CSI: Hangman #10

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Las Vegas

C1: That means she sle-t with a -ea- ---. She's not onl- a -iller, she's a ne-ro-hilia-. That's what I -all en-o-in- -o-r wor-.
C2: She's trashe-. Ma--e she -asse- o-t.
C1: How -r-n- -o -o- ha-e to -e to slee- ne-t to a -e-om-osin- -o--? The smell alone is an alarm -lo--.
C2: Not ne-t to him, on to- o- him.

guessed letters: S,A,R,T,E,N,M,I,H,W,L,O

very good guesses!!!
i'd forgotten an H which i now added :D
C1: That means she slept with a dead guy. She's not only a killer, she's a necrophiliac. That's what I call enjoying your work.
C2: She's trashed. Maybe she passed out.
C1: How drunk do you have to be to sleep next to a decomposing body? The smell alone is an alarm clock.
C2: Not next to him, on top of him.

x3 I remember the episode of this, I believe, but hardly anything else.
you didn't give me the characters or the episode title, but i'll give it to you anyways as i won't have time to check back later ;)

C1 is Greg and C2 is Sara, Big Middle

your turn Distraction
x3 sorry.

CSI: NY this time :)

C1: ---- -- --- -- --- ---- ---- --------- ------- -'-- ---- -- -- ---- ----- -- - -----------. --- ------------- ---------- -- ----------- --- -------- --- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------. - --- ---- ------- -- -- --- ---- --- ---'-- ---- ---, -------- ------ -- --------- ----...
C2: --- ----- ---, --- --- ----.
C1: -h-- -- --- -- -he ---- -e-- --e-e--e- -----e- -'-e -ee- -- -- -a-- -ea-- a- a -a-h-------. -he e-------e--a- ---------- -- -e--e-a---e a-- -------- --- -e----a---- ---- -a-- -ee- ---- -------. - -a- ---- ----a-e -- -- -he -e-- -e- ---'-e e-e- -a-, -ea---n- ----a- a- --e---e-- -ha-...
C2: a-- ---h- ---, --- -a- -e--.

Letters guessed: E, A, H
C1: Thi- i- --e -- the m--t -e-- --e-e--e- m-mmie- I'-e -ee- i- m- ma-- -ea-- a- a -a-h-------. The e------me-ta- ----i-i--- -- -em-e-a---e a-- --mi-i-- --- -e-ti-ati-- m--- -a-e -ee- ---- ----m-m. I -a- ---- --m-a-e it t- the -e-t -e- ---'-e e-e- -a-, -ea---n- ---ma- a- --e---e-- that...
C2: A-- ---ht ---, --- -a- -e--.

Letters guessed: E, A, H, T, M, I
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