Criminal Minds

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You're all filthy. Since when can you buy boobahs in sex shops.


The dorky perm was a triumph of hair design. They must have took hours on it, preening it to maximum curlage.

There's some discussion on imdb about whether Gube is anorexic. Has anyone read that?
I avoid IMDB message boards. They're usually wildly off-topic and people never bother to see if there's already a thread to discuss things. Besides, they move to slowly.

So that's my way of saying 'no, I haven't seen that discussion.' Did you chime in about his health problems or just leave them to be dumbasses?

The perm was awesome for it's perm-iness. It was so curly and permy! Hell, I thought his hair was naturally that curly and he straightened the hell out of it for CM until I read that it was a wretched perm! :lol: Oh Gube, my love for thee knows no bounds! *sigh*

I wasn't talking about boobahs in the sex shop, I was just talking about 'toy' stores in general--boobahs are the devil and should never spread beyond their little funky atomic world. :eek:
I'm not a member of the imdb boards, I confess, I noticed it while gazing at his profile page lovingly in that creepy way.

Gube = so good, it's obscene. I especially liked the way the perm ignored gravity and went upwards. It was amazing. Gube's hair needs awards. It totally upstaged Owen Wilson.

Sadly, boobahs are hugely popular over here and you can still get the evil little beggars as toys. Perhaps one of these days Gideon shall move on. Maybe the tweenies or something.
I'm a member of IMDB, but I rarely deign to post in there. If you gave me a prepared answer I could go in and post it though, since I really don't know anything about what he had/has.

The comment about Gube's perm had me laughing my ass off over here. My family officially thinks I'm insane. :lol: It should win awards, yesh it should. :p

Boobahs are horrid, and you can buy some toys here, but luckily they aren't that popular. Do I even want to know about the tweenies? :eek:
I'm just gobsmacked that someone could think that. I mean... I don't think he looks anorexic. I was anorexic, I looked way worse than he does. I mean, yeah, he's thin, but his skin and such is fine. He looks healthy. He's just thin.

(For anyone reading this, who has no idea what we're talking about - Gube has an inherited medical condition which caused problem with the passage of food through his body. Part of his oesophagus didn't work and just blocked up instead. According to his blog, he had surgery for it, but had to live on liquids for more than two months beforehand. He is NOT anorexic.)

Hey, I like Owen Wilson, but Gube's hair out-acted him. They evidently need a special Oscar or something for awesome hairdos which contribute to the film itself. Actually, Gube needs another award for his hair on CM. His hair is just generally awesome. Is there a Nobel Prize for hair?

I'd google the tweenies. There's another lot as well, that I can't remember the name of. They're stripy.
Well, I was going to post about the health thing in that thread, but people have already mentioned it and the rest of them are too stupid to comprehend it apparently. :rolleyes: Is it so hard to believe that it's a medical condition? Or do they just not bother to read everything before they post? *sigh*

Anyway, yesh, his hair is teh awesomeness. I'm curious how it will be in CM season 2. :lol:

Do I even want to google those things? Srsly?
Well you could google them, and then google teh Gube right afterwards. *nods*

I think there are people who just want to believe the worst regardless. That and the fact that most people are totally ignorant about anorexia generally, but this is not the place to go into that.

Have you seen "Claude"? It's so cute :D In a weird Gube way.

I cannot wait for CM series two. They are killing me here. I need my GUBE!!!!
If I'm dead from the horror, how can I make it better by googling teh Gube? Dead isn't really fixable, you know. *nods sagely*

I've never seen "Claude," no. What is it?

Don't die from lack of Gube-ness! Then who will be crazy with me? (And besides, if your half of the brain dies, will my half function?)

I'll just let them be stupid over there. Several people explained about the health thing, and rather than go 'oh, that sucks, really?' they all just wanted to know where his blog was or how the person knew it was real. :rolleyes: Please.
*splutters* Are you forgetting the magnificent powers of Gube's hair?! It could totally resurrect dead people. Your faith is LACKING. Fifty hail Gubes for you!

"Claude" is one of Gube's short films. It's an animation about a little zombie/ghoul thing. It's up at, if you search for his name. (there's some nice Dr Reid clips up there too!)

I think only one half of you would function if my half of the brain died. Maybe we could arrange it so your writing hand is left unaffected, so you could still write smut.

His blog is not hard to find, as it happens. I stumble onto it by accident while looking for pictures of him, so anyone could do it. So it's just laziness if they can't be bothered to try.
Ah yes, I have forgotten the powers of the Gube-hair. Please forgive this oversight! *grovels* :p

I saw a funny Reid video on YouTube that used pictures in it. :lol: Must go check that out for the short film.

I should look for his blog then. :lol: How can I expect others to do what I have not? *giggle*
I bet you could totally still browse the internet with your remaining smut-hand, too.


*falls off chair laughing and is unable to type*
All this talk about the perm, made me wanna bring gifts- :D

As for 'Claude', I saw it before on some film festival's website. Very cool, unique film!
The perm!!! *bows to the perm* We're not worthy! :lol:

My smut-hand? That's just wrong, Lyn, wrong indeed.

Er, we should probably have some relevant conversation in here...

What would happen if Reid showed up at the beginning of season two with the perm of DOOOOOM?!?!
I think I'm possibly the only person who watched that movie and only focused on the fact they were using Gube as a slave. Which is hot. Also - GUBE IN SHORTS. Thank you.

And yes, your smut-hand. I see it as one of those rogue limbs with a mind of its own, hellbent on tainting the entire world with smut.

If Gube turned up in series two with that perm, I think the outcome is totally obvious. Morgan would rip the hell out of him. He'd never live it down. Even Hotch would be scathing in his perm comments.

I need to go tend my Gube Hair shrine, for it is the embodiment of all that is good in the world. *bows*
Damn, now my smut hand it starting to sound like an Edgar Allen Poe story...but totally more fun, of coure. :p

I watched that movie with the sole purpose of looking for Teh Gube in the background. Plot? What plot? I can tell you if Gube was there though. :lol: And Gube in shorts? Frickin' hilarious. :lol: And that picture ThisIsMe posted of him trying to carry that heavy...whatever-it-was? Loved that part. :lol:

I'd love to see him walk into the room, the rest of the characters give him a look of shock and fear, and then Morgan starts to rib him mercilessly. :lol:
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