CSI Bumpersnickers

DaEvidensNevaLys, that's awesome! :lol: I want those! I think everyone here should go into business and make this stuff! It's great!
If someone was up to it then we could vote for our favorite(s) and someone could order them and sell them...I wouldn't do it...but I might buy one (even though im 14) hehe

Thanx for the comment Nomate...
Many of them might not be allowed to be sold because of trademark infringement with CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer Productions.
But alot of them could because it only refers to CSIs in general not just the television series..and what if they werent sold for profit. If there's one I really like, I just might order the 100 and give the bulk of them away.
haha if I found one that I liked enough I'd keep the full 100 for myself and put them EVERYWHERE

and to continue the anti-Ecklie theme going on here, I present to you once again TWoP's title for "Mea Cupla"...

"You can't spell 'Wreaking Holy Havoc' without Ecklie"

lol love the lipstick one :)
Ecklie`s bumper

`Grissom don`t touch my crossword' I saw a ep once where gris finished his crossword. Im clearly running out of ideas! :lol: