Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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Rossi's talk with Hotch at the end can kind of be summed up as "I'm over here in CompleteIdiot-ville. Don't join me." And, I don't know, I'm not sure Hotch could leave the BAU, even after all of this. Maybe he'll just tone it down some? Actually take a day off once in a while? Because I'm not sure that Hotch, even after all that he's been through, could stand knowing that these people are out there and not doing anything about it.

I wonder if anyone noticed that we totally didn't win? Usually we wait until later in the season for complete and utter losses.
I'm confused. Just how much time has passed since the beginning of the season? Because, okay, the premiere was still in May (if it was real time), and then last week's episode was a month later. And, Jack was born in the middle (read: after episode 5) of the first season. So how was it his birthday?

Other than that, I really liked this episode. Reid annoying Garcia was cute and funny... I kept waiting for her to just smack him. And poor Rossi.

I'm hoping that when Foyet gets caught, Hotch'll be better. I don't want him to leave. I like him too much. :D

Great episode. :D
I am not a big fan of Rossi centered episodes but the story was interesting.I can see why the Judge was so troubled.Reid and Garcia is such and interesting combination that had me laughing the whole episode.And I really wanted to give Hotch a hug.:(

Bryn,so you don't like Reid much?
Not to speak for Bryn, but no, electra, he's not her favorite. I think the excess of Reidisodes is what bothers her the most.

I like how they do the implications in certain episodes. Like this one. They implied the hell out of the possibility that Rossi slept with Emma, and then at the end he says that he never did. And I believe him. What's great is that he didn't lie to the judge because he never specifically said anything about what his relationship with Emma was. (Unless I missed something. I was only half-listening at that exact point in time.)
^ Yeah,I don't like that too.It would be nice to have some focus on Morgan and Emily.But I love smart boys and Reid is a favorite of mine.If I had to choose one that I don't care much it would be Rossi.

I think he was just playing with the judge,Alex.Rossi is a tough cookie.And I am glad that he didn't slept with Emma as well.

Does anyone get the feeling that haley and Hotch can be back together?I prefer Hotch as the family man then as a lonely one.
"Hopeless" — A group of suspects with a pack mentality who kill for the thrill of it are the subjects of a BAU manhunt, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Oct. 14 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Salli Richardson-Whitfield (“Eureka”) guest stars as the sister of a murder victim who bonds with Morgan.


David Rossi... Joe Mantegna
Aaron Hotchner... Thomas Gibson
Emily Prentiss... Paget Brewster
Derek Morgan... Shemar Moore
Dr. Spencer Reid... Matthew Gray Gubler
Jennifer Jareau... A.J. Cook
Penelope Garcia.... Kirsten Vangsness

Tamara Barnes..... Salli Richardson-Whitfield
Det. Andrews..... Wade Williams
Vincent.... Clayne Crawford
Turner.... Travis Aaron Wade
Baker.... Blake Shields
Scott.... David Beatty
William.... Jeronimo Spinx
Nicole.... Rahvaunia
Samantha..... GiGi Hessamian
Foreman..... Tom Connolly
Lynn.... Stacy Jorgensen
Mike.... Bernie Hourihan
Catherine.... Suzanne Voss
Patricia.... Peggy Blow
Jessica.... Nellie Barnett
Doug.... Nate Witty
Meg.... Julianne Buescher
Bartender.... Robert F. Lyons
Dan Osborne.... Jo D. Jonz
Karen Osborne.... Sharon Brathwaite-Sanders
Uniform Cop.... Keith Chandler

WRITTEN BY: Chris Mundy, one of the series’ executive producers
DIRECTED BY: Felix Alcala

Yeah, I think Dave was just messing with the judge's head, too. And it worked. Kind of. He didn't admit that he was the last target, and he broke too late to save the drunk driver.

If we're losing this early in the season, this season should be awesome and unpredictable. It sucks to lose, but it also is what makes CM so different from other shows. We are allowed to lose. And, sometimes, when we lose we lose bad.

Including the upcoming episode, there are only six episodes until the 100th. Whee!

I think episode 100 might be the episode in which we catch the Reaper. The only spoiler was that "we'll catch someone we've wanted to catch for a long time". So, yeah... Foyett's the only one I can think of. So (probably) only six more episodes of Hotch depression. Good, I'd have to say.
Emily is my favorite but I seriously love Reid.My first episode was "elephant man" and since them,I am hooked to this show.

BTW,this may be dumb but ,did everyone suddently changed avatars and names?I am sort of confused.And DeaditeSlayer(you are GNRF,right?),Who is in your signature? Looks familiar.
Lordie this show is so intense, nail biter all the way through. I was freaking ou on the creep-serial killer, what's his problem? so many twist and turns Funny to see Baby Girl and Reid working together, I think he's annoyning her:confused:and Rossi going back to his roots, and knowing full on well, he was in hot water. The interogation was cat and mouse for sure:confused: Hotch missing his little boy and regretting that he hasn't caught this guy yet~I feel drained after this is done:censored:
Emily is my favorite but I seriously love Reid.My first episode was "elephant man" and since them,I am hooked to this show.

BTW,this may be dumb but ,did everyone suddently changed avatars and names?I am sort of confused.And DeaditeSlayer(you are GNRF,right?),Who is in your signature? Looks familiar.

Yep, its me. :)

The screenname change is just for the month of October (Halloween Name). We also do it for Decemember (Christmas/Winter Holiday name). Halloween Name Change Thread. :) We have to put our regular username in the location field under our avatars before Bonz will change our screenames to the Halloween one. :)

My avatar is Lauren Lee Smith (aka Riley Adams from CSI Vegas) from when she was on Mutant X as Emma Delauro (I think the last name is spelled right lol). She was using her mutant powers and that's why her eyes are white. My signature banner is Jem from Jem and the Holograms which was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid. :)

Which episode was "Elephant Man"?

Anyone know when the 100th episode is slated to air?

I was kind of wondering if Hotch and Haylie might get back together once Foyet is caught.

I think Derek would be next in line to be boss if Hotch took time off, right? Or would it be Rossi?
1) I think electra means Elephant's Memory, GNRF.

2) Episode 100, Playing God is scheduled for November 18.

3) I don't think Haley would be able to deal with Hotch's job still.

4) That's a hard question... Seniority wise I would think Dave, and he seems to take over when Hotch is gone. (Think A Higher Power. Rossi was in charge. Morgan didn't want to take the case, but Rossi took it.)
Sorry,it's "Elephant's memory":lol:.And thanks for the explanation.

I also agree that they should find foyet in the 100th episode.It will be a not miss episode.Maybe better "Lo-FI" or "LDSK" that are my favorites.I don't know when it will be aired.

And I know Alex doesn't like ships (just kidding)but I want Hotch happy with Jack and haylie.

And Dave would be the leader if Hotch is gone.
And I know Alex doesn't like ships (just kidding)but I want Hotch happy with Jack and haylie.

Oh, I'm perfectly fine with outer-team ships. They can date whoever the hell they want as long as it's not someone on their team. :lol:

I wouldn't mind if Hotch got back together with Haley. I just don't think it would work. At some point Haley would get fed up with Hotch's job again, and we'd be back at square one. Unless he left the show.

And I'm not sure that would end well. Dave can substitute lead when Hotch is gone, but I'm not sure he'd really want Hotch's job permanently...
By the way, I like that some of the team members still refer to Reid as "kid" and it doesn't offend him. Some people would get offended by that. :lol:

I wish we knew the ages of everyone though. I know Reid's age has been mentioned and Garcia's, but I can't recall them. I think when Garcia was shot they said she was 29 or 30 maybe 32? But, I'm not sure. How many seasons ago was that though? Two? I wouldn't think Reid was any older than 30 now, if that old.

That look that Garcia gave Reid when he kept talking whenever she tried to was funny. If looks could kill Reid would be a dead man. :lol:

Didn't the "dragon lady" want Prentiss to take Hotch's job? :lol:
Strauss? I think she just wanted Emily to rat Hotch out. :lol: I don't even think she really gave a damn about what she did with Emily after she got rid of Hotch. I think she was going to help Emily move up in the FBI or something, or at least that was her reasoning for why Emily should help her. Whether or not all Emily would get is an ID tag that actually reads "SSA" instead of just "SA" is a whole other debate.

I think they said 30 in Penelope. I may be wrong, though. Reid was, like, 23 or something like that in season one, so I'd guess that he's about 27 now. JJ was about 27 in S1, so she's probably around 31. Hotch is... 43, I think is what was in Nameless, Faceless. Emily's probably 39 or 40 if we go by Paget's age. Also, the year she graduated high school was, I think, mentioned in Tabula Rasa. Add to that fact that when Reid randomly decides to tell when her birthday is (forgot the episode title again), it sounds like he goes "197..." and is then cut off by Emily before he can reveal how old she is, and she's 39 or 40. (That "197..." thing was probably the first time that I've been mad at Emily, legitimately. I want to know how old she is, and I was so close.) (Although if we try to work out Hotch's timeline her age goes completely I-have-no-freaking-clue since he was working for her mother while she was in college and I doubt Hotch was working a security detail at 23 unless he was a kid genius like Reid.) If I had to guess, Rossi's probably about 52, 53. Morgan's mid 30s, maybe about 35 or 36.

Going back and re-reading that, I suppose it can be summed up as: "I wish they would randomly show everyone's birth certificates." :lol:
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