Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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She is still with Kevin. And he will be in the 100th episode. Along with Will. And Baby!JJ, othewise known as Henry. :D

I'm not sure how I felt about this episode. I knew as soon as they said only one room wasn't trashed that there was a body in that room. Because who would destroy something to uncover evidence?

I too loved the scene of the three of them walking away. Very poignant. Very well done.

Is it just me, or was Reid's hair darker in this episode? If so, I half-like it. :D

Decent episode. :D
I was gonna post last night, but I was too tired to walk the 5 steps from the couch to the computer (yes I am working on getting a laptop)

What I liked:
Morgan..I love him..I love how he gets emotionally involved, just not with the victim's sister, that has bad written all over it

Garcia is concerned for Morgan, rightfully so

My heart melts when he says I love you to her & she says it back...I want one of him

Reid and long hair, so cute

Hotch walking away at the end was insane...I thought he was gonna do something stupid again

LOOK ITS BELLICK, from Prison Break...oh wait wrong show
I kept trying to figure out where I'd seen the vic's sister before. :lol: I read back through the last page and saw that she is the one from Eureka. :lol:

I wonder why only the two guys wanted to do the whole suicide by cop thing.

Didn't they do that body in the wall thing on CSI a couple of times? :lol:
I liked it.I am a fan when groups kill together like in "The tribe".Only thing is that I usually like to know more about why they do it.But I guess that was the point in this episode.

I am all for Morgan having fun but for some reason this woman felt wrong.Since criminal minds is more about the cases,I want him to have a hot fling and then go back to work.

Morgan and Gacia interaction is still platonic to me.If felt more like the concern for a sister then jealousy.They obviously care about each other but not in a romantic way.
I think that Morgan ultimately sees her as a sibling, but I think Garcia has a serious attraction to him. I mean, she obviously knows nothing's gonna happen (because I think she can tell he wants the relationship to be playful but platonic) but she definitely thinks he's hot in a way that a sister doesn't find her brother to be hot. I remember her showing some lady (a lady police officer I think) a video of Morgan, and she described him as... I dunno, sex on a stick or something like that.
Erm.. quick question. I've followed the thread and perhaps it's been said or I haven't read well enough.. how did MGG hurt his leg during the summer? I think it was episode 3 that made me realise he really had hurt it :lol: :lol:
And if I knew, I'd kept watching season premiere how well they did the scenes so it wasn't shown.
Apparently both Matthew and Shemar are not having a good year. From EW August 4, 2009 Ausiello Files

In other Minds news, Bernero confirms that co-star Shemar Moore broke his leg after being struck by a car while riding his bicycle over the
weekend. The injury will have little impact on Moore’s Minds workload, however. “We’re not even going to write it into the show,” says
Bernero. “He’s going to be back to work next Monday. It’s right under his knee and he has a walking cast. He’s just really sore right now. “

Moore’s co-star, Matthew Gray Gubler, didn’t fare as well. The actor recently underwent surgery after dislocating his knee cap while out
dancing. “Matthew’s injury is a lot worse,” Bernero says. “He has to sit all the time.” As a result, “something happens in the first episode” that will sideline Dr. Reid for several weeks, if not longer.

There was more
he [Matthew] hurt his knee while out dancing with some of the actors from the movie 500 days of summer. he said he dislocated his knee and he had too have surgery got screws put in. he had another operation to get the screws taken out again.

and as he put it on his myspace on Aug 9th
3 sugar screws, 2 (2 inch) titanium screws, lots of incisions, a fair amount of drilling, tons of blood, and 6 hours of surgery later, i was told that in 2 months, after a follow up surgery, we would know if the procedure worked

but yesterday after the follow up surgery i was rousted from my foggy post op slumber by the doctor laying 2 giant titanium screws that were once in my knee into my hand proof that the surgery was a success
I still haven't seen the most recent episode. Whoops. But I have four two-page double-spaced English summaries to write, so I've been a bit busy. I would've tweeted with you, Bryn, but yesterday I got a BlueScreenOfDeath! Yay! /sarcasm "Hardware error", huh? Okay. It hasn't been a good week, either, because my iPod Touch won't be delivered until tomorrow... when I'm visiting three colleges in a DIY three-day-weekend. Technology hates me.

Enough of my complaining, I want to talk about next week's episode, since my mom mentioned the promo to me.

I am a blond girl between the ages of 16 and 19. Huh. This should be interesting. I have a feeling that next Thursday I'll be looking behind me frequently.
Victim1: "I'm not pregnant"
Victim2: "You will be"
Hello, creepy UnSub! Exactly how many children do you have? Creep. Oh wait, this is Criminal Minds. This is nothing. :lol:
The injury will have little impact on Moore’s Minds workload, however. “We’re not even going to write it into the show,” says Bernero. “He’s going to be back to work next Monday. It’s right under his knee and he has a walking cast. He’s just really sore right now. “

:( Poor guy. I kind of know how he feels. I've never broken a leg, but I did break my right foot (in a really lame way... twisted it while stepping out of a car... which was parked in a nice, evenly leveled driveway). It hurt like a b*tch but I could still walk on it. Well, I could still walk on it while wearing the really clunky, very ugly, special orthopedic sandal/shoe.

as he put it on his myspace on Aug 9th
3 sugar screws, 2 (2 inch) titanium screws, lots of incisions, a fair amount of drilling, tons of blood, and 6 hours of surgery later, i was told that in 2 months, after a follow up surgery, we would know if the procedure worked

but yesterday after the follow up surgery i was rousted from my foggy post op slumber by the doctor laying 2 giant titanium screws that were once in my knee into my hand proof that the surgery was a success

Well... that's good news! The surgery was a success! Get well soon, MGG. I hate to think of your nerdy, emaciated, lanky, adorable self confined to a chair for too much longer.

And I haven't seen the new episode either... though it's on my DVR. Actually, I have free time right now, so....... :D
I feel for Shemar and Matthew. One thing, though. How exactly do you dislocate your knee dancing? He must have really have been gettin down.

I thought the last episode was mediocre. I haven't been very impressed with season 5 so far. Good to see MMG on his feet (sort of.)

Next week looks crazy, but interesting. Can't wait!
I feel for Shemar and Matthew. One thing, though. How exactly do you dislocate your knee dancing? He must have really have been gettin down.
Apparently that would be the case, he from what I understand jumped in the air and landed wrong and then felt something and instead of falling he decided to pop his knee back into place if I remember he held his leg straight and forced it back, apparently damaging the cap.
I thought this was an incredible episode. Extremely disturbing for sure. I really felt bad for that couple. You build your dream home, and then in the friggin NURSERY you find a body in the wall. How much you wanna bet that they move out of that place as quickly as they can?

Also, I loved the team interraction, In particular Emily figuring out that they would have killed before, and probably one of the places they vandalized. I also loved Hotch's interraction with the detective. BTW, was that Micheal Ironside? It sure looked like him.

I also loved Garcia and Morgan's interractions. The sweet "I love you's" and meaning it like a a friend/sibling. That was sweet, Especially because the minute I saw him sit down with the victim's sister, I knew that it was a bad idea, and that he was getting too personally involved.

Probably one of the most disturbing episodes I've ever seen of the show. I swear, those guys WERE animals, and you could tell they were trouble from the minute they were on screen.

Am I the only one who HATES JJ's new Hair and makeup? She so totally does not look like JJ now. She looks She looked so sweet and cute previously.
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Thanks D, I tried to search the info, but you know... difficult to make sense what is true and what is not.

For the latest episode. Yes, pretty disturbing killers. But I liked the episode, even the ending was bit sad, Hotch knowing how it all will end up.
Thanks D, I tried to search the info, but you know... difficult to make sense what is true and what is not.
You're welcome, I know what you mean, I tend to search at least three to four different sites (even if the actors site mentions it) to get as much info as I can. ;)
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