Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Sara: So did Grissom mention last night to you
Brass: Should he have done.
Sara (smiling to herself): No, I was just wondering.
tanglewood14 said:
As for the next pic, it's courtesy of

Grissom's thinking: "Hey is that a rare praying mantis I see over there?"

Warrick's thinking: "Man, Grissom really needs to trim his ear hair."

Sara's thinking: "I could go for a hot fudge sundae right about now."
Warrick: How the heck did we end up in a stadium? Sara, next time I'm not going t let you drive!

Sara: Hey, don't look at me, Grissom made me miss the turn!

Grissom: Guys, the audience is standing up... And they don't look very amused by our entry...

Audience: OMG, look! They're Billy Pettersen! And Jorja Fox! And Gary Dourdan! I want a pic with them!

Sara: What the hell are they speaking about?

Warick: Apparently we look like some Hollywood stars...

Grissom: Ha! I knew! I've always told you! I look exactly like Jorja Fox!

Sara & Warrick: .....
:lol: Grissom looks like Jorja Fox?

Grissom: What was that noise? It's some kind of tribal, high pitched bell...
Warrick: It must be the Nevada cult trying to recruit some new members. They're gonna come kill us!
Sara: For goodness sakes, that's the ice cream truck jingle! I'm getting a chocolate shake. :)
Sara/Warrick/Grissom pic

Warrick: Whoah! Is that Ecklie dressed up as a Rodeo Queen?
Grissom: Damn, I was wondering what happened to that hat.
Sara: No way am I looking. My therapy sessions cost enough as it is
Sara: ~(thinking) Stay perfectly still, maybe he won't notice!
Warrick: *looking between Sara and Grissom tyring not to smile* So..... What was that?
Grissom: Oh Nothing.....
Sara:Nothing at all
Warrick: *laughing* really? Cause to me it looked like you two were making out!
Ok got another one (this is fun):


and i'm going to post a cap:

Nick: meet me out back in 5... no 2 minutes
Sara: :eek:
Grissom: *off camera* wtf? what he say Sara? why are you always leaving with him!!??? *crys*

I'm a Snicker :D


Nick: the code is, the baby ducky is in the bag
Sara: what's with you and baby ducky's?
Nick: I'm watching you.
Sara: Grissom.. can I please switch cases? He's getting weird again.
Nick: Sara... the back of your skirt is caught in your underwear... we can see everything... not that I mind, but I thought you'd like to know.

Sara: (in that cryptic, slightly angry way of hers) Thanks, Nick. How long has it been like this?

Nick: (coughing and trying not to look like he's lying) I just...*cough* noticed it... swear to God.
George (whispers): Don't tell William or Marg about this. Let's go ask Zuiker for more money. But this time we should think up a better excuse than the alarm clock not working.
Sara: In the year of thirty-nine, Assembled here the volunteers. In the days when lands were few. Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn...

Nick: Psst. Don't quit your day job.

Sara: *sob* But...I wanna SING!
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