Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Grissom:Well conrad I see you working another DB that was stolen.
Ecklie:And Guess who's working it with me(Smirks)
Grissom:I am I know.
Ecklie:well Gil lets get our gloves on.
Grissom:I love the way you wear those Gloves.
Ecklie:You Look way better in the Gloves and Suit comb than I do.
they both :rolleyes: and smirk.
(Grissom and Ecklie pic)

Ecklie: Geez! That cigar is mimicking what this guy's got going on down below. EEEWWW!!!

Grissom: (amused tone of voice) Conrad, Conrad, Conrad! I don't care what you do on your own time, but PUHLEEZE don't bring your dates and your freak fetishes here to the Crime Lab!


Grissom: No thanks! I think your date already went up yours, Conrad!!!
Catherine: What the hell am I holding? :confused:
Warrick: A bug in a necklace...? :rolleyes:
Nick: Let me guess - Grissom's Christmas gift. :)
Catherine: if we can put this CSI Jigsaw Puzzle together, it might give us a clue to our current case.
haha, trent_bowie, that reminds me of "the new guy". have u ever seen that movie? hhhhhahahaha.
Sofia: Hey, Nick. One of Grisson's caterpillars got loose and is on your upper lip.
Nick: Well, your headlights highbeams are showing, or are you just happy to see me.
Sofia: (looks down) Ooops. And what's with Sara? Is she taking makeup lessons from Abby over at NCIS?
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