Crazy Caption Contest

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Mac: Lindsay...Doonnntt mmoovvee, thheerre iss someethhing inn
yourrr haaaiirr.
Lindsey:OK ok just get it then can I eat it??
( So sorry Lindsey fans if that seems mean- I'm a Lindsey fan too, just kinda thought it fit lol)
PrettyEyes said:
Mac: For the hundredth time, I don't care how Danny proposed to you! Get to work! :mad:

Lindsay: Yes, Dad! :rolleyes:

:lol: awww.. I love it!

Linds: There we were, checking the body, when this huge spider lands in my hair. Luckily, Mac got it out.
Mac: (thinking) Shit, it laid eggs. Oh well, that's what showers are for.
Radical618 said:
Linds: There we were, checking the body, when this huge spider lands in my hair. Luckily, Mac got it out.
Mac: (thinking) Shit, it laid eggs. Oh well, that's what showers are for.

Now all she has to do is have "Papa" Hawkes hatch the eggs, then have Danny bread them for dinner...gross, I know, but hey, that's the relationship they have. :lol:
PrettyEyes said:

Radical618 said:
Linds: There we were, checking the body, when this huge spider lands in my hair. Luckily, Mac got it out.
Mac: (thinking) Shit, it laid eggs. Oh well, that's what showers are for.

Now all she has to do is have "Papa" Hawkes hatch the eggs, then have Danny bread them for dinner...gross, I know, but hey, that's the relationship they have. :lol:

They'd have to have a deep fryer to fix them though!
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Mac: Lindsay...Doonnntt mmoovvee, thheerre iss someethhing inn
yourrr haaaiirr.
Lindsey:OK ok just get it then can I eat it??
( So sorry Lindsey fans if that seems mean- I'm a Lindsey fan too, just kinda thought it fit lol)


Director (OS): For the hundreth time! Cut!
Gary: What?
Carmine: Where did we go wrong now?
Anna: Uh, hello!
MAC: What the he--!! We're trying to make a bonfire here! Do you people mind???
LINDSAY: Who turned on the lights??
DANNY (thinks): All the smores... goooone...
Gary: Oh, no. That Svensson guy is putting graffiti on the camera lens again.
Anna: I thought you got a restraining order against him.
Carmine: He must have snuck by the guards again.
Mac: Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane...
Danny: This Superman thing has gone way too far...

Danny: Is that Stella up there?
Lindsey: Yeah, and why's she got all that olive oil?
Mac: Stella, not NOW! Can we at least get back to my place first??? The hardwood is THERE!!!
Stella: Forget the hardwood for now, let's just use your car hood.
Mac: you ever get that feeling sometimes? You know...that creepy feeling that you're being watched, that there are thousands of eyes on you at any given time, marking your every movement, your every word, your every reaction and interaction to the world around you and storing that information away somewhere for future reference?
Lindsay: ...sometimes, yeah. o_O
Danny: ::thinking:: nossnevS naitsirhC? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
tiqlado said:
MAC: What the he--!! We're trying to make a bonfire here! Do you people mind???
LINDSAY: Who turned on the lights??
DANNY (thinks): All the smores... goooone...

Unique, and I liked it.

Hasn't anyone noticed that the past 3 pics are from Risk ?


HAWKES: So either you talk, or I bitch slap you with a spatula.


MAN: I heard you were good at playing with your own--er, guitar.
HAWKES: *snort* Y'think?

(shout out to Hill and Eddie's chat :D)
Guy: They do that all the time?
Hawkes: Yeah, they're fangirls, they're wild and unpredictable. I'd say you could just ask Mac, but he's a bit...tied the moment.
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