CSI Bumpersnickers

"Road hogs - there's a body farm down the street from my house."

"Honk twice if you think Catherine has become the Lab Nazi."
yeah! it would,,,cause no one is gonna mess with cath!
cause then we, the marg-fans, come,,,and will kick your ass,,,uhu uhu!

gosh...a lab nazi?!? cath??! no! that's not right
the whole nazi thing is not right..
Ecklie=Lab Ass
Ecklie..if you can't hack it in the field harrass those who can
Hi everyone,

I need to post something and PLEASE don't be offended. I'm Jewish, and I see you guys throwing out the word "Nazi", like its some sort of joke. To me this word means the suffering my family went through during WWII. I lost 96% of my family in the concentration camps in eastern Europe. To me the word Nazi means, death, destruction, and pure unequivocal hatred. Please edit your posts in the future, to not include words like "Nazi". It is a word of hate and disgust and to me it is a word of death.

P.S. not trying to go politically correct on you all, or trying to quash free speech, just showing how one word can hurt, and open up old wounds.
I think I can speak for all of us when we say that we are truly sorry. We will not mention it again. Also guys lets try not entioning stuff like that. People like Hitler, Hussein or Castro. It might offend other board members.
Aww sorry. You're so right. I get mad at people when they take the Holocaust lightly too... I should be been thinking about other people. I guess sometimes we just forget the meaning behind the words we use.
I've got a few...

You can't spell "Wreaking Holy Havoc" without "Ecklie"

lol I got that one from TWoP

and also, "The quickest way to a man's heart is through the chest with a sharp object"
Just thought of another one...

"Greg may be in the field now, but he's still welcome to sample my DNA"

heehee I do love my Greggo