Could Canon Slash Work?

I just have to say this is a great topic IMO. I would love to see a slash relationship on CSI.

As for couples, I would love either Danny/Flack from CSI NY or Nick/Greg from CSI. I could see either couple. Nick/Greg would be incredible if it was done right. It wouldn't have to be blatent or anything. Just little things like Greg knowing what Nick likes for breakfast when they are having breakfast together with the team. Even Danny showing up wearing Don's tie to work. Something as simple as that to have in the background.

As for Bobby -- I could see the writers going there. Too bad that they didn't. It's not as if there are not homosexual people in real life. What is the problem of showing them on CSI? I know that CSI has tried not to be about relationships but rather the cases but little suggestions like I have mentioned before would not harm. A simple mention during a case or at the end of a show. What would the harm in that be?
Now, I think if that balance remained the same, while introducing a homosexual character, I really don't think that would detract from the show. I'm not talking about graphic sex, or anything like that, but casual mentions of partners and spouses. Momentary looks into their homes and personal lives. Just enough that we'd know they were gay, maybe even see a boyfriend/girlfirend/spouse in passing would be enough. No more of their personal lives than we're alread getting. I think it would work. In fact I think it would fall under the radar for a long time at first. Hardcore fans would be chatting about it, speculating, and end up being the first to know for sure, but the general public people who probably don't tune in or watch as closely as we do might not notice at all. Just like they probably don't notice the private lives of people around them in their day to day lives. Neither of which would effect anyone else negatively.

That's the only thing we're asking for, recognition. I don't want CSI turn into a soap opera either (well, at least not LV, Miami :lol: and NY have lost that battle in my opinion) :thumbsup:

Just something subtle like you and catwarfan mentioned would be enough. What's the big deal all the other characters made more than once clear they're straight, talking about boy/girlfriends. It'd be just the same thing with a gay couple.
^ i think it could work but only if there were good circumstances for it, nice interesting characters and an original storyline that wouldn't ruin the show. i would absolutely hate if they forced it on us just because they wanted to give the gay community some recognition. mainly b/c it would look forced and unnatural.
^ i think it could work but only if there were good circumstances for it, nice interesting characters and an original storyline that wouldn't ruin the show. i would absolutely hate if they forced it on us just because they wanted to give the gay community some recognition. mainly b/c it would look forced and unnatural.

But don't you think we've already seen that they're capable of most of these things? "Nice interesting character" and "original storylines" are for the most part what have drawn a lot of us to these shows.

I also find it odd when we as fans are essentially viewing voluntarily. We always have the remote, the power to change the channel, look away, do something else and otherwise ignore. When we read a book and by the end of the novel if two characters are together we rarely look back and say man that author really "forced that couple on me". This isn't our story, as much as we appropriate it for our own use as fans, this is the story the writers get to tell, and we as fans get to decide if we're on board or not.

I assume what people mean when they say that is that they don't want it shoved down our throats; to become the forefront of the drama and get in the way of other characterization and storylines, but like I said, they're already capable of giving us a small amount of the characters private lives, enough to keep it in the background. They ought to be able to pull off the same with this.
But don't you think we've already seen that they're capable of most of these things?
definitely yes. they've showed more than once that a canon relationship on the show doesn't have to take over nor be completely neglected, but used in a clever way.

I also find it odd when we as fans are essentially viewing voluntarily. We always have the remote, the power to change the channel, look away, do something else and otherwise ignore. When we read a book and by the end of the novel if two characters are together we rarely look back and say man that author really "forced that couple on me". This isn't our story, as much as we appropriate it for our own use as fans, this is the story the writers get to tell, and we as fans get to decide if we're on board or not.
i agree. but the thing is, when you watch the show for 8 years you become a little invested in the characters. sometimes you just don't want them to be with someone or do something. that's where all the ship wars come from for example. and you can't make yourself not watch it, cuz in overall, you love this show. *shrugs*

i just think some people have a problem with distancing themselves from it. they forget that CSI is not real, and they take some relationships too seriously. on the other hand, if they didn't love the show in the first place, they wouldn't care one way or another (which is why i don't dislike those who ship differently.)
Absolutely we become invested, just like any other story, movie, book, sitcom, ballad, whatever, if we're invested enough we'll see it through, conflicts and all. All I meant was we know from the get go that a story will have climaxes, high points and low points, things we're going to like and things we aren't going to like. Things that will make us laugh, or feel awful, or mad or nervous for our beloved characters. That's what drama does. That's it's goal as entertainment. It seems strange to me to look at the course of action given to one or more characters, especially in a show with a large main cast of characters, all of whom will get predetermined amounts of screen time, and say "that was really forced on me". None of it was "forced" on anyone. Call it a poor choice of words if you like, but it's almost inarguable to suggest we're being pressured to accept it. We accept it or we don't, regardless of whether or not we keep watching.
So, seeing as how I love this thread and I don't want it to fade into oblivion, I might as well breathe some life into it.

I've been thinking a bit about whether canon slash would actually work for CSI. I already think that there's a slash relationship at work at the lab (Nick and Greg), and I asked myself whether or not I think that if they went canon, would it work out?

I honestly have no idea. Many people would not have noticed the subtext in their relationship, and both of them suddenly admitting that they are together would be a huge shock to some people. Others might stop watching because having a gay couple is "wrong", and there are those who would love it. I personally think that it would be too much for some people to take, so maybe it should just be a minor/recurring character? Hmmm. Well, as much as I love The Love, I'd still love it if there was a minor character who was gay. I could totally live with that.

Also, when dealing with major characters and a canon slash relationship, I'd worry that the writers would go completely OOC and make it into some sterotypical abuse relationship. I dunno. I'm still way in favour of having a canon slash couple (or even just a recurring gay person who is not a victim!) but I don't know if it'd work just yet.
I'd still love it if there was a minor character who was gay. I could totally live with that.

(or even just a recurring gay person who is not a victim!)

Maybe one of Nick's many siblings or a new person in the lab? Who has Greg's old lab job now anyway? I mean, Mia hasn't been on in ages. :lol:
Na, I'm going against the populas and state that I want main character to be gay/bi.

Why, because then it gives crediance to a persons actual plight.

Not everyone knows their sexuality from day one. Sexuality changes its not fixed. So for that reason alone I would love The love to come out as Bisexual, and one to come out as Gay.

Well, My_last_Chance, thats life though right? Yeah i see where you're coming from, totally.

Yeah that is the most scariest thing that the TPB can do, is to finally make a main character gay/bi/etc, and then to be revealed that its only to highlight an abusive relationship.

But in all fairness why should a character who is bi/gay/pansexual etc become a victim? Is it easier for TPTB to brush aside a persons sexuality?

ITs similar to gender issues, twice they've had storylines about transgenderd people, and twice both people have been victims. Although the episode in season 8 really lost the plot.

CSI is after all a TV show, but TV shows help form a ideas,notions, actions.

The media- of which TV is part of is an important social identity.

Hm, I still vote for GLBT characters and couples on CSI. Why, because unless its seen, then how can a person or even society form a voice, how can change ever happen?
Hm, I think I might have to agree with my_last_chance. As much as I would love to see Nick and Greg together I'm very skeptical it would end well. Look at all the straight relationships. Nothing lasted. So I'd settle with a lot of subtext, flirting, touching and working together.

I'd rather have Wendy come out because she'd be perfect. I don't think that a lot of people would be too shocked (ok, maybe some Hodges/Wendy shipper :p;)) but you know, it wouldn't have to be a big coming out episode. Just something along the line like "Ah, my girlfriend shops there, too" or something like that. You know, just something that definitely tells us she's gay. Like with Doc Robbins (we know so much about him just through random comments or Super Dave).

I still would like Bobby to come out on the show too. Even if TPTB argued that his "coming out" scene didn't fit the episode (total BS in my opinion :scream:), I think they were just scared and backed off.
Yeah, I'd be totally worried for what the writers would do to main characters in a relationship (no matter what their preference is). They just don't seem to be good with romantic relationships.

Sometimes though, leaving a bit of mystery is more exciting. So, having the whole subtext, flirting thing would probably be best in the long run. Cause I just think tptb would totally screw up the characters/relationship otherwise.

I do think they should have had that scene with Bobby though. He's not a main character, so I don't see why they thought it was breaking the formula to have that mentioned.
I believe it could work, but I also think they could mess it up just as fast. I would love to see Greg/Nicky go canon, but at the same time I think I would hate it. For the simple fact that they would ruin it, I'd rather admire my boys from afar than have them ruin it for me.
It wouldn't work because it would draw attention away from the point of the show and it's about the crime, the cases and the foresnics. Having a gay couple would distract from the show.

Look at GSR, that's how I remember season season seven of CSI, not the MCSK.

And I don't think any of the characters other than Bobby Dawson were written to be gay.

We see what we want to see because that's what we want, and it's completely different from what the writers want. What may look like flirting to one viewer, looks like nothing to another.

Some of the flirty looks that some of you see between the characters mean nothing to me and that's just how it is.

So no, it wouldn't work. CSI Vegas went on shakey ground with GSR, a canon slash couple woud just crumble the ground.
It wouldn't work because it would draw attention away from the point of the show and it's about the crime, the cases and the foresnics. Having a gay couple would distract from the show.

Look at GSR, that's how I remember season season seven of CSI, not the MCSK.

And I don't think any of the characters other than Bobby Dawson were written to be gay.

We see what we want to see because that's what we want, and it's completely different from what the writers want. What may look like flirting to one viewer, looks like nothing to another.

Some of the flirty looks that some of you see between the characters mean nothing to me and that's just how it is.

So no, it wouldn't work. CSI Vegas went on shakey ground with GSR, a canon slash couple woud just crumble the ground.

I disagree. Canon slash could work if it was written correctly. It doesn't have to be written in a way that takes over the show and causes a distraction just like heterosexual relationships don't have to be written that way. Yeah, on the internet forums shipping is a BFD (Big F*cking Deal) but I'd say most fans don't give a hoot either way about who pairs up with who. As far as subtext goes, just because one person doesn't see it or doesn't want to see it doesn't mean other people are wrong or making up something that couldn't potentially work on the show. If that's the case then ALL non canon shipping - including Nick/Mandy - should be stopped and we should all just be fans of what ships TPTB give us. Where's the fun in that?

The only way for canon slash to be accepted is for it to be written. Would there be people opposed to it? Yeah. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't or couldn't happen. Gay people exist and have romantic relationships and are a functioning part of society and I don't think network TV should ignore that just because it makes some viewers uncomfortable.

I just don't think any of the CSI's are up to the challenge and would just go the stereotypical, superficial, ZOMG look at how ground breaking we are being, attention whoring route with it.
I think I have to agree with you both, PerfectAnomaly and Sammey.

As much as I would like to see a gay couple/pairing on the show there's no way TPTB would be able to handle it well. I actually don't know where the problem is. YoBling worked pretty well (until they killed it off). Why not have two people of the same sex show some interest in each other? It's nothing different than a straight pairing.
But as you've mentioned, PerfectAnomaly, TPTB would make a huge deal out of it and would destroy it in the end.

I don't want a disaster like GSR! No, that was just too much. Way too much but something like YoBling, why not? Some teasing, some romantic moments ... I'm not asking for more. Just acknowledgement!

And of course you're right, myfuturecsi, CSI is all about the cases but if it's well done and if the main focus is still on the cases I don't see the problem with some flirting on the show :thumbsup: