C1: A Har-ard pro-essor cond-cted an e-peri-ent. As-ed a --nch o- st-den-ts -o -atch a -as-et-a-- -a-e, co-nt the n---er o- ti-es the -a-- -as passed.
C2: -eah, -ro-nd-rea-in-.
C1: D-rin- the -a-- a -erson dresse- i- a -ori--a s-it ran across the co-rt. A-ter-ards, the pro-essor as-ed his st-de-ts i- the- noticed the -ori--a. -i-t- percent responded, "-hat -ori--a?"
C2: That's -onder---, -i-. I- I see - -ori--a, I'-- arrest -i-.
Letters guessed: A, E, R, I, T, S, D, H, O, N, P, C
Oh, come on, now it's sooooooooo easy