Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Cath noticed Warrick and waved him over. "Hey, War," she said with a smile. He looked upset. Tina again. She hateed to see him that way. Should she ask what happened? "You look like you could use a coffee. I stole some of Greggo's." She laughed. Her instincts won out before long, though. "What is it, War?" She hoped he'd feel like talking. He'd been so closed off lately, and it was worrying her.
((Good post there :D))

Warrick smiled. She hardly had to say anything and she already made him feel a little better. He couldn't count the times that he'd laid in bed at night wishing the woman beside him was Catherine.
"She expects me to be there 24/7 just to tend to her every need. I'm getting sick of the constant phonecalls if I'm even five minutes late. She doesn't trsut me at all...but then maybe she shouldn't. I mean she was bound to get suspicious...never mind."
He shook his head. How could he tell her that he'd called Tina "Catherine" before and had spoken her name in his sleep, to wake up and find Tina staring at him, a look somewhere between hurt, anger and suspicion. He'd managed to cover it up but he knew it was only a matter of time before she figured out what he'd been trying to deny to himself for the past few years.
Cath patted his shoulder. She could tell more was bothering him. She waited for his strength to return. "You can tell me." She sipped her coffee again. She hoped he knew that he could depend on her. She'd always seen that they had a deep connection.
"I...I called her Catherine. And I might have said your name in my sleep..."
He paused, waiting for her reaction. He respected her very much, as well as being undeniably attracted to her. When she'd found out he was married, she'd pulled away from him a little - he did miss the hugs and the subtle touches, but he knew it was for the best. The last thing he needed was more fuel to add to the fire of temptation that was already oh-so strong.
"Catherine, I know I shouldn't be saying this but please let me. I need to tell you how I feel. I've hidden it for so long - from before I was married. I lie awake some nights wishing it was you I can hear breathing next to me in bed; I try to pretend that it's you when Tina kisses me...and I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop."
He finished brokenly. Some people would say he was torn between two women, but in his mind there was only one woman he was in love with, and that was Catherine. He'd always thought she was out of his league, which is why he'd married on impulse to a woman that wasn't her. But now, he knew she felt the same as he did.
At first Grissoms walls had been firmly back in place but slowly and surely, seeing her face there everyday they had began to crumble again. His strength gradually came back to him and after what felt like a thousand tests he was allowed home. They'd took it easy at first, nothing too ambitous. It had taken them a while to become intimate again but it had slowly become dtronger between them. He had even come around to the chance of being a father again. Seeing her smiling face every morning gave him a flicker of hope that every thing would turn out ok. Now as she placed the breakfast down he kissed her gently and smiled. "Good morning" He said softly as he shuffled into a sitting position
Sara crawled onto the bed next to him. She'd noticed the grandual change over the months. He'd pushed her away at first and they'd slept in separate beds - she would cry herself to sleep and pray to a God she didn't think even existed that he would just love her again. When they started falling to sleep together in the same bed, her tears didn't come anymore and slowly, as his strength returned and his walls slowly broke down, they began to get into a comfortable routine - sex wasn't the main point of their relationship, it never had been. What they had was so much more intimate and personal. What they had was love over lust, although a little bit of the latter was never absent. She was always so careful with him now though, and he was the one who had to tell her to relax and reassure her that what she was doing wasn't causing him pain or draining him of too much energy.
Climbing onto the bed, Sara snuggled in next to her, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she locked the moment away in her mind. She did that alot lately. Any good moments they had she would take a snapshot in her mind and lock them away in a little box of memories. At least she could think back on them and smile if anything ever happened to cause them more heartache.
Grissom smiled and wrapped a lazy arm around her shoulder. He picked up a piece of toast and took a bite then held it infront of her for her to taste too. He hadn't been back to work yet and although he never thought he'd ever say it but he didn't miss it all that much. With Sara around, there wasn't much room for anything else in his brain.
Sara smiled and took a little bite of the toast, resting her head back on his shoulder. She had taken a leave of absence to look after Grissom and any work she'd been doing had been at home or failing that she would pop into the lab for an hour or so. She hated leaving Gil on his own though. It made her paranoid that something would happen to him. After all the heartbreak they'd suffered, no one could really blame her for that. And through it all, Catherine had become her close friend - they would talk for hours about tiny little details that bothered them or alternatively have a laugh about some of the outragous things they encountered on the job.
"Wendy was asking about you today."
Sara smiled, draping her arm across his tummy. She'd been into the lab to pick up results and had been bombarded, as she was when she went in these days, by Wendy and Hodges and the other labs techs. But it was mainly Wendy, who had gotten a card and flowers.
S"he and Greg have been seeing each other. See what we miss spending all day gazing lovingly at each other."
She joked with a small laugh.
Grissom laughed softly. "As long as they still work well then that's great" He said slipping back into supervisor mode. He turned his head and kissed her cheek gently. "And honey it's not just your eyes that have been keeping me occupied" He smirked, showing her his less erious side than shone through every now and again.
Sara feigned shock but couldn't help the smile that was threatening to burst onto her lips.
"Oh? I really don't know what you mean Mr. Grissom."
She said, only just managing to keep a straight face. She loved this side of his just as much as she loved the serious side, maybe even a little more. She loved him being playful, and what made it even more enjoyable was that he didn't let anyone except her see it.
Grissom smirked again. "Well for starters there's your kisses. No matter how much is on my mind, one kiss and it fades away" He said softly. "Then there's that little smile you do when you think I'm not watching." A gentle blush painted his cheeks. "And I won't even start on you know what" He laughed
Sara sat up a little as he spoke, gazing at him with tears in her eyes. She was touched by his words. In response she leaned over and captured his lips in a breathtakingly gentle kiss. Looking up at him she gave an innocent smile.
"Well now I'm intrigued. Care to explain just exactly what you mean by that?"
She moved her lips to his neck, alternating between kissing and gently sucking at it, knowing how he reacted to it.
Grissom closed his eyes and tried to regain his bearings. He cleared his throat a little. "Well that certainly falls into the catergory" He managed to squeak as shivers of pure inadulterated pleasure flooded through him. He had to bite his lip a little to stop a moan escaping his lips
Sara grinned.
"So...I turn you on?"
She sat back on her heels, looking back at him with a seductive smile. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, and how to drive him crazy. She was pretty much doing it right now. She leaned toward him and spoke close to his ear and a husky voice.
"Wanna show me how much?"
She smirked as she saw the shivers he got with her breath tickling his ear.
Grissom slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her down on top of him. His breath caught in his throat as their chests came into contact. "Yes I admit it" He smirked "You do turn me on" He let his lips find hers in a searing kiss. His hands roamed over her body exploring every part. Being with Sara made him feel like a teenage boy again
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