t---- -e --t t-e ---t--e.
X2: - ---- - ----'t.

Letters guessed: E, T, A
Because you all asked so nicely :)

X1: I t--- a -s---- -i----- --ass ---e, a-- -e s--died a -e-- i--e-es-i-- -ase. --a-, t-e-e -as a ---.
-e -i-ed -- a -a-- a-d -ite-a--- t-e ---- -a- t-at t-is --- ----d -et se--a--- satis-ied, -as --e- -e -as -it- -i-est---.
X2: T-at's --a-, I'- ---d. I...
X1: -e--, see, a--a-e-t-- t-e ----e t-i-- sta--ed --e -i--t ---a-se -e -as i- t-e -a--, it s-a-ted s---i--, -e --t st--- i- t-e-e, -e ----d-'t -a-e -is -a- -a-- t- t-e -a-----se, s- -e de-ided -e ----d t-- a-- sta- -a--...-e--... ---t a s-ee-. --t t-e- t-e ---ses -e-e -ea---s, s-, --- ----... a-d... I t-i-- t-e-e -as a --- i- t-e-e as -e--.
X3: --- ----, I t-i-- -e --t t-e -i-t--e.
X2: I -is- I did-'t.

Letters guessed: E, T, A, S, I, D

ETA: forgot a letter
Aww, y'all so nice :D

X1: I too- a -s--ho -io-o-- --ass o--e, a-- we s--died a -e-- i--e-es-i-- -ase. O-a-, the-e was a ---.
-e -i-ed -- a -a-- a-d -ite-a--- the o--- wa- that this --- -o--d -et se--a--- satis-ied, was whe- he was with -i-esto--.
X2: That's o-a-, I'- -ood. I...
X1: We--, see, a--a-e-t-- the who-e thi-- sta--ed o-e -i-ht ---a-se he was i- the -a--, it sta-ted s-owi--, he -ot st--- i- the-e, he -o--d-'t -a-e his wa- -a-- t- the -a--ho-se, so he de-ided he wo--d t-- a-- sta- wa--...we--... with a shee-. --t the- the ho-ses we-e -ea-o-s, so, --o --ow... a-d... I thi-- the-e was a -ow i- the-e as we--.
X3: --o --ow, I thi-- we -ot the -i-t--e.
X2: I wish I did-'t.

Letters guessed: E, T, A, S, I, D, W, H, O
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