Hi!! So sorry for the long wait; school, ya know!
Here is a scene that came to me a while after seeing S2 'Dead Zone'. I hated Hagen so much in this eppie, leering at Calleigh and giving her that ice-pack... grr!! Horatio was really sweet to Cal tho', and I always wondered if that bruise on her shoulder hurt Horatio as well. Consider a 'proper' ending for 'Dead Zone', and watch out for the symbol of Calleigh choosing Horatio over Hagen!!

:lol: Lyrics are copyright of Lucie Silvas. Enjoy and comment away!!
Continues after 'Fade to black' of 'Dead Zone'.
Fade in:
(Shot from behind of Calleigh writing, holding an ice-pack
to her right shoulder.
Pan slowly to her right, her face covered by her ahir.
She rolls her right shoulder slightly, wincing at the pan.)
HORATIO: (o.s) Calleigh?
(Calleigh jumps a little, before smiling, her head dipping down.)
CALLEIGH: Another visitor... seems I'm popular today...
Cut to:
(Horatio stepping in the door, chuckling.)
HORATIO: Another?
(Calleigh nods.)
CALLEIGH: Mmhmm. John was here a while ago.
(Horatio raises his eyebrows.)
HORATIO: John Hagen?
CALLEIGH: Yeah... he gave me an ice-pack...
(She shrugs her left shoulder.)
CALLEIGH: ... It helps...
(Horatio walks a few steps towards her.)
HORATIO: You need all the help you can get... you okay?
(Calleigh smiles, still writing.)
CALLEIGH: Like I said, I'm alright. It'll be better in no time...
HORATIO: Hmmm...
(Horatio is a foot behind her.)
HORATIO: Do you know why I'm here?
CALLEIGH: Oh, I don't know... 'cos you worry too much?
(She laughs, Horatio remains quiet.)
HORATIO: Not quite.
(He moves closer.)
HORATIO:... I came here to make sure you were alright... not just on
a professional level... I care too much about you, Calleigh, to see you get
(Calleigh gives a tired sigh.)
CALLEIGH: Horatio... a spear gun got the better of me... it's nothing to get
worked up over...
HORATIO: It is to me! Anything to do with you is my main concern, all I care
(A beat.)
HORATIO: (softly) Were you going to tell me?
(Calleigh shuts her eyes, setting down her pen.)
CALLEIGH: I didn't want you worried... you have more to do than fuss over lil'
ol' me...
(Horatio chuckles, right behind her.)
HORATIO: Maybe I want to fuss over you... maybe I want to worry about you...
(Calleigh takes a breath, closing her eyes.)
CALLEIGH: Horatio...
Cut to:
(Front shot of Calleigh, with Horatio behind her.
Horatio moves his right hand to Calleigh's hand holding the ice-pack to her shoulder.)
HORATIO: Can I see it?
(Calleigh's eyes move about nervously.
She remains quiet for a beat.)
CALLEIGH: It's pretty bad now.. worse than when you...
HORATIO: (whispering) Please...
(Calleigh blinks, pursing her lips, before acquiescing.
She slowly removes the ice-pack, her left hand moving to her side, still holding the ice-pack.
Her eyes move to her shoulder, as both she and Horatio regard the bruise.)
HORATIO: (sighing) Oh, Calleigh...
(Calleigh frowns sadly, turning her head.)
Cut to:
(Side shot from the left of Horatio and Calleigh standing still.
Horatio leans his face in her hair, inhaling deeply.
Calleigh takes a breath in.
Horatio moves to her neck, kissing her softly.
Calleigh's hand grips the ice-pack, trying to stay in control.
Her eyes grow heavy as Horatio moves down her neck.)
Cut to:
(Horatio's right hand moving to her right hand, gently caressing her fingers, before moving up
her wrist and forearm.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh exhaling slowly, her eyes half-closed.)
Cut to:
(Side shot from the right as Horatio gently grasps Calleigh's upper arm, as he gently kisses her
Calleigh gasps sharply, her eyes shutting.
Horatio wraps his left arm around her waist, pulling her to him as he rubs her arm up and down.
Calleigh leans her head back, leaning against him.)
Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh's fingers loosening on the ice-pack.
She lets the ice-pack fall with a dull *thunk*.)
Cut to:
(Front shot as Calleigh takes hold of Horatio's left arm, holding him in place as he continues to kiss
her shoulder.)
CALLEIGH: Ohh... Horatio...
(Horatio lifts his head, pressing a kiss to her cheek.)
HORATIO: That... is what I wanted to do the second I saw that bruise on your beautiful skin..
(Calleigh turns in his embrace, gazing at him intently.)
CALLEIGH: Hmmm... well it feels better now...
(Her eyes flick down to his mouth, her left hand stroking his hair, her right hand resting on the table.)
CALLEIGH: But it's a long way from being completely better.
(Horatio leans in closer to her.)
HORATIO: Looks like I have more work to do...
(He winks, as Calleigh giggles.)
CALLEIGH: I'll just finsh this up, and I'm all yours...
Cut to:
(Side shot from the right, as Calleigh turns slightly to finish her report, her left arm still around Horatio's neck.
He waits patiently, watching her.
Calleigh raises an eyebrow playfully, before deliberately writing slowly, teasing him.)
HORATIO: You are terrible...
(Calleigh laughs, at him.)
CALLEIGH: You love it...
(She turns back, writing a bit faster.
Horatio leans into her neck, blowing in her ear.
Calleigh squeals.)
HORATIO: Yes... and you love that...
(Calleigh bites her lip, writing a few more words and singing her name.)
CALLEIGH: Okay... let's go, Handsome!
(Horatio smiles, taking her hand, and they leave the lab.
Camera moves back to the ice-pack laying on the ground, forgotten and melting.)
Cue music of 'Seven Veils':
heaven knows it's time for us
to wake up with the sun
like a child you kiss my eyes
the tears have come and gone
and now i feel the mist is clearing
and all the clouds will drift away
and there's no chill in the air tonight when
we know that love is here to stay
Cut to:
(Front shot as Horatio and Calleigh walk together, holding hands still.
Horatio looks to Calleigh, smiling.
Calleigh smiles back, her face lighting up.)
and now we're dancing like the dance of the seven veils
every move closer till the moment we lose ourselves
Cut to:
(Side shot of the lay-out room, the white display board in full view.
Horatio and Calleigh walk past.
Only their silhouettes can be seen.)
if the moon will shine for us
the stars will light the way
and your touch is like a flame to me
burning hotter every day
and there's no smoke without a fire and
there is no sleep without a dream
there's no me without you anymore cause
heaven's where we've been
(Horatio stops, turns and faces Calleigh.
Calleigh stops as well, looking at him.)
and now we're dancing like the dance of the seven veils
every move closer till the moment we lose ourselves
Cut to:
(Side shot of their silhouettes as Horatio gently touches her hair.)
Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh as she leans into his touch.)
Cut to:
(Shot of Horatio as he moves in closer.)
so we're here together safe and warm
like a flower opens for the dawn
i'll give myself to you and the rhythm we fall into
Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh and Horatio inches apart.
We can hear their breathing.
They kiss.
Calleigh wraps her left arm around Horatio's neck, and Horatio's hands are in Calleigh's hair.)
and now we're dancing like the dance of the seven veils
every move closer till the moment we lose ourselves
and now we're dancing like the dance of the seven veils
every move
every move closer till the moment we lose ourselves
(Camera pans in slowly as they kiss.
Close-up as they break apart, mouthes inches apart.
Their breathing is louder now.
They lean their foreheads against each other, before they hug.)
we lose ourselves
till we lose ourselves
lose ourselves
(Horatio lays his head on Calleigh's left shoulder.
Calleigh holds him, still breathing heavily.
Camera pans backwards as they embrace in the lab, their breathing still audible, before a
final tender sigh.)