Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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Awesome episode.I love those episodes that at least I can get why the unsub did it.The woman in chemo wanting a baby so desperately was well done.An they had all those team interractions that I like.JJ and Garcia was really good.

I am curious about how they will handle Morgan as a chief.Will Hotch be able to be second in command ? I can't figure out him as a follower.
One factor about Hotch picking Morgan over Rossi is the whole political factor. 1) Rossi is at least somewhat close to Strauss, and while I don't think that's a problem for Hotch, I think he wants to avoid as much as that as possible.

2) Morgan was being groomed to take over the NY field office when the bombing happened, but elected not to take it for various reasons.

3)Hotch know that Strauss is being a bitch just to try and stick it to him, so instead of going with Rossi, who is more experienced, He's going with Morgan. Don't forget that brouhaha in Milwaukee where she said that none of them would ever advance probably has something to do with things, as well.

Overall, I loved the episode. I couldn't stand the Husband, but I really did feel for the wife. You could tell she was desperate and unhappy.

Plus, those poor women and their babies. I've read some stuff about people who've been adopted and having to be forcibly taken from their mother's arms actually remembering it all of their lives.

I also loved JJ with the grandparents, and how the grandmother got it right away, but needed to convince the grandfather. AS usual, perfect 10
The only part I don't really agree with is Rossi and Strauss. Unless the Conspiracy Theory about Strauss is true. The Conspiracy Theory is that Strauss isn't the bitch that I act like she is, and her conversation with Hotch was actually her trying to help him. And, in trying to help Hotch, she's the one that "whispered" to Rossi that he might need some looking out for.

I didn't come up with this theory, but I actually kind of like it. I don't like Strauss because of what she tried to make Emily do, but I don't really want to hate her...
Two scenes come to mind.. and I will underline what I am thinking.

Hotchner (To Strauss): My team? Let me tell you about my team.
Agent Morgan fought to protect his identity from the very people who could save him. Why? Because trust has to be earned, and there are very few people he truly trusts.

Okay and in this next part I am taking a few line out but only to get to the point.

Chief Strauss: I really don't understand this, David.
Rossi: What's to understand, Erin?
Chief Strauss: You've been retired for nearly 10 years.
Rossi: BAU has a man down, I'm offering to help.
Chief Strauss: You know you won't be in charge. Agent Hotchner's the second. I'll be seeking his endorsement.
Rossi: I'm not looking for anyone's permission here.
Chief Strauss: So you're coming in... in a subordinate position?

Also lets remember that Rossi revealed to Morgan that the reason he came back was unfinished business and even though it is now finished, I truely don't think Rossi would want the position. I also think that Hotch knows it. Think about it Rossi has the "Ruby Ridge standoff" as part of the reason (the other to be a writer and tour) he quit the BAU back when.

From what I am seeing at
5x6: The eyes have it: The BAU is called to Oklahoma City to help local authorities track a serial killer who removes the eyes of his murder victims and keeps the eyes as souvenirs.

One cast member stands out... Jayne Atkinson: Section Chief Erin Strauss

I know from a photo at spoiler tv that Hotch is in episode 5x7 "The Proformer"

One other thing we know from
What happened to Garcia's boyfriend and J.J.'s husband on Criminal Minds? — Denise
ADAM: Good news, Denise! Garcia's beau, Kevin (Nicholas Brendon), pops up in the series' 100th episode, as do J.J.'s hubby and baby boy. That episode, this season's ninth, is shaping up to be a doozy. Executive producer Ed Bernero tells me that in addition to wrapping up the Reaper story line, the episode will "take the team full-circle back to an important issue raised in the pilot episode: whether it's possible to surround yourself with monsters and not become one."

Also found this 100th Episode Party Pics They are awesome.
*drools* Oh god, the 100th episode is going to be amazing. Although I must mention that I'm interested in the fact that they refer to Will as Jaje's husband. Are we to assume that this is correct?

I'm very, very curious about the "issue raised in the pilot" thing.

100th Episode Squee!

That's four episodes from now, right?
Okay, I'm too lazy to put everything together from last night, so... I'll do that tomorrow. Or at some later time.

I liked the episode. There are several reasons:
1. Morgan was central- again
2. Reid was minimal- again
3. Mommy!JJ
4. One of the most amazing M/G moments of all time
5. Derek Morgan holding a baby

So... Does anyone who loves me very much and has computer skills want to make me a pretty avvie of Derek and said baby? Because then I would love you forever, too.
I can try, once I stop being lazy and once I'm not homework backlogged from five days out of school. Can you believe that the *only* time I'm not trying to find a cap of one of the girls, the only screencaps I find are *only* of the girls? *sigh* My tape of the episode is so far away... in my DVD player... *frown*

I snickered uncontrollably at Garcia's thing about her and Morgan's babies. Especially because it starts when Morgan walks in at a weird point of a conversation, and then Emily walks into an even weirder point of a conversation, and the expressions of everyone involved are altogether hilarious.

Since I mentioned that I can only find caps of the girls, I'll point out my favorite shot ever.
Great episode last night. I'm really liking this Hotchner subplot, he's a very complex character.

I need to go back and watch some episodes I've missed over the years. I need to see a handful of episodes from the first and second seasons and a couple from the fourth. I hope there's something good in store for the 100th episode.
Awww, thanks Alex.

That screencap of the girls is awesomesauce. I love it as well.

I really want to watch that conversation again, because I missed what Garcia said before Morgan walked in... Other than "the baby I'm expecting". So... I think I'll use that site you sent me tomorrow. Because that whole scene was made of pure win.

I have to go to bed now... More tomorrow. Like I always promise.
I finally got to watch this from Wed. HORRIFYING:klingon: Lord have mercy. One of the most bizarre eps. ever. Who would do this? I couldn't believe it. Freak shows and the husband impregnating girls to have them deliver boys, then killing them. Thanks god with the teams fantastic expertise they caught them. The grandparents at least got to have their little grandson, tear jerker. And the ending, boy was I stunned:confused: Hotch handing over his position to Morgan, with much resistance from him. WOW didn't see that coming. So we'll see how that goes:confused:
*snicker* I'm just picturing what hell Reid and Emily are going to put Morgan through for this. (JJ usually laughs, but she doesn't normally participate, which is why i didn't include her.) I mean, think about it. Em and Reid team up against Morgan, Morgan and Emily team up against Reid, Reid and Morgan team up against Emily. It's like a blatant sibling relationship. So I'm expecting the best reactions to be from them.

But we can also have snarky!JJ like from the deleted scene from Minimal Loss:
JJ: (In Colorado) FBI policy is to keep the press at a safe distance. Right now this is that distance, but if something is reported to make the situation more dangerous, we'll move you to a new safe distance. Like New Jersey.

These have been out for a little while, but I wanted to make a few comments, so I'll post them now.
Hotch, Morgan, and Reid
Morgan and some UnSub-esque guy

Is this the episode with the creepy UnSub that freaks one of the team members out? I'm just curious because the spoiler for that episode said, I believe, that the freaked-out team member was a woman. If it is this episode, the promo shot isn't from that scene, because as far as I can see, none of the girls are in the room.

I'm still not looking forward to that idea, unless it's really, really well done. JJ does not scare easily. Emily scares even less easily. The only one I'd fine remotely believable is Garcia, and even then it's a tad difficult. She'd be the first one to be scared by something, but I don't understand how she'd be exposed to some UnSub that's in an interrogation room.
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Lolz. I am SO ready for Em and Reid to have their Sibling Ways with Morgan. Especially Emily, so she can have her own mini-sode of sarcasm for us to devote our souls to.

Snarky!JJ is needed. It is too wonderful to not be taken full advantage of.

I'm thinking Garica would be the only one who could really be scared... And so I hope they have a very interesting way to get her into the room. Plus (Warning: Fangirl Moment) there could be some serious M/G potential. JJ... MAYBE. It's a very slim chance. Em? No way. I hope this is that episode, because now I just want to see how it plays out.

Also, I noticed that Morgan is wearing suits again. I appreciate the professionalism, Mr. Unit Chief, but the tight tees are so much better to look at, nawmeen?
Maybe "freaks out" means a different context than what we're thinking. Maybe its not that she's afraid of the guy... maybe it's just that what he does freaks her out. Like for example, it freaks me out that some people can pop their eyeballs out of their sockets... but it doesn't scare me. It's just more like "eww that's gross". Does that make sense? If not then chalk it up to this stupid cold I have. :lol:
Very good point, GNRF. You're probably right. We've probably been taking the spoilers too literally, which isn't something you want to do unless they're obviously meant to be taken literally.

It's not really a suit, but he is dressing more professionally. But if we're playing politics, we at least have to pretend that we're being serious. :lol:

By the way, Bryn, what's with the laziness? Not posting your Twitter comments? Lame. *g*
I'm sorry, Alex. I'll do that now.

#1- 5 MINUTES UNTIL CRIMINAL MINDS!!!! And the Live Tweeting that shall come with it. Alex?
#2- Holy frick on a stick. It's already creepy.
#3- Awww! Hotch asked JJ to profile! WIN.
#4- Whoa. Derek's phone display is pretty cool.
#5- Lolz. Alex is scared because she is a 16-19 year old blonde. That made me laugh.
#6- And JJ has the quote. One I like, a lot. Somebody needs to post it, lolz.
#7- I like how it's all, "What kind of sexual sadist...?"
#8- Selling the babies on the black market? What?
#9- I like how Rossi knows so much about childbirth. Haha.
#10- "The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan would not fetch top dollar." WIN.
#11- I think Garcia wants that baby... Oh, never mind.
#12- I predict the woman can't have children.
#13- Don't take the little girl away. They may not be blood, but they love her and she loves them. "There's more than one kind of family."
(Yes, I did just make a Bones reference. Kthx.)
#14- They're going to kill you anyway, chick. Plus, Julie is ridiculously familiar.
#15- Thank you for apologizing. And thank you for caring. Mila- When Derek Morgan is sad, everyone is sad.
#16- I'm pretty sure "Julie" was on SVU. Some "Mom" to homeless kids. Then again, they've ALL been on SVU.
#17- This is SO creepy. Ay Dios mio.
(And then Alex and I talked about how they wouldn't want me.)
#18- "Man, I'M worried about you." Awww. Double Awww. Hotch takes care of Morgan's stuff.
#19- Rossi gets a gold star. =]
(If Em and Rossi had their own mini-show of sarcasm, Alex and I would devote our souls to it.)
#20- "Children are more likely to trust a woman." Especially Em and Jayje. Although, I have to agree with Mila. We'd trust Derek Morgan.
#21- I keep calling him Derek this season. I don't know why. But I kinda like it.
#22- Mommy!JJ "It's okay. We're the police. We're the good guys."
#23- Let Derek hold the baby. Pleaseee....
#24- I think Derek with a baby just melted my heart.
#25- That was the solution I though of. I win. (About the grandparents being the little girl's grandparents but letting her stay with her family.)
#26- I am loving how Morgan has been important in two episodes in a row. And Reid has been minimal. WIN.
#27- Shemar Moore sounds ridiculously Hispanic at times.
#28- I liked that episode. Maybe it was the major M/G moment, or just the huge role of Morgan, or how interesting the case was. Like.
#29- Frick. I know. No new shows next week. My life is incomplete.

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