Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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William: Well, Mr. Bruckheimer, I would like to renew my contract for another seven years, but I don't see the clause about the love scenes with Melinda Clarke.

=== or ===

Grissom: ...being in sound mind, in the event of my death, I would like my bug collection let loose in Ecklie's office.

=== or ===

Grissom: All this paper work just to order more luminol, paperclips and staples?
Grissom: *flips through paperwork* luminol chack, chemcials check. *freeze* Oh god I feel sick, who put a picture of Ecklie in a dress in here???
jenakapt said:
Grissom: *flips through paperwork* luminol chack, chemcials check. *freeze* Oh god I feel sick, who put a picture of Ecklie in a dress in here???

Tsk, tsk. Makin' fun of Ecklie? Me like....
Grissom pic

Grissom: Let's see, there's a liability waiver in case of accidental injury or death... an acknowledgement of risk form... who knew that a session with Lady Heather would take so much paperwork?
Sara: Hey Griss, what have you got there?
Grissom: ummm... nothing
Dang, I knew I shouldn't have offered to help Nick out by filling out the paper work for his new insurance policy...and this is only batch one.
Grissom:Well looks like your in good health Jemany Cricket and I'd like to thank you for you contriubtion to the Pinocchio case.
Sara:Grissom are you okay?
Grissom:I'm fine. Jemany meet Sara Sidle the lead CSI on the case.
Grissom: Bill, bill, bill, Arachnids Monthly, bill, bill, threatening leave of absense - is it that time again Sara? :rolleyes:
Sara: *glare* :mad:
:devil: ooh, there is so much that can be done with this pic.

Ecklie: Hey Gil can you come sit on the bench for a quick picture? I want proof that people actually came to my birthday party.
Grissom: Office politics my a-- wait a minute, did you just dress up some DB from the morgue?
Marc Vann: William, this is the president of the CBS network. I got him drunk and dressed him up like a clown to take some blackmail photos. They will renew our series for the next hundred years if I have anything to say about it.
Nick: *whimpering* I was so scared...sniFF! I didn't wanna die. And all...and all I could think of was how I was gonna miss everybody...especially you.

Warrick: It's all right, Nick. It's okay. C'Mere.

*Big hug*

Nick: *SOB* You're my best friend.

Warrick: I love you too, man. Let it all out. It's gonna be okay...
Ecklie and Grissom pic

Ecklie: I knew it was a bad idea to invite my drunk 'Uncle Joe' to that kegger...
Grissom: You do realize that the "kegger" was actually "Dangers of Drinking and Driving" seminar...?
Ecklie: :eek:

Nick and Warrick pic

Nick: What the hell is that on your glove?
Warrick: I just touched one of Grissom's experiment... eww!
Nick: Aw, poor warrick. You got a boo boo.
Warrick: So much blood. You would think this was a Quentin Tarantino film.
Nick: Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Don't ever mention that name again!
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