CSI: Hangman #10

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Yep you are both right :D
it was Danny (of course :lol: ) and Melodee, never heard of her again ;), in The Ride-In.

so i guess it's Distraction's turn now!
Yay, I won something! xD

C1: ---'-- -----, --- ---- ----?
C2: ----? --- ------ --- ----------?
C1: --- ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- -- ---- ----- ---.
C2: - ---------- -- -----, ------, ----... -------- ----.

Miami. c:
Still Miami. :)

C1: ---'-- --a--, --- ---- t-at?
C2: --at? --- ta---- t-- ---t-at---?
C1: --- ----- -a-- ---- -at-- -a-t -- ---- ---st -a-.
C2: - sa-------- -- -----, ---as-, --st... -------- t--t.

Letters guessed: S, A, T
All good! :)

C1: ---'-e --a--, --- ---- that?
C2: -hat? --- ta-i-- the i-itiati-e?
C1: --- ----- ha-e -ee- -at-- -ait -- ---- -i-st -a-.
C2: I sa--i-i-e- -- -----, --ease, --st... -e-e--e- th-t.

Letters guessed: S, A, T, H, E, I
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