Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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"Good, 'cause you turnme on too."
Sara smiled before losing herself in his searing kiss. Soon, she pulled back to catch her breath, flushed and gasping for air.
"I'm not tiring you out am I?"
She asked gently, still trying to get her breath back. She wanted nothing more then to just let him do whatever he wanted to her, but she'd promised herself she'd be gentle and take care of him and she didn't want to put anymore strain on him then he'd already suffered.
Her hands chastely placed on his chest she leaned down to find his lips again, rolling so that he was on top. That way, he could set the pace and she wouldn't worry as much.
(This is gonna be a long one so you are warned!)

Stella found herself, about 7 months later, sitting in a hospital bed, screaming her lungs out in pain. Stella and Mac had planned to go back to New York, but had a little surprise about a week before they were suppossed to leave. Stella was getting fatter and fatter and she was bringing out her Rambo side a little more than usual. After days of pleading Stella finally went to the doctor, finding out that she was pregnant.

About 6 months back, Stella and Mac had become married. They had a nice little wedding with all of their close family and friends, including Danny, Lindsay, Flack and Hawkes. Stella had had a great day, and would have gone on her honeymoon until she found out about her little bundle of joy. The best part about her wedding, or at least she thought, was how she got Flack to do the worm on the dance floor when he got drunk. She found it quite amusing.

Stella had been impeccable for the last few months. She often gave Mac a hard time with the foods that she wanted, and she got into fights with him about the stupidest things. She knew Mac had gotten close to just saying the hell with it, but they both knew that they would always love each other no matter what they did. Stella had spent countless nights in Mac's arms, crying over absolutely nothing. Had it been a tv show that she had been watching or something stupid like not having any tissues left in the tissue box when she needed one. However stupid it was, Mac was still there for her, and she was greatful for that when she was her normal self, which was rare during her pregnancy.

Often, during the end of her pregnancy, Stella would snap at Mac for no apparent reason. Every time he snapped back, Stella would end up crying, and Mac would end up having to comfort her. She yelled at him countless amounts of times, telling him that he could never ever touch her again because of all the pain and suffering she was going through, but now, as she laid here, in labor, she was ready to just end it now.

Stella held onto his hand unmercifully hard, squeazing it with all she had. The rest of it was used for pushing when the doctor told her to. Stella pretty much looked her worst that she had ever been. Her hair was on the fritz, her face was bright red, and she had beads of sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Mrs. Taylor, you need to push for us one more time."

Stella whined and muttered that she couldn't do it, but Mac whispering in her ear drove her to finally push. The last push did it. She could hear a faint crying through all the dizziness that she was feeling. The doctor held the baby up for her to see, revealing to both Mac and Stella a little baby girl.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, you're the proud parents of a very cute baby girl." the doctor said to them as Stella was handed a clean baby a few moments later.

"Look Mac, she's beautiful."

Mac and Stella had both agreed to keep the sex a secret. They had decided on names. They had said that if it was a girl, that it would be Adelle(Addie) Aiden Taylor. They had said that they wanted to honor Aiden's death with giving their child her middle name. And that's what they did. She looked down at her baby girl, thinking how that past nine months was so worth it. Stella shifted Adelle towards Mac, showing her how cute she was, and how absolutely beautiful their daughter turned out. "She's going to be daddy's little girl, I know it." Stella said with a smile.

(Whew, hope you don't mind that I named her Mel, you can name the next Taylor baby lol since we're going to have like........5 of them lol)
Grissom smiled and shook his head. "Sara" He said softly. "I maybe older than you but it doesn't mean I'm past it just yet" He laughed, leabibg down to kiss her again. His hands drifted to the bottom of her tank top then trailed over the top of her pajama shorts. Then as they moved back up they took hold of the hem of her top and lifted it gently over her head.
((Aww, congrats to Stella and Mac - new parents!! Bless em. Such a sweet name too. Love that post Jess :D))

"I know, but I'm just scared of your ticker giving us a scare again."
She said, but all of that was soon forgotten as his lips covered hers and she felt his hands come into contact with her bear tummy, sending sparks of pleasure straight through her, causing her to involuntarily moan. She couldn't count the number of mornings this exact thing had happened, yet he always managed to surprise her somehow.

((Saranna, I is gonna go get some sleep now as it's nearly 1am lol - last day of school tomorrow (well, half day lol) n then it's summer vacation so we'll probs catch each other more often. I'll b on in the mornin - I get up at 6 so I'll be on from then onwards :p
Nighty night hun
BTW - i tried to send ya a PM but it sed ur inbox is full so i couldn't.))
(Aww my sisters Adela and we shorten it to Addie lol sorry that was a little random)

"You're not getting rid of me that easily" Grissom muttered breathlessly as his lips wandered from hers to down her neck and across her now bare chest. She really was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. he couldn't believe how lucky he was and wondered what he'd done to deserve such an angel
((Okies, this is my last post for the night now, i promise lol))

Little moans escaped her as she gripped the covers.
"I don't you make me feel this good."
She gasped out as she shuddered under his kisses.
"And I don't ever wanna try to stop you...oh..."
A sigh passed her lips and she let her eyes fall closed.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Her mind was swimming. Had he really just said that? She couldn't count the timwa she had wished she could curl up next to Warrick after a tough shift or bury her head in his chest when she needed to cry. She could hardly breathe without him crossing her mind one way or another. She felt a new stength rushing into every fiber of her being. "War, I feel the exact same way. I never said anything because I wanted you to be happy wuth Tina."She smiled and hugged him.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Grissom smiled and brouth his lips back up to hers. "Ssssh" He whispered as his lips pressed to hers in another heated kiss. His hands drifted down to the edge of her shorts and fiddled with the hem. He was waiting for the little signal she gave him to tell him she was ready
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Sara was impatient for him now and wriggled a little under his touch. She loved how he would wait for her to let him know when she was ready, so here it was. She was ready. A hiss escaped her lips when she felt him tug the shorts. For the curtesy of him undressing her, she did the same for him, her hands slowly tracing the lines of his body that she knew so well now.


Warrick looked back at her when she said the words he'd longed to hear for so long, the words he'd dreamed of hearing her say. When she hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him and softly inhaling her scent, the scent he loved. He wanted to kiss her but he didn't know how she'd react to that and he knew it was wron. Also, didn't want her pulling away from him and backing off.
"I've never been "happy" with Tina, Catherine. The only woman I'd ever be happy you."
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Before Grissom had even tossed the shorts to one side he felt her hands on him. He took a sharp inatke of breath and tried to keep his head from spinning. Her touch always did that to him. He watched her hands as they danced over his skin and felt his body react in the familiar way it always did.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Sara smiled at his reaction, intensifying her ministrations on him and watching everything that crossed his face. The pleasure in his expression sent a jolt straight to her heart and she wriggled against him, enjoying every second. She didn't want this to ever end - just being here, with him, making him forget everything but what she was doing to him was one of the best feelings she'd ever experienced.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

Grissom brushed a piece of hair away from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. He smiled and leant forward to kiss her gently. "I love you so much" He said softly, letting himself get lost in her eyes like he always did. He still couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

((I'll reply here but once we reach 1000 posts then we move over to the new thread where the others have started already :D))

Sara sighed happily, her gaze locked on his as she slowly moved so that she was straddling his hips, looking down at him with their eyes still on each other. She reached down and laced her fingers with his, loving the feeling of him so close to her in all ways.
"I love you too. I always will. We can get through anything as long as we're together."
She let another sigh pass her lips and her eyes fell shut. She was still a little insecure about the possibility that he'd leave, after the times he'd pushed her away and tried to put those walls up again, so she'd wait for him to fall asleep every night before she could ever sleep peacefully, and she would cling to him. She was quite a light sleeper so she was reassured with the fact that if he tried to leave, it would most definitely wake her.
Re: Crimhee Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

"Sara" Grissom started softly. "I love you, why do you think I came back everytime I tried to leave? I'm not going anywhere I swear" He said softly, reaching up and stroking her cheek lightly. Hw brought her head down gently so that their lips could meet in a loving soft kiss.
Crime Of Passion 1

Sara nodded, tears filling up her eyes. When he captured her lips again, she eagerly obliged and rolled them over once more, looking up at him with a small smile on her lips and her eyes full of love. Everytime they were together she felt sparks, and it felt like her life suddenly had a meaning. She wanted a baby and that had surprised her. She'd never seen herself as the motherly type, and all her life she'd always said she didn't want kids. But being with him had changed her mind...the two babies they'd lost made her change her mind. She knew a child would make them both complete, and she wanted nothing more then to be a proper family. It was hard to overcome the fear of turning into her own mother, but she was determined that her reservations about that weren't going to prevent her giving him a child.
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