Criminal Minds

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:lol: You're not allowed to do that, it's just wrong! Now I'm going to turn polka-dotted from fear before I even give birth! :p (And yeah, it actually is possible to have twins with different fathers. The things you learn from Maury, huh? ;))

I'm not gonna write CM slash...I'm just curious to read it. <.< >.>

Oh, your head is peely? That's not fun, no it's not. Here, have some sexy Shemar goodness to cheer you up. :D I can't get enough of that picture. *swoons*

Oh, and here's some MGG.

*happy sigh* Both of my baby-daddies are so sexy... ;) (*cough*But I'm not mentioning if Hotch is my third baby-daddy...I'm not going to confirm it or anything...*cough*)


Aww, he looks kind of doofy. ^_^ :p

Oh! I would have luv-luved to drag and read a spoiler about Super!Elle. *is sad* I've been deprived of fun and must now seek solace in Hotch/Reid fics...I'm kidding, I'm kidding! :lol: (mostly. ;))
Doofy Hotch. Aww. *squishes him* And what am I not allowed to do? You're the one turning green by unfortunate circumstances, and here I am, trying to warn you before you turn evil blue boobah on me, and I'm getting all in trouble. Bah! (or BooBah!)

We don't even get Maury over here, I don't think. Evidently this means there's some gaping holes in my education. TT___TT

I would reply to the rest of your post, but alas, I need to go stareprintoutdroolover that Shemar picture some more.


... why hasn't MGG done a shoot like that?


*brain explodes from that thought*
I'll tell you why MGG hasn't done a shoot like that: This is why. Poor thing can't compete with Shemar in a guh competetion. But I still loves him. ;)

Maury is a very educational show--it mostly educates you on just how much of a ho some women can be. :lol: If you're pregnant with twins that have two different fathers, that's just wrong. There's a limited time-frame for that to occur. :rolleyes: And sometimes he does shows where they're trying to prove paternity and they're on the 6th or 7th guy and still can't find the baby-daddy. *sigh* What's wrong with the world these days?

Anyway, When does CM start filming? I know that the CSIs are starting soon, so is it a similar situation with CM?
Faylinn said:
Anyway, When does CM start filming? I know that the CSIs are starting soon, so is it a similar situation with CM?
On that casting notice I saw, it said fitting dates were July 10, so they probably start filming in a week or two.
*stares *

Is that a Lyn I spy? Hoorah! Oh, she has come to save our beloved CM thread from floundering in the encumbered General Living & TV section of this board. Oh, she has already galvanised our humble dwelling into action! She shall bring joy to us all with her humour and affinity for a certain self-deprecating special agent. Hoorah!! …..

Ugh, yeh, I missed you too Lyn. (Even though Fay kept me entertained with some Hotch goodies! :devil:)

*Sigh* Forgive me, I’ve had very little sleep and am slightly wired :rolleyes:…But let me amaze you with an awesome catch-up!

*takes deep breath *

1. NEW SEASON SOON. Oh, how I have missed reading all episode reviews I can get my hands on the days after and episode airs in the US for the first time! Can’t wait! :D

2. Welcome back Lyn! Hot weather does suck, I hate summer in the UK, I don’t think I could have begun to handle Greece or Turkey! Last time I went to turkey I came home with a huge blister on each shoulder that I needed to go to the hospital for! *Hand a bottle of after sun * For your peeley head! :D

3. I love spoiler tags too. Everytime I highlight one I want to break out and sing “I’ve got the power!”… oh, so only me then? Heh, heh.

4. SuperElle?? Being impregnated by Morgan and Reid (and Hotch) at the same time??? Why are you two not writing the episodes of CM yourself ladies?! Got a real future there with that kind of action.

Oh, and Lyn,

Lyn said:

You saw on the Maury show that you can get pregnant by Reid and Morgan at the same time?! No wonder you're green - Reid junior will be trying to work out your total body mass or something, while baby Morgan is fighting with him and telling him to go to the beach and score hot chicks.

You don't have a baby Hotch as well, do you? He'd totally be sitting in the middle with sunglasses on, looking totally unimpressed. Then he'd phone someone to get him out of there.

This made my coffee go up my nose, and then all over the computer! What a great show that one would be!

5. *falls down laughing at Boobah picture again * No….words… only ….. tears. And how comes the mention of Reid/Hotch fanfiction written by Fay had me picturing a Boobah present aswell!!!

To me that speaks as though Elle will survive, as she's gonna have to be the one doing to seeing of a ghost. I can't see them killing her off right now. I think Fay may be right with the near death experience thing. Like when Bobby died in Third Watch. Okay bad example of character survival there. although I truly think Elle will survive.... I just hope they bring out her character more.

7. Those picture?? Topless Morgan, simley Reid, goofy Hotch???? *falls off chair* Are you trying to kill me!!!!

8 .And finally, the reason I came on here in the first place. How adorable (or should I say ADORKABLE) was Reid in the episode “The Tribe”?? When he answered the kids question in class, and Hotch told him off? Ah man, I was laughing for ages.

Thought it was a good episode. Hotch made me laugh a lot. Epecially the “Just for the sound like a fortune cookie” line. Ah, fun times.

Well, okay, that wasn’t such a spectacular catch-up as I thought, but oh well!!
monkeyrabbit said:
*stares *
Is that a Lyn I spy? Hoorah! Oh, she has come to save our beloved CM thread from floundering in the encumbered General Living & TV section of this board. Oh, she has already galvanised our humble dwelling into action! She shall bring joy to us all with her humour and affinity for a certain self-deprecating special agent. Hoorah!! …..

Holy poop. I think you're crediting me with a lot there. *grabs Reid and has him bombard you with factoids so you don't notice how boring and lame Lyn is*

The thread IS floundering though. What's up with that? *kicks it*

Ugh, yeh, I missed you too Lyn. (Even though Fay kept me entertained with some Hotch goodies! :devil:)

Watch that Fay and her Hotchness. She's evil, I'm telling you...

*Sigh* Forgive me, I’ve had very little sleep and am slightly wired :rolleyes:…But let me amaze you with an awesome catch-up!

*takes deep breath *

1. NEW SEASON SOON. Oh, how I have missed reading all episode reviews I can get my hands on the days after and episode airs in the US for the first time! Can’t wait! :D

Do we have a date for this? When does it actually start?

2. Welcome back Lyn! Hot weather does suck, I hate summer in the UK, I don’t think I could have begun to handle Greece or Turkey! Last time I went to turkey I came home with a huge blister on each shoulder that I needed to go to the hospital for! *Hand a bottle of after sun * For your peeley head! :D

Ooh, lovely. Lanced! How attractive. And here I was thinking my mutant dandruff was sexy. You can't put aftersun on your head though, that's gross.

I'd also like to point out I still look like a milk bottle everywhere OTHER than the top of my head.

3. I love spoiler tags too. Everytime I highlight one I want to break out and sing “I’ve got the power!”… oh, so only me then? Heh, heh.

Spoiler tags are there to make sure you're awake. Because let's face it, they're not that good for keeping your life spoiler-free, are they? I mean, one mouse-wipe, and there they are! Spoiler tags need to be tougher, man, like, give you a riddle or beat the crap out of you.

"You AIN'T readin' this spoiler!"

4. SuperElle?? Being impregnated by Morgan and Reid (and Hotch) at the same time??? Why are you two not writing the episodes of CM yourself ladies?! Got a real future there with that kind of action.

Yeah, a future in CSI Miami. *gets bricked by irate H fans*

Fay's the one pregnant by multiple agents and appearing on Maury though, take it up wih her. Or rather don't, because I'm not sure there's any room left in there.

Oh, and Lyn,

Lyn said:

You saw on the Maury show that you can get pregnant by Reid and Morgan at the same time?! No wonder you're green - Reid junior will be trying to work out your total body mass or something, while baby Morgan is fighting with him and telling him to go to the beach and score hot chicks.

You don't have a baby Hotch as well, do you? He'd totally be sitting in the middle with sunglasses on, looking totally unimpressed. Then he'd phone someone to get him out of there.

This made my coffee go up my nose, and then all over the computer! What a great show that one would be!

We'd be on Jerry Springer, talking about Fay's disgusting baby habits and we'd have those baby-scan pictures showing the three of them trying to kill each other. Meanwhile Fay is bright blue and rapidly turning stripey because of her smutty fanfic addiction.

5. *falls down laughing at Boobah picture again * No….words… only ….. tears. And how comes the mention of Reid/Hotch fanfiction written by Fay had me picturing a Boobah present aswell!!!

That boobah picture is genius. But you KNOW it's true - whenever Gideon is sitting there pulling his screwy-up-thinky face, that's what he's thinking about. He's taking absolutely NO notice of the case!

Actually... you can see why Morgan whinged about working with him at the beginning of the first series, can't you?

Morgan :"I'm not workin' with that guy and his DAMN BOOBAHS!"
Hotch : "Don't be silly Morgan, there's no such thing as boobahs."
Morgan : "Tell that to HIM!"
Reid : "Actually, technically speaking, it's boobi."
*Morgan kills him*

To me that speaks as though Elle will survive, as she's gonna have to be the one doing to seeing of a ghost. I can't see them killing her off right now. I think Fay may be right with the near death experience thing. Like when Bobby died in Third Watch. Okay bad example of character survival there. although I truly think Elle will survive.... I just hope they bring out her character more.

They won't be killing her off, not unless she's demanded to leave. I think there's a twist to that one that we've not seen yet, like she has a gun and the shot is hers, or someone has followed her home, like Morgan.

7. Those picture?? Topless Morgan, simley Reid, goofy Hotch???? *falls off chair* Are you trying to kill me!!!!

I'm telling you, she's evil. You just don't listen, do you? She's green for a reason!

8 .And finally, the reason I came on here in the first place. How adorable (or should I say ADORKABLE) was Reid in the episode “The Tribe”?? When he answered the kids question in class, and Hotch told him off? Ah man, I was laughing for ages.

:D Is there an episode where he's not adorkable? Point me at an ep where you don't want to squidge his little brainboxy cheeks.

Thought it was a good episode. Hotch made me laugh a lot. Epecially the “Just for the sound like a fortune cookie” line. Ah, fun times.

Well, okay, that wasn’t such a spectacular catch-up as I thought, but oh well!!

It was pretty spectacular, and hey! You snuck some Hotch in there, which is the law for any Criminal Minds post.
This thread is dying!! Nooo!

Just thought I'd post something in here.

The episode someone's watching or whatever it was called = the worst episode so far. Even though Reid is my favourite character, and again his adorkableness showed I didn't like it. Not what I want in a Reid-centric at all. I'm happy he got a little bit of a romance though, thought it was a good starting point, but it seemed so false.
And even for a character-centric episode there was way too little of the others for me. Oh well, maybe it was just me.

Gideon at the beginning did make me smile though. And the highlight was Morgans "You don't mind sharing with me do you?". Haha.

So overall, there were a few nice comical moments but the case sucked. The only time I didn't watch the whole show.
Someone posted this link on IMDb so I thought I'd share--
Criminal Minds- Greatest Hits

monkeyrabbit said:Gideon at the beginning did make me smile though. And the highlight was Morgans "You don't mind sharing with me do you?". Haha.
Those were some great moments! I mean, Gideon's response to Reid asking if he still looked 12 was hillarious! :lol: :D
I think Criminal Minds is seriously Reid-centric, and while I love the guy, it's not really fair on the others. The funniest moments are when he's interacting with someone else - he's the foil for the majority of jokes.
What I still can't get over is how different he is from Mr Gubler himself. Gube's humour and wit comes through, but he's shaping up to be quite the actor.

So... in a valiant effort to get this thread going (again)... waht do we want from the second series? I suspect there's going to be at least one new character, and we know Garcia is becoming a main character.

Nargh, I can't wait.

The "Greatest Hits" vid made me crap myself laughing. Dance Mandy, dance!
Seriously, I need outtakes from CM. I suspect there's some serious pranking going on.
Lyn said:
So... in a valiant effort to get this thread going (again)... waht do we want from the second series? I suspect there's going to be at least one new character, and we know Garcia is becoming a main character.

Nargh, I can't wait.

The "Greatest Hits" vid made me crap myself laughing. Dance Mandy, dance!
Seriously, I need outtakes from CM. I suspect there's some serious pranking going on.
Man, CM outtakes would be awesome! I wonder if they did a wrap/blooper reel like the CSI one you can see online? I can picture Gube taking over the editing ;)

As for season 2....I wouldn't mind a new character. Maybe a new female agent...opposite to Elle when it comes to personality, nice contrast. What I'd really love to see is a female-version of Reid, a young, brainy new agent...mainly 'cause I'd love to have that role! :D
You're Mary-Sueing now, ThisIsMe! Face it we'd hate it if Reid got a full-time love interest. :D I spend a lot of my time complaining about Mrs Hotch, so god knows what I'd be like if Reid hooked up.

(Damn that Mrs Hotch - doesn't she know he's AWESOME and has a JOB to do?! Stop being selfish and share him with the rest of us!)

Sometimes I wonder if they keep some of the mistakes on CM - we rewatched the "stalker" one - where Reid falls in love with Lyla? And there's a bit in the studio where Morgan goes, "You don't mind sharing with me, do you?!" and Reid goes "shut up!" and then runs off. Only he goofs up, so five seconds later we see him running the other way.

I can see Gube & Shemar ad-libbing quite a lot :)
Thanks for bumping this thread, Lyn--I haven't given CM nearly the amount of love it deserves. :eek:


The only news I've been able to find for CM so far is premiere news and DVD news: The second season premiere will be on September 20th in CM's usual time slot right before NY. :D (Don't know about the rest of the world though...) And the first season DVDs will be out on October 31st. *does a little jig* Must_buy_them! :lol:


I loved that little video thing with Mandy Boobah singing. :lol: The "Blood drops keep falling on my head" song was stuck in my head for days...damnit! Now it's in there again! *grumble* :p

I adore teh Gube, but I'm starting to realize that he really is quite the good actor. Hearing that he's so different from the role he plays on CM just adds to that for me. ;)

What would I like to see from season 2? You mean other than yummy-tasty Morgan-ness and sexy-sexy Hotch-ness and oh-so-adorable Reid-ness? storylines, plots with unexpected twists, stuff I've never seen on a crime show before...but mostly the first three. :p :lol:


I adore Garcia, and I hope we see a lot more of her this season. If they're going to add a new character, I'm interested to see what he/she is going to do. I'm also curious about whether or not they're going to change the look and feel of CM or if they're going to stick with what they did in season 1. :)
Lyn said:
You're Mary-Sueing now, ThisIsMe! Face it we'd hate it if Reid got a full-time love interest. :D I spend a lot of my time complaining about Mrs Hotch, so god knows what I'd be like if Reid hooked up.
If they brought in a feamle Reid, it doesn't mean they'd have to hook up....I mean, if I were playing the role, I'd have it in my contract so that them hooking up was manditory, but if it were another actress, nope, not necessary ;) :lol: Hey, what can I say, a girl's got to dream! :p :D

Another thing I'd like to see in season 2 (seriously now), is more background on the characters. I liked how in the finale they showed us glimpses of what they're like outside of work. Helps make them more 'human'.

Pic from J. Karen

ETA: I have a "Making of..." that features Gube (non-CM related)- PM me if you want me to send it to you.
Hmm, CM has fallen again. Must make a point of keeping it on the first page. :lol:

I've seen a few things for season 2 so far. Click here to see the names for the first three episodes. The first two episodes have some guest stars listed as well.

According to the cast listed for the first episode, not only will we see Reid's mom again, but we'll also see another Greenaway--Elle's brother, perhaps?...they also have stunt doubles listed (which they probably usually have for the shooting scenes, etc.), but this time they have a stunt double listed for Lola Glaudini for the first two episodes--I can see it for the sequel to "The Fisher King" because of the possible violence against her character, but the second episode as well? She's the only actor listed specifically for a stunt double. If you click on the stunt double's name, though, you'll see that she's been in a lot of stuff. Interesting. ;)...I don't see anyone that sticks out as a recurring character, but something I DON'T see is Garcia. *bites nails* has episode names listed for the first 5 episodes. None of them have information beyond the names, though.

However, this site does list Kirsten Vangsness as a star, so hopefully it means that Garcia will be back. *crosses fingers*

I'm really excited to see the new season. The premiere is in (approximately ;)) 35 days. ;)
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