Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Nick: Goddam it, Grissom! Now you've done it! I was in the middle of analyzing some stuff from our scene and now I have to start all over again!
Grissom (off screen):Sorry! I didn't realize that electrocuting Sara's lunch would short-circuit the whole lab!
Greg: Uh, what happened to our generators?
Grissom: Nah, Sheriff's too cheap and the generators cost too much. He took 'em out.
greekie527 said:
Nick: Goddam it, Grissom! Now you've done it! I was in the middle of analyzing some stuff from our scene and now I have to start all over again!
Grissom (off screen):Sorry! I didn't realize that electrocuting Sara's lunch would short-circuit the whole lab!
Greg: Uh, what happened to our generators?
Grissom: Nah, Sheriff's too cheap and the generators cost too much. He took 'em out.

I liked that!

Now, try this pic .
Ugh, sorry guys but the air freshner isn't working and those beans...well, okay Grissom, you're next to use the potty!
Judging by the shock of hair to the side, I'm gonna assume that's Greg. And here goes:

<font color="yellow">Grissom: You did WHAT to my collection of Coleoptera: Dermestidae larvae?!?

Greg: Those were YOURS??!? I thought...I thought those were dirty pipe cleaners.

Grissom: ...

Greg: I'm about to die, am I?</font>
trent_bowie said:
Judging by the shock of hair to the side, I'm gonna assume that's Greg. And here goes:

<font color="yellow">Grissom: You did WHAT to my collection of Coleoptera: Dermestidae larvae?!?

Greg: Those were YOURS??!? I thought...I thought those were dirty pipe cleaners.

Grissom: ...

Greg: I'm about to die, am I?</font>

That pic was from "Iced". But, hey, it was good, judging by Gris' facial expression...
Grissom: I don't think you were supposed to mix those, Greg.
Greg: I think I know my way around the lab, okay?
Grissom: Uhh...Greg?
- Thus the second lab explosion takes place.
Sandana said:
Grissom: I don't think you were supposed to mix those, Greg.
Greg: I think I know my way around the lab, okay?
Grissom: Uhh...Greg?
- Thus the second lab explosion takes place.

You just reminded me of that ep...
Grissom: *To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against...*
Greg: Grissom? Grissom! Hey, are you listening to me?
Grissom: *... a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and...*
Grissom (thinking): I wonder if I stare at the DNA/GCMS/whatever it is spinning around long enough he'll realize that I couldn't care less about his most recent girlfriend and I only want my results?
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