Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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This aint a cap but that thing he's holding look like that dissolvable condom in the ep er who are you? you know the one that dissolves with body heat!
Nick: Hmmm maybe if I stare at this long enough someone will come in and tell me what the h*ll this is......... Maybe I should have read the script.......
o...m...g. this is making me so mad! none of the csi-cap pics are comin up for me!!

neway, for the other one:
Nick: that was you
Sara: Crap. you got me. i DO like those microwaved burritos...
Catherine: Nothing surprises me anymore. Bloated bodies in bathtubs? Check. Any thing else? Check. Now a kid hanging himself from the chimney? Check. All good.

Nick: I never noticed her butt was so cute!

Wow. That was really pointless, wasn't it. Yikes! :D :)
Catherine: what... is... that

Nick: hey there baby

Catherine: NICK?!?!

Nick: Catherine? Oh God. I'm sorry. Thought you were someone else...
Nick:(Points gun at Cathrine's Back) Put your hands up were I can see them and Spread your legs apart.
Cath:We'll nick you gotten better than the last time. But you could do better.
Nick:Okay start from the top....
Catherine:OOooohhhh... Nick! Is that your Maglite™ or are you just happy to see me?

Nick: Don't let Sara or the others know...

Catherine: Don't worry Nick... this'll be our BIG SECRET!!!
*Cath and Nick are looking at a Computer.
Cath is on myspace. She every person in the Crime labs name in the search Bar. She types Conrad Ecklie's name.*
Cath:Looky looky Nick it's Conrad ecklie in Miami on Spring Break.
Nick:We have to print these out and post them across the Lab.
*Cath and Nick start thinking.*
How about a non-nicky pic?
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