CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

Hey there all just chekcing in to let you know that I'm going to need you to PM me with links to your stories soon.

I'm going to have to set up the exchange and all of the next steps.

Of course, you still have all day today and tomorrow to get them in, so don't feel too rushed. Just please keep in mind that Sunday starts the next phase and no new stories will be accepted after that.

To keep you updated, I finished mine last night. Well, my friend and I did. She's amazing and co-wrote with me. I loves her!

Please, also, prepare and submit a possible topic question with your piece.

Thank you!
Okay guys, last day to get your stories in. Move, move MOVE!! :D

I really hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I have. I had a good time writing.

LLK? when can we post TQ responses?

*OFF TOPIC* Yeah, I'll have it edited before Thursday. :D I'm too lazy to PM you a response :lol: *

Jodie xx
adorelo said:

When a challange is answered, do you find the elements that must be included break up the flow of the story, making it seem 'jerky?' Or do you find it is an exciting new way for both reader and writer to explore a fascet of the story or fandom that they otherwise may never have tried?

I think that it can be a unique way for both readers and writers to explore situations and story lines that may not have occurred to them otherwise. I've read some really good challeng stories. However, I think that part of the responsibility for maintaining the flow and plausability of the story line actually lies with the challenger. Some challenges, like the one for this week's Critique Group challenge, include a few elements that will make it challenging, yet not so many that it makes keeping the story flow impossible. I have read a few stories where the list of challenge elements was so long and complex that it resembled a bad scavenger hunt list more than a challenge list. Once the list becomes too long or absurd, stories frequently seem to be writtem more to stretch around the list than to actually present a readable story.
Hey all. Ready for phase two? Good, so am I.

Now what we’re going to do is the following. I’m going to make a list of everyone participating and below their name is going to be a link to the fic they are to critique and the topic question for the particular piece.

When critiquing you will make a heading like this:

Story Title
by: Author’s SN('s)
Critique by: Your SN.
Critique By Challenge: Project #1.

Then you write your critique. You’ll also be answering a second TQ that goes along with the specific piece that you are supposed to be critiquing in addition to the general TQ posted by Adorelo. I know it makes extra work... but it’s fun too!

That’s about it. You’ll have until December 9th, 2007 to complete your critique.

Please keep in mind that these assignment were completely randomized. I wrote everyone’s names on a piece of paper and then picked names out of a bowl this is just how it was all paired up. So, yeah, just thought I’d share that little bit of information.

Friends and Family
TQ: Does it help to completely outline a longer story before you write it, or do you just jump right in and see where it takes you?

Pullng Strings
TQ: When writing a fic by challenge how does your overall writing process change?

The Night Before Christmas
TQ: Do you tend to stick to one genre (eg.angst) when you're writing/reading fanfics or do you write/read a mixture of genres?

She Has Your Eyes
TQ: How do you usually perceive fanfics that were written by team effort compared to those that were by solitary effort?

My Mother Said So
TQ: How do you get your ideas or inspiration for the stories you write?

Finally! I’m finally ready to post! This was a lot harder than it should have been. Thanks for all of your participation guys! I’m sorry that this took so long and that more people didn’t participate.

Please keep in mind that you are obligated to submit a critique for the fic that you were assigned by Sunday the 9th. My birthday is a week from tomorrow and I’m still going to have mine done despite the fact that I'm having 3 very distinct, very seperate parties. The one from my friends, the one from my brother (an only 21 and above shin-dig), and the one from my family. I know that this really isn’t necessary to say with this particular group of posters, but it’s important that nobody gets short changed. So... failure to comply to this without personally bringing any concerns or complications to myself or Adorelo will result in a six week bar from your work being featured.

I know that sounds harsh and that I’m being kinda skanky right now, but imagine how you would feel if you went through all of that effort to write a fic and do the critique for another persons and your work doesn’t get what it deserves? You’d feel pretty rotten. So... the penalty is just extra incentive to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone.

If someone else has written a fic for the challenge today please PM me and we’ll try to work something out and fit you in.

Thank you for your participation everyone.

I was going to join in this, but I suck and missed the deadline :( Will there be another one like this after this one is finished?
Yes there will be. Every eight weeks we'll do a special project where we do things a little differently. So... yeah... in about eight weeks.

Unless we have a lot of requests then we might do it in four weeks.

But we do the standard one featured fic every week so don't feel like you're totally missing out.

If you submit a fic out to me by about 10 PM EST then I might be able to help you out. I'll just critique yours and the other one I have to do.

PM me if you're interested in rushing this with me.

I know the assignment was given only a few hours ago, but I couldn’t wait to get started. :p So here goes.

Adorelo’s TQ: When a challenge to write a story with specific elements is given and answered, I don’t necessarily find the elements break up the flow of the story. Nor do I necessarily find it an exciting exploration of another facet of fanfiction. Simply put…it’s hard! At least for me it is. I find it hard to write a story with elements that are required, versus getting an idea in my head and running with it…putting my own elements in it. It’s kind of like it was when I was in school and had “required reading”… required reading was never as fun as reading a book I chose to read on my own. Perhaps it’s because my stories are always romance stories…and teachers never required me to read a romance story, darn it. ;) In writing a story with required elements I find myself wracking my brain trying to come up with a story that will fit all the required elements. Luckily, for this challenge it was easy as it was only one required element.

TQ: How do you usually perceive fanfics that were written by team effort compared to those that were by solitary effort?

I don’t perceive the fanfics written by a team any differently than I do one done by one person. That is, if they’re done right. Stories written by a team…where the team has a central idea as to how the story should go, with each team member contributing their share can make for a very good story. The only exception to this is the “round robin”. Those are usually choppy, flitting from one direction to another, with no real cohesiveness.

She Has Your Eyes
By: Lostladyknight and Bauerfreak
Critique By: Jennifer
Critique By Challenge: Project #1

Well done! I honestly think you’ve outdone yourself on this one. It was very well written…good grammar, spelling, sentence structure, paragraphs, and characterization. There were only a couple spelling/grammar errors, but they were so minor as to be insignificant, and certainly did not take away from how good the story is.

The story itself was just adorable, Nick with a baby girl, juggling work and being a father. I could just hear him with his slight Texas twang, “"Shhh babe... it’s okay... daddy’s gettin it." The scene with him, Sara, and Chelsea was lovely, and I liked how you described it when Sara wrapped her arms around Nick and Chelsea…

Sara slid off of her chair and gently down next to Nick
wrapping her arms around him in a gesture that would
appear almost too intimate for work if Nick hadn’t been
holding a child. The infant, however, proved to be a
useful excuse in almost any situation where they were
caught in an almost compromising pose.

I had to smile when Warrick and Grissom walked into the breakroom and Grissom woke Chelsea up. So typical of him. And then Chelsea’s “perfectly timed movement of her head”…funny! And what a way to end it…with her sleeping on Warricks’ chest. :)
Um... Did this list change from when it was originally posted, or did I somehow just completely mis-read which fanfic I was reviewing? I checked out the story last night and started a review and was working on it this morning, but just now I've discovered I'm reviewing the wrong story and someone else is reviewing that one! :confused:
I'm sorry dear... I should have PM'd you. I did change the list.

I'm really very sorry if it's a problem.

You're welcome to uh... stub my toe if you wanna.

If it's really a problem just go ahead and continue with the one you were working on... and I'll find some other way to fix the problem.
No, that's ok! I was just coming back to add that it wasn't a problem to do the new one. I just won't have it posted quite as soon, that's all!

I'll finish the review on the first one later and probably just pm it to the person anyway.

No toe stubbing required, really! :D
Well that's good to hear. I'm sorry I did it to you. I honestly expected you to be one of the later critiquers... because I hadn't heard from you all day, since I got the link for your story from you.

So when trying to accomodate CalleighD into the setup I guess I just messed up my whole schedule.

It didn't occur to me until right now that I could have critiqued her story and given her the one I was doing... and that way everything would have worked out without bothering anyone. Oh well.

Sorry and thanks for being so nice about it!
lostladyknight said:
Well that's good to hear. I'm sorry I did it to you. I honestly expected you to be one of the later critiquers... because I hadn't heard from you all day, since I got the link for your story from you.

Well, I probably won't have time to work on it later today anyway, so I may be one of the later ones now. But still within the deadline.

I was gone yesterday afternoon, but it was still the original list of critiques when I responded to your PM in the early evening. But, I'm glad I noticed it this morning so that someone didn't wind up without a review, and it's really no big deal at all. I could use the practice anyway. Since I've never written fan fiction before, I haven't really done any in depth critiques, either!