Okay, who else cried in the first five minutes, before the credits, when Garcia was flatlining?
I'm a dork.
But yeah, I totally agree sidlewannabe, she did seem to be up and about pretty quick. Oh well, that's television for you, at least she didn't die.
It was a great ep, I'm just hoping that they're going to carry this on a bit, have some kind of fallout. Maybe not with Garcia, but maybe with JJ? At the end she seemed a little....well, like sidlewannabe said, it was the first time she's fired her weapon, and she's not really like the rest of the team, the profilers. She's got the strongest human connection, the relation to the outside world (in fact, isn't that her job description?) so I think it was probably hard for her to fire her gun. But that line at the end was too cute, "You do whatever it takes to protect your family". Awwwwww. That I believe, JJ loves them all like family.
And yes, I too went, "OMG, THAT'S ECKLIE!!!" :lol:
I'm not very good at the whole "deeper meaning" stuff, but at the end when Garcia finally met Kevin (too cute, btw. geek!love, I think they could be a popular ship), while he introduced himself with both first and last name, she just said, "Penelope". If I were trying to dissect that, I'd say that since at work she's Garcia, and being Garcia is why she got shot, that maybe she just wanted a clean break, or to be herself again, just Penelope. Like I said, not good at explicating stuff, so if I'm totally off somebody can let me know, that's just how I took it.