CSI: Hangman #10

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Alexx: You gonna pick that up?
Ryan: I can't feel my hands.
Alexx: You messin with me?
Ryan: No, they are completely numb. Is there something on them?

Curse of the coffin :cool:
Someone else can have my turn.
I have a big ass German oral exam coming up the day after tomorrow and should be studying, not playing :(
So take it away!
CSI LV: Good Luck

C1: -----'- ---- - ---- -- -----.

C2: -- ------ ----- --.

C1: --, --- ----, -- ----- ---- -- ---- --------
---- ---- ---- ---- --- -------.
CSI LV: Good Luck,

C1: --e-e'- ---- - -i-- t- -i--i.

C2: -- -----e --e-e i-.

C1: --, --- ----, -e ----- ---t -e ---e -e-i-ti-
---e t--t ---t -i-- t-e -e-t-e-.

Letter's guessed: T,I,E,
CSI LV: Good Luck,

C1: T-ere'- -l-- - lin- t- -i--i.

C2: -- ---r-e t-ere i-.

C1: -r, --- -n--, -e ---l- ---t -e ---e -eri-ti-
---e t--t ---t -i-- t-e -e-t-er.

Letter's guessed: T,I,E,N,R,L
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