Put me down as another one who doesn't like the idea of overt shipping, or relationships between team members. If it isn't done exactly right, it becomes problematic, with characters losing some of their identity and becoming two dimensional, or the relationship overshadowing the storylines. Then, if people have good flirting and friendship chemistry, but not good romantic chemistry once they seal the deal, it can be a disaster.
Little bits of subtext and flirting here and there, small gestures and looks, that kind of things make things much, much more enjoyable.
I'm more one who likes someone to be in a relationship OUTSIDE the lab/team/whatever. Particularly because TV relationships rarely run smoothly, with some sort of Drama always coming up, such as Hayley Hotchner growing tired of Hotch's time away from home, which essentially made her a single mom most of the time.
I like the idea of JJ and Will as a couple. They're well matched, Care for each other, and if things don't work out, then, they can have options. Ditto for Garcia and Kevin, whom I actually like.
I do think that Morgan and Garcia care deeply for one another. Notice how jealously that Morgan reacted when Garcia got that date with James Colby Baylor in Season 3, and how Garcia couldn't handle the jealousy.
A further detriment to the ships between regular characters, IMO, is the fact that most agencies/departments have policies against team members or shift mates/precinct members having intimate relationships with each other. That just takes away from the realism of the shows, and the thing I like about CM is that it keeps things very real; and if Morgan jumped into bed with Garcia or Prentiss, or anyone else on the team did that with each other, it wouldn't be realistic, IMO.