Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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Yep, in Penelope they mention her age as 30 (BTW, 3 eps of CM on A&E every Friday and Sunday at 7pm and Midnight, ET)

I think that Reid is 28, IIRC. I think he mentioned being 27 or so in S4, and I know that JJ was mentioned as 27 in S1.

I know they mentioned Morgan's age is S2 in a roundabout way during the episode Profiler Profiled, and he was 13 and it was X years prior, but I can't remember how many years prior.

I think Emily is in her mid 30's simply because she was 15 when she had the abortion, and the way she reacted to the girl in Children of the Dark I'd imagine that if she'd had the baby, it would be that girl's, I think her name was Carrie, age, then.

BTW, at the end of S3/beginning of S4 Hotch mentions that Morgan was being considered to run the New York Field office, so I'm thinking that if Hotch did leave, which I think is a distinct possibility, as well, that he might be tapped as team leader.

Although, since Joe Mantegna is the first billed star of the show, they might make Rossi the the team leader, but with his coming back from retirement that has credibility problems that CM usually so adeptly avoids.

Thomas got first billing until Mantegna came along, at that point, he got moved to last in the credits. Although, that is a coveted spot for some reason, I always thought it was a bit strange.
i just watched ep 3, i liked it, again! i really like when rossi goes into malicious bastard mode :D

also, i loooove garcia and reid working together, they're so funny, they should do it more often!
The first and last credits are the important ones; I think it's because they're usually the first ones you remember. That seems like logical enough reason. I remember when there was a discussion on Charmed and how the credits were set up, they said that the first credit is important but the "and-" credit is the most important. And that's probably because it's the first person you'd remember, because they're the last person you see. I guess?

i really like when rossi goes into malicious bastard mode
Hee! So do I. He plays the perfect AngerManagementMan, which leads to a perfect MaliciousBastard. (The only Rossi I like better is SarcasticRossi, especially when he and Emily are interviewing someone together, because God help the interviewed if they can't defend against sarcasm.)

Speaking of ships (yes, Alex Kost went back to 'ships. Apocalypse!), have we heard from Kevin since Garcia meddled with that promotion of his?

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Thanks for the pictures,Alex.Now I am REALLY looking forward for the episode.And since now you like ships I have to say that to my knowledge they have not mentioned Kevin again.

How old is Rossi? The other ones should be like you guys said.
I didn't care for the last episode so much. I was pretty confused and Rossi's storyline did little for me.

I don't hate Rossi, but he's my least favorite of the team. He's had some good moments (that line from Memoriam where he says to Reid "You're supposed to be hanging out with your MOM" cracks me up everytime) but most of the time I feel like they're just forcing him to play someone he's not.

I don't really ship anyone on the team, but if any of the team members were to get together, I would vote Prentiss/Reid. They have great chemistry. I think there have even been a few hints here and there. Mind you, I doubt the writers will actually go there, but it's fun for them just to have a moment here and there that makes you go :wtf:, and wonder whether something's up. (Yes, I'm thinking of the ending scene of Minimal Loss.)
The "mystery woman" in those pictures plays a series regular on the Syfy show "Eureka". I watched a couple seasons and then drifted away, but... I kind of want to see the season I missed, now. :D

She looks like she needs the BAU's help, but... she also looks like she's getting kind of cuddly with Derek. Weird.......

[[edit]] Maddy, I feel pretty much the same about Rossi. I don't hate him, but... yeah, if I had to rank the characters from #1 favorite to least favorite, he'd be least favorite. He does have his moments, though.

I also feel pretty much the same about ships, though I'd vote Prentiss/Morgan if a ship were destined to happen. I liked their discussion on Vonnegut, it was like they were almost flirting. :)
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And since now you like ships I have to say that to my knowledge they have not mentioned Kevin again.
Don't be ridiculous, I still don't like ships. :lol: As I said, I like most ships that do not include anyone in the BAU getting with anyone in the BAU. And I didn't think they'd mentioned Kevin... you'd think they'd at least slightly mention the guy...

How old is Rossi? The other ones should be like you guys said.
Well, the two CM books that he's in say "fiftyish", so I'd say 52/53.
Yeah, if he was 52 in Identity then he's probably close to turning 54. I don't think he'd be 54 yet, if only because Emily's been on the team almost three years in To Hell And Back. If she came in midway through S2, Identity is about a year later, so... wait... :lol: Wouldn't that make it 54? No, wait, he'd be 54 around when she does hit three years, but she hasn't yet. Right? Oh I give up. Race is right. :lol:

((Looking back on it, this post is pointless, isn't it?))

ETA: MGG wrote on his twitter "A.J. kissing Herbert (my cane)". So naturally I followed the link, and it's pretty much as funny as it sounds.
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I have homework to do, so I'm just going to tape tonight's episode and watch it tomorrow. Or while I'm away. Still deciding.

Anyway. I kind of wish that there were some CM spoilers so that I could talk about something, because the edit option was stolen from me.

My friend commented that she had seen an episode of CM the other night (and that it creeped her out, but it wasn't one of the worse ones), and I immediately thought of the episode title, the season, and what DVD disk it was on. Even though all she said was "three girls got kidnapped by this guy". (North Mammon Season Two Disk Two) I'm still not sure if that's a good thing. Lol.
^^ Haha, then I should've asked you before wracking my brain to figure out what episode it is that bothered my sister so much.

It was "The Perfect Storm," because the girl got kidnapped while running in a suburban neighborhood in the middle of the day.

Some of the freaky, gory ones aren't the ones that freak me out. It's the ones that involve fire. I have a thing about fire... :lol:
^Well,we are in this together..This show is seriously addicting.:lol:

I am excited about today's episode becouse it seems like there will be a lot of Morgan.And yes,today is a good day fo eye candy ;).If there are good shots of him, I would beg for someone to make me a banner.
I apologize for my hiatus. Apparently, TV keeps me from getting my work done, so I was grounded. Mleh.

Alex- I follow you on Twitter. I'm LeahEmilyS. Also, you only beat me because you keep the post open while watching. Cheater. Thanks for being The Obsessive One, btw. You are also allowed to speak for me since you were right. electra, I do dislike Reid because of all of the 20,000 Reid-centric episodes.

I Tweeted again. But, this time, I'm adding commentary, because I don't actually feel like going to bed.

Wow. Morgan is shocked. That's... Really bad.
(Because you know that when a member of THIS team is horrified at a crime, it's... 1,000 times beyond... Horrific."
Oh, yeah. I should mention Criminal Minds is on, so... Live Tweeting! Yayz! (I don't know why I post this on here. Whatever.)​
Morgan is EXTREMELY disturbed... Is he central in this episode? YAYZ.​
(He said the quote, and I knew there was THAT woman, so I figured.)​
Whoa. Hey. It IS October 14th..​
(That was weird. "Tell me why it's October 14th..." I had to check.)​
I REALLY need to pay attention. I am missing Morgan being ridiculously awesome.​
(He was saying something about how the people could do that... I don't actually know, since I wasn't paying attention. Bad Bryn!)​
I love JJ's new hair. A lot.​
(And Emily's. They're so pretty.)​
Oh. Hey. This is the ep with THAT woman. Now I'm waiting for "Garcia Looking Suspiciously at Morgan". I love Alex.​
(Hahaha. That picture cracked me up, mainly because of the caption. And the last one, which is too long to type.)​
That look is not Suspicious. Its Jealous. Yayah.​
(I'm sorry. I am such a Fan Girl. I apologize.)​
Did he really just ask if Garcia was ABLE to come up with anything? Really?​
(I'm watching CSI:NY and thinking how much faster their cases would be solved if they had a Garcia.)​
She's upset that he's with THAT woman... And so am I. This is awfully cuddly. Which is BAD news.​
(I couldn't tell who was flirting more, but I could tell Garcia was upset. Is she still with Kevin?)​
For a minute there, I couldn't decide whether there was background music or if the bartender was singing.​
(I laughed for a few minutes. But it was only the background.)​
Yes! M/G confrontation!​
(Confrontations about feelings are always great.)​
Anything that starts with "I love you" is ah-mazing. And they're calling each other by first names. And saying "I love you". YESSSS!!!!!!!!​
(They always say "I love you" in this way that makes it unclear what they mean, and makes me want to rewatch those parts over and ver.)​
Why is he so ridiculously ah-mazing? *sigh*​
(It was the wall thing. I don't know what he was looking for, but he offered to fix the wall.)​
“Are we good?” “Yeah, we’re good.” And then he called her “Babe”. WIN. (Is the flirting coming back? Because I missed the pet names. A lot.)​
He cannot even comprehend this. Which is crazy.​
(Again, when a member of THIS team is surprised at what people are capable of...)​
That image of Em, Rossi and Hotch walking is EPIC. And then a close up of Morgan's face, which shows he is... Disturbed?​
(I have no idea what happened, but I looked up and saw the three of them walking... LOVED it,)​
He's not there. Which upsets her. Because she knows where he is, and she's jealous. And hurt. Less ah-mazing.​
(I was mad at him. And sad for her.)​
Oh, NO. Do NOT end with him standing there, because that can mean a few things, some of which I greatly dislike.​
(Will this be resolved?)​

I don't think things can get much creepier than next week's episode. Honestly. *shudder*
(I mean, really? He does WHAT?)​

Haha, again, I shall promise to contribute more later. And NOT get grounded.
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