Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Brass: "'t...breathe!"
Grissom: "You know, whenever I want to feel small, I look at the stars. And what beautiful stars they are ... Did you know how the song 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star' was written? It began..."
Brass: *chokes*
Grisson: Forget about your tie. It looks fine. You are ready for your date with Lady Heather.

=== or ===

Brass: You don't have to choke me every time I come up with a funnier one-liner than you.

=== or ===

Brass: I'd like to find the guy who invented the tie and give him the electric chair.
Brass: You know, today Sara said something to me about you whichh I think you should know----
*off screen sara pulls the tie*: shut up you idiot!
Grissom:What did you say Brass?

ok that was probably the worst one..but I tried.....:/
Brass: Sorry... ::huff-puff:: I'm late... :huff-puff:: My pager was offline and they sent someone banging :huff-puff:: down my door!

Grissom: Jim, is there a reason you sound like that guy on Miami/Dade's dayshift having sex?

Bass: Let's just say... :huff-puff:: I had a date... :huff-puff:: That stayed over... :huff-puff:: and I forgot.. :huff-puff:: that I was... :huff-puff:: on call...
Catherine: Nick, what do you think about dating an... older woman?

Nick: If she's hot, why not?

Catherine: And if she's got a kid?

Nick: If she's a MILF then I'd go for it!

Catherine: GOOD! (Jumps on top of him and smothers him with kisses)
Guy: What are you looking at?
Catherine: What are YOU looking at at?
Guy: ....I'm confused. :confused:
Catherine: My plan worked! :D
Catherine: Nick?

Nick: Yeah?

Catherine: I'm your friend and I care about you. You know that, right?

Nick: Yeah. I care about you too. What's wrong?

Catherine: It's the moustache, Nick. It's gotta go.

Nick: But...I like it. It makes me look...mature.

Catherine: No, it doesn't, Nick. We've all gotten together and decided to make it disappear, one way or another. *clicks on electric razor* I'm sorry. There's no other way.

Nick: But...*zzzzSshzzSHRAP!!!* Ow.

Catherine: Ah, that's much better.
trent_bowie said:
Catherine: Nick?

Nick: Yeah?

Catherine: I'm your friend and I care about you. You know that, right?

Nick: Yeah. I care about you too. What's wrong?

Catherine: It's the moustache, Nick. It's gotta go.

Nick: But...I like it. It makes me look...mature.

Catherine: No, it doesn't, Nick. We've all gotten together and decided to make it disappear, one way or another. *clicks on electric razor* I'm sorry. There's no other way.

Nick: But...*zzzzSshzzSHRAP!!!* Ow.

Catherine: Ah, that's much better.

My sister joked about that. We were like "Ole!" and I told my sis all Nick needs is a sombrero and rattles. Then he could play music for Mucha Lucha (that Mexican Wrestler cartoon...)

Anyway, here's the link to the next one:
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