Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Nick: Sara im having a Starsky and Hutch moment what do you think of the threads, You Dig
Sarah: I want to dig a hole and put your hair and clothes in it
Nick:That was harsh
Sara: I know but we have all been thinking it for a while
Sara: *Takes breath as if to talk but stops*
Nick: *Does the same*
Sara: Wow, this is awkward.....
Nick: Look in there Greg was just showing me something and I had to be on my knees..... It wasn't how it looked, I swear!
Sara: So Nick...
Nick: Yeah Sara?
Sara: What's with your fascination with growing hair?
Nick: What...?
Sara: On your lip, on your head... you keep growing your hair and if you don't stop, one of these days I'm gonna go after you with some hedge clippers!
Nick: :eek:
jenakapt said:
Sara: *Takes breath as if to talk but stops*
Nick: *Does the same*
Sara: Wow, this is awkward.....
Nick: Look in there Greg was just showing me something and I had to be on my knees..... It wasn't how it looked, I swear!
ROFLMAO. :lol:
Lordy, it's a good thing I don't own the characters or he and Greg would be making out on the lab tables once a week.
..*whistles and walks away*
Nick: Um, Sara, why is it that there are tampons all over the DNA lab?

Sara: Uah, had to ask. Uh, it's Catherine! She put them there!

Nick: Sara, she's been on vacation for the past two weeks. And she's not back.

Sara: (thinking) Kerrr-ap.
Sara:Well Grissom invited me to dinner and I need you to cover for me while Greg and Cathrine think I'm with you Got it Nick.
Nick:(thinking) Here she goes again talking about Grissom. Grissom this Grissom that. Damn why didn't they get stranded in New York Long enough for her to get some from him.(Rolls eyes and snaps back.)"Oh Okay Sara No prob. You owe me one ok."
(I had to reference Cold burn cause that was a good book.)
Sara:Did Greg catch Grissom's ant farm on fire again?
Nick:Oooooh.. Greg's gonna get the CHOKEY! *matilda reference*
Sara: "And this, Nick, is why some people just shouldn't work in an environment with glass walls."
Nick: "You think we should tell Hodges we can see him stroking the microscope and talking to it?"
Hestia said:
Sara: So Nick...
Nick: Yeah Sara?
Sara: What's with your fascination with growing hair?
Nick: What...?
Sara: On your lip, on your head... you keep growing your hair and if you don't stop, one of these days I'm gonna go after you with some hedge clippers!
Nick: :eek:

Yeah, ya know? What is with Nick?

Anyway, y'all are in a role. And keep it up...
Sara: Oh, damn, the heat is messing my make up!
Brass (is that Brass, btw?): 911? I have a major emergency, here... She must have hit her head, or something very serious...
Sara: So we're agreed--you're gonna help me hide Greg's body, right?

Brass: Of course. He was annoying anyway. How could he be soooo insensitive as to ask if you're on the rag?

Sara: Do these dark glasses make me look cool? I got the idea... from some TV show... (looks away) with David Caruso.
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