CSI Bumpersnickers

one of the things I love about this forum is the intelligence of all who use it..
to minnie: the Hom Shoah foundation is great and their exhibits never cease to send chills down my spine. When we were in Europe last summer I took Rymer to some of the camps because he had started asking questions about the holocaust, I doubt he'd ever find Hitler or anyone like him "cool" nor does he have patience for those who are narrowminded idiots. As a matter of fact he got in trouble for shoving a kid who called another kid a "faggot jew". This was Kindergarten too, I was floored. I'm wondering if it's a public school thing really.
As to more stickers, I really want one that says "Fur piles freak me out" and one for Rymer's bedroom door that says, "this crime scene was cleared by Grissom"
Since it was my post that started all this Hitler talk, I humbly apologize for starting it. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I really do think that lately Cath has become a real b***h, and i wish she'd go back to being the old Cath whom i used to admire again.

That being said, I'll now start the leap to bringing us all back on topic.

"Grissom can clear my crime scene anyday!"
"Confession is good for the soul - 'fess up, do you watch CSI?"
"Hardcore Nick fan on board"
"Honk if you want to exchange bodily fluids with Nick Stokes"

(Note: *Honk!* :D)
Field Kit... $90
Forensic jacket and cap... $120
Being a CSI fanatic... priceless

Trust me, you don't want me to take off these sunglasses.

Killing Ecklie would be justifiable homicide...right?
Mob mentality! What was that epi again?

"Honk if you love the Bugman."
"Nick on board - hey, put your tongue back in your mouth!"
I have a friend who likes Hitler... it's so discusting. She claims to be against the Holocaust but thinks Hitler was brillant... I don't think she really believes it because she's been trying to convince the world that she thinks differently than most people (So that people will think she's brillant)... but she really doesn't understand the implications of her words. It seriously peeves me off.

I don't mean to offend anyone now. I'm strictly against what happened back then but I say this:
I can say Hitler was brilliant in one point. He was brilliat speaker, how else he could have people to act like they did? (well, I think condititions had something to do with it too)
And I swear it's only thing where that word can be used with that man. (I study politics btw)

So if your friend means only that when using word "brilliant" it's acceptable, but if it's something not. Then she's being just stupid.

If somebody wants to talk about politics or WW2 can PM me :lol: we should probably get back on topic (well, we were back on topic but then I posted)
Or come and post in Misc :p

oo, being lame me, and putting little on topic here, I'd just want to put this

"Who, Who...Tell me Who Are You you you YOU?

I know, that HAS to be the most lame one in this thread.
Hey guys. I absoluuuuuutely love this thread. I was wondering if you guys would mind if I borrowed some of the bumpersticker text you came up with for shirts. They are absolutely hilarious and I'd love to get shirts with them on it. :D