Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Grissom *thinking*: I wonder how far this chair that Gregs sat on will roll if I push him, because he's really doing my head in
Greg: ......and so Sara said this, and then Sara did that, I really think Sara likes me
*Grissom pushes chair out the lab, and it flies down the corridor*
Grissom: that far, wow it even surprised me!
Greg: "...and then he said, just wait until I get my car, and then she said, I thought you didn't have a driver's licence, and then he said, no, that was my brother, and then she said..."

Grissom (thinking): 'Happy place, think of a happy place ... no, doesn't work. Maybe if I quietly walk away, he won't notice it. God, does he never stop?'
GRISSOM: Greg, are you scared of spiders?
GREG: No... Why?
GRISSOM: Because one of my tarantulas got out and it's crawling on your shoe...
Greg: (something interesting about case...)
Grissom: Hmmm If I put my eyes like this it makes me look cross eyed and demented!

(Seriously it does check out the pic again!!)
GREG: *leans back and forth trying to figure out which of Grissom's eyes he's suppose to be focused on*
GRISSOM: What on earth are you doing?
GREG: Erm... the macarana?
GRISSOM: *rolls eyes* It's nothing like that. You gotta put your hands on your hips like this *dances*
GREG: *slowly backs out of room*
CATHERINE: Are those new sunglasses?
GRISSOME: Yeah. I thought I'd try a new look.
CATHERINE: By taking Elton John's old one?
GRISSOM: *face falls* You're mean.
Cathrine:*thinking* come on now ..pout like a supermodel you can do it you were a stripper
Grissom: Cath are you alright are you going to be sick?
:lol: good one, draig_goch. let me try

Grissom: My bounty is as boundless as the sea,/ My love as deep; the more I give to thee,/ The more I have, for both are infinite.
Catherine: Gil, we've known eachother for twenty years, and in all that time, WHEN have I ever said that I like Shakespeare?
Catherine (thinking): Is that...? No, it can't be. He wouldn't.
Grissom: Hey Cath, why is it exactly that you're staring at my left nostril?
Catherine: I, uh, I wasn't. I was... (thinking) CRAP! Now I've got to get myself out of this!!
Grissom: Catherine?
Catherine (whispering): Gil, you've got most of your lunch stuck in your teeth.
Catherine: Mole. Bloody mole. We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face. I want to c-u-u-t it off, ch-o-o-p it off, and make guacamole.
CalleighDuCaine said:
Grissom: *To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against...*
Greg: Grissom? Grissom! Hey, are you listening to me?
Grissom: *... a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and...*

Typical Grissom... but that's why I love him...

And maybe you'd love this .
Sara: Nick, is that what I think it is?
Nick: You mean that huge Snickers on the ground?
Sara (rolls eyes): No, no, no! Look again: you see? There's a dead woman under that!
Nick: Ooooh, that that! I hadn't noticed...
Nick That's disgusting!

Sara: Grissom! What is Lady Heather doing under your desk and why are your PANTS UNZIPPED?!?!?

Grissom: (Puts down his telephone receiver and does a Clinton accent)Uhh... Ahm on a conference call?
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