CSI Bumpersnickers

Let me try this: Umm...
"You want law, get out of my way!" (okay)
"Just 'cause I'm in training, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing!" (that was lame)
"If it's thurday and you're reading this, GET OUT OF MY WAY!" (that kindof works)
"If every law was true, then I'd be out of a job!" (I like that one)
"All play and no work makes Greg an unemployed boy" ( I love that episode)
"What happens in Vegas is watched by 30 million people."

Pretty lame. :p

I like this one. Contradicts the popular slogan. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. lol
Hey I've got one........
CSI...where your always guaranteed at least one good puking scene per episode.... :lol:
Alot of people have those "I'd rather be fishing" stickers..
mine would say, "I'd rather be watching CSI" or "I would have been on time but my DNA was being processed by Greg Sanders"
[on the front bumper] "If you're reading this from your car, CSI's are going to be ALL OVER this crime scene in an hour."
Sandle shippers are ppl that support Greg/Sara relationships (if im not mistaken)
(Sanders-ders= San)+(Sidle-Si= dle) = San-dle
bloated floaters are my passion.

why, yes, i work for lady heather. so shut up while i tie you to the bumper.

arachnids, butterflies and peanut butter are my life.