Aiden: Don. It's either liver and onions with brussel sprouts or mageiritsa* for dinner. You choose. Don! DONALD! Earth to you! Jeez!
Flack: Oh! Um, ick. I think not. Uh, could we just order a pizza? Please?
*Mageiritsa is a soup eaten on Easter in Greece. During Lent, the Greek Orthodox people give up meat, and for some reason they think that eating a soup made of pureed internal organs from sheep and goats is good way to re-introduce themselves to meat. I say YUCK!
Flack: Oh! Um, ick. I think not. Uh, could we just order a pizza? Please?
*Mageiritsa is a soup eaten on Easter in Greece. During Lent, the Greek Orthodox people give up meat, and for some reason they think that eating a soup made of pureed internal organs from sheep and goats is good way to re-introduce themselves to meat. I say YUCK!