Crazy Caption Contest

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Mac: I have to find Stella so she can get this tux off me...and put some olive oil on instead.
Mac: Darnit! I knew this was a fangirl trap! Stella, help!
Stella: Stay back, he's mine, all mine! Did you bring the olive oil, honey?
Mac: Yep...let's go find my car hood
Mac "Flack, why are you wearing a Superman costume?"

Flack, "Ooops, sorry Mac, did we forget to tell you it was fancy dress, not formal?"
whimper* Oh dear... meet me in Gutterville, Flackie... in that costume.

I have the compelling urge to write a superhero fic, ever since seeing the 'dynamic duo' thread title.
But it'll have to wait until I've finished my Danny/Flack smut fest.
Sorry bout that, tanglewood14. I just like going through this thread for a laugh. It brightens up my day :D

Mac: Say one word about my five hundred dollar a night rented tux and you'll be doing dumpster duty for a month, Messer

Danny: * straight face * Wh-at? I wasn't gonna!


Mac: When you're both done laughing, guys, can we start processing the crime scene now?

Danny/Lindsay : * breathlessly laughing and clutching each other for support *

Mac: Anytime now.

I am not a D/L shipper. I repeat, I am not a shipper :p
Gary Sinise: The name is Bond... James Bond.

Same thing I was thinking!


Mac: (thinking) Okay, Lindsay, too much information. We all know you're from Montana and those bloody story of yours is too much!

Not my best, I know.
LINDSAY: You canNOT believe what Danny did, guys! He was like, yadda yadda...

MAC (thinking): All the best, high-end equipment in the world, and the damn crime lab doesn't have a supply of duct tape!

(chalk it up to sleep deprivation and temporary psychosis T____T)
lol tiqlado

Mac: Come on, Lindsey, get outta here....I know it isn't hardwood but I have *got* to get Stella on this thing. Uh...I hope the olive oil won't short it out...
Mac: Do you think Stella and I could make out on this thing or would the olive oil short it out?
Lindsay: So there I was, pinning this guy to the ground and.. blah blah blah
Mac: (thinking) OOooo. pretty hair, pretty hair...
Lindsay: Stella(off-screen)...Do we match?Mac and I?Do we?Do we?PLEASE TELL!!
Stella: Yea..Sure,you guys do match..The black looks good...
Stella*thinking*: Only not for long!
Mac*thinking*: Two women...And me in the middle..This is the stuff criminalistic legends are made of!!You're a legend-material Mac, ol' boy....
Lindsay: If we keep putting fingerprints on this table, it will drive the labrats crazy.
Mac: Yes, but they can run them and find out who they belong to.
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