CSI Bumpersnickers

"Oh sorry Grissom I can't hear you. Can you take off your coat? That's better."

Then maybe drop and pencil and whistle at him when he bends over to pick it up.
Grissom: Uh, do you need a tissue? You're drooling...are you all right?

:lol: Lmao, that's funny guys.

Ah, new bumpersticker time. :D

Y'know how there's the "proud parent of an honor student" and other stuff like that, well.....

"Proud recipiant of a Grissom interrogation"
Minnie..technically I'm half Jewish and not only that my grandfather was killed by the Gestapo (for hiding Jews) which is why I changed it to Ecklie-Lab Ass.
It's a sad fact that people are forgetting the Holocaust when it should be a lesson of where hate leads so no one can fault you for having issue with the word.
now back to topic:

I just made a circular Ecklie sticker with his face in the middle and a line through it which is funny because that cars plate is Grissom (for Gwensarah not Gil heh) and I got pulled over for something. The cop was so busy laughing he said he couldnt give me a ticket.
new sticker..
CSI..the new way to fix a ticket
Minnie..technically I'm half Jewish and not only that my grandfather was killed by the Gestapo (for hiding Jews) which is why I changed it to Ecklie-Lab Ass.
It's a sad fact that people are forgetting the Holocaust when it should be a lesson of where hate leads so no one can fault you for having issue with the word.
now back to topic:

I just made a circular Ecklie sticker with his face in the middle and a line through it which is funny because that cars plate is Grissom (for Gwensarah not Gil heh) and I got pulled over for something. The cop was so busy laughing he said he couldnt give me a ticket.
new sticker..
CSI..the new way to fix a ticket

:lol: Love your bumpersticker!

Btw I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather, my middle son goes to a public school and we had a similar situation where one of the kids thought Hitler was cool. I contacted the Hom Shoah foundation in LA and had them bring a speaker and property from the Holocaust. This exhibit shook the kids to their cores. They had no idea what they were saying or how they were acting would hurt a friend or any person for that matter. For me I take alot of things lightly, including people teasing me about my disability, however when it comes to the Holocaust and the suffering people endured during it, that's one thing that I don't take lightly and I will be firm regarding what happened. Never Again, we say. Hopefully some day this will ring true.

Ok enough of the serious talk! Back on subject, and to the craziness of this forum! :D
I have a friend who likes Hitler... it's so discusting. She claims to be against the Holocaust but thinks Hitler was brillant... I don't think she really believes it because she's been trying to convince the world that she thinks differently than most people (So that people will think she's brillant)... but she really doesn't understand the implications of her words. It seriously peeves me off.
Well, NOMATE, I'll be happy to kidnap your "friend" drag her to Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, and show her just how "cool" Hitler was.

Or we could make a bumpersticker that says. "You act like a facist dictator, you get treated by CSI." :D
Count me in! My grandfather is from Germany, although my family is Catholic, his best friend in Germany was Jewish and killed. To this day my grandfather will shudder at the mere word Hitler.