Could Canon Slash Work?

Ok guys, it's time to let this go now and get back to the discussion of 'Could Canon Slash Work' since I have addressed the other issues.

Honestly, a canon slash relationship could work very well within CSI if handled correctly. A perfect example of a canon relationship on another show is Jack/Ianto in "Torchwood", where the relationship remains professional at work and we are only given glimpses of their personal one. The relationship remains solely in the background, with the main story/mission being in the foreground.

This, really, is how GSR should have been handled, and how a canon slash relationship could be made to work. Nick/Greg is definitely the most obvious one for CSI with Danny/Flack in CSI:NY, and I know a lot of people who believe that Delko/Speedle had been together on CSI:Miami. If you keep the cases and investigations in the foreground, but give only the briefest of references or hints to suggest that yes, there is a canon relationship there, it would work.

For example, there is way more than enough to suggest already that Nick/Greg are together, with their flirtation beginning in the "Pilot". We are now in Season Nine with two new characters entering the scene, one being Riley. Given the nature of Greg and Riley's almost brother/sister banter that we've seen so far, it would not take much for Riley to make some sort of reference that suggests she knows that Nick and Greg are together and leave it at that. We don't need to see their personal relationship outside of work, or make the whole show revolve around them so we can see their relationship (this was the mistake made with GSR). CSI is a team show about putting together evidence in crimes - I want to see that.

Already the Nick/Greg fans have spotted some mirroring in Season Nine between CSI and Torchwood in regards to Nick/Greg vs Jack/Ianto, with one scene in particular extremely similar ("Leave Out All The Rest" had one scene easily compared to "Sleeper" in S2 of "Torchwood") so the groundwork is there. After all, Jack/Ianto was initially all flirtation and little remarks, and then we got a direct reference that there was something going on, and confirmation during the last episode of S1. It doesn't take endless minutes and episode, just one scene, one little reference. Not so hard at all.
For example, there is way more than enough to suggest already that Nick/Greg are together, with their flirtation beginning in the "Pilot". We are now in Season Nine with two new characters entering the scene, one being Riley. Given the nature of Greg and Riley's almost brother/sister banter that we've seen so far, it would not take much for Riley to make some sort of reference that suggests she knows that Nick and Greg are together and leave it at that. We don't need to see their personal relationship outside of work, or make the whole show revolve around them so we can see their relationship (this was the mistake made with GSR). CSI is a team show about putting together evidence in crimes - I want to see that.

Already the Nick/Greg fans have spotted some mirroring in Season Nine between CSI and Torchwood in regards to Nick/Greg vs Jack/Ianto, with one scene in particular extremely similar ("Leave Out All The Rest" had one scene easily compared to "Sleeper" in S2 of "Torchwood") so the groundwork is there. After all, Jack/Ianto was initially all flirtation and little remarks, and then we got a direct reference that there was something going on, and confirmation during the last episode of S1. It doesn't take endless minutes and episode, just one scene, one little reference. Not so hard at all.
But that's YOUR view of what the relationship is. I don't see them in any kind of relationship.

And yes, I know this is not the board for it.

myfuturecsi, this is an official warning for trolling. You have been given more than one friendly warning in this thread and in others and yet you continue to stir up other posters and go off topic and over and over say you knew better.

If you have a problem with a specific thread or a pairing or can't have a friendly debate, I suggest you stay out of those threads. Also, if you want to debate about any specific pairing, there are debate threads to do just that. It is not to be discussed in this thread.

Please note the rules on trolling:

~ Trolling will not be tolerated. Do not go into another thread merely to disparage the pairing shipped there. This includes going into a slash thread to make homophobic remarks or to state that one/both of the characters in question are not GAY. DO NOT DO THIS. It also includes going into other ship threads and saying the ship is stupid and so forth.
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I don't see how myfuturecsi saying that it is simply another poster's opinion is trolling, but maybe I'm wrong...
That's really for the moderators to decide...

SO... canon slash! Anyone else think it could/couldn't work for any reasons other than what they do or do not see between various character pairings?

It's been brought up before, but I do think Torchwood is a good example of involving homosexuality while maintaining a casual and understanding attitude towards it.

I can't wait for the day North America decides it's ready to make another worthwhile step in that direction.
That's really for the moderators to decide...

Oh thanks!:thumbsup: I wasn't aware:rolleyes:. Just making a comment that's all...

Anyways, since the question at hand is, "Could Canon Ship Work?" I think it can. But you're always going to have the people who wouldn't want to watch it, or would give up the show entirely based off of their moral and/or religious beliefs.

It also depends on your definition of "work". If by work you mean florish on the show, their relationship being healthy and of quality than I don't see why not.
That's really for the moderators to decide...

Oh thanks!:thumbsup: I wasn't aware:rolleyes:. Just making a comment that's all...

Anyways, since the question at hand is, "Could Canon Ship Work?" I think it can. But you're always going to have the people who wouldn't want to watch it, or would give up the show entirely based off of their moral and/or religious beliefs.

It also depends on your definition of "work". If by work you mean florish on the show, their relationship being healthy and of quality than I don't see why not.

Be risky, but it would have be done with a lot of thought, and not interfere with the science of the show. CBS is kind of a 'conservative' network, I'm not saying religous or political. I mean they are scared to take risks with topics they feel is risque. They would probably wait and see how well shows with slash couples do on the HBO type channels, before doing it. I guess they feel they have to appeal to all kinds of audiences before they take the risk. JMO.
I agree 100%. CBS has to be the most conservative channel next to Fox. If this was ABC I would say what the heck, why not? But who knows. Plus CBS plays to a different demographic then what usually tunes into, say, ABC or NBC. They have an older crowd to appeal to.
Oh thanks!:thumbsup: I wasn't aware:rolleyes:. Just making a comment that's all...

My Mistake. I shouldn't have assumed you weren't aware that critiquing the Ops in a discussion thread is futile. Sorry about that. :)

Anyways, since the question at hand is, "Could Canon Ship Work?" I think it can. But you're always going to have the people who wouldn't want to watch it, or would give up the show entirely based off of their moral and/or religious beliefs.
So, why do you think we should tolerate placating this interest group [people who "wouldn't want to watch it, or would give up the show entirely based off of their moral and/or religious beliefs"] over another? That doesn't feel right to me.

It also depends on your definition of "work". If by work you mean florish on the show, their relationship being healthy and of quality than I don't see why not.
I thought earlier when you stated the topic as being "Could Canon Ship Work" was a typo, but now I'm starting to think you do think we're talking about a specific ship here.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not. I'm not discussing this to push my perceived "ships" on anyone and I'm not naive enough to think any wanking I did about that on the internets would actually change what the writers intend to do with it.

What I mean by "work" when I say: canon slash could work, is that I firmly believe homosexual characters could be casually integrated into a primetime show with taste, maturity, and insight, without it being the end of the world.

I'm not looking to see two people pair off so it's puppies and kittens for happily ever after... That's not a very interesting story.

Be risky, but it would have be done with a lot of thought, and not interfere with the science of the show. CBS is kind of a 'conservative' network, I'm not saying religous or political.
Surely, you must mean one or the other...or both.

I mean they are scared to take risks with topics they feel is risque. They would probably wait and see how well shows with slash couples do on the HBO type channels, before doing it. I guess they feel they have to appeal to all kinds of audiences before they take the risk. JMO.
Some of us believe that if they showed a little more diversity they would appeal to all kinds of audiences.

Kimbo08 said:
If this was ABC I would say what the heck, why not? But who knows. Plus CBS plays to a different demographic then what usually tunes into, say, ABC or NBC. They have an older crowd to appeal to.

ABC actually has brought up homosexuality much more openly in a drama than CBS or most other networks. Nip / Tuck anyone?

Plus CBS plays to a different demographic then what usually tunes into, say, ABC or NBC. They have an older crowd to appeal to.
This is kind of that question I brought up earlier about placating one group over another... alternatively, I'd have to think they wouldn't be number one very long as a media company if they can't stay current. They're going to have a serious problem in marketing.
ABC actually has brought up homosexuality much more openly in a drama than CBS or most other networks. Nip / Tuck anyone?

Ironically, Nip/Tuck is on FX, which is a Fox-affiliated cable channel. But yeah, Nip/Tuck is pretty daring, but then, you're always going to have more progressive programming on cable.

ABC is certainly more liberal than CBS when it comes to their shows. Brothers & Sisters has a main male character that is gay and I believe is married to his partner. Another main character on the show recently came out of the closet. Desperate Housewives has a recurring gay male couple, and Grey's had a lesbian couple. So yes, ABC is worlds ahead of CBS in that.

On topic, of course canon slash could work. Any romantic pairing on a show can in theory work if the two characters have chemistry (and there are plenty of hetero ones that lack chemistry and therefore don't work). Whether CBS or the writers would go there is another question entirely.
My mistake. I meant canon slash. My previous post was about that. I'm so used to putting the word ship in that it just kind of slipped in there.

I have no problem with slash. I think most of the ones I've heard of and read about are pretty interesting combos.

But what my previous post was about the religious outlook on it. I live in a dorm with extremely conservatice people who would stop watching a show if slash became a part of their normal everyday programming. I in no way agree with that. But if you multiply that be thousands of people, you have to wonder if a canon slash would really survive on a mainstream show.
But what my previous post was about the religious outlook on it. I live in a dorm with extremely conservatice people who would stop watching a show if slash became a part of their normal everyday programming. I in no way agree with that. But if you multiply that be thousands of people, you have to wonder if a canon slash would really survive on a mainstream show.

Being that shows like Brothers & Sisters, as Top41 mentioned, (I'd forgotten about that one too!) are handling it with a fair bit of grace, I think it IS surviving on other mainstream shows. The only place I see it being swept under the rug on just about every occasion is in cop/crime dramas. This only says to me that we've managed to reach some level of comfort with homosexuality so long as they don't play the hero.

Actually the only time I ever remember this problem being spoken about in the CSI franchise was early seasons of CSI Miami when Delko so aptly spoke about how we're fine with homosexuals when they're redecorating but God forbid we look up to one for saving the world.
I think that the CSI writers could in fact write a compelling, mature, tasteful(so as not to offend those less open to same sex relationships)slash pairing. I know there are many fans out there who like CSI for the forensics and would like there not to be ANY personal relationsips. I can understand that but when you have such good characters, we as fans can't help but become involved in their personal lives and want to know more about them. And that would include their personal and romantic relationships.

I know many here don't like GSR and I'm only bringing it up to make a point(I'd bring up another canon relationship but sorry I'm a Vegas gal). Anywho, I believe the writers dealt with that particular relationship well. It was an adult relationship. It was loving, respectful. There wasn't a lot of "soap opera" tactics brought into the scenes. I know some think there was but I would totally disagree with that.

That being said, if they can take two geeks who were socially awkward and bring them together, then I think they have enough insight to make a truly unique and tasteful relationship between two characters of the same sex.

Now will it happen? Probably not. They couldn't even keep the storyline of Bobby Dawson being gay in, they're not going to pair two characters on the show of the same sex together. And that's a shame. For a show that's changed television in a lot of ways, that would certainly be raising the bar...
I think that the CSI writers could in fact write a compelling, mature, tasteful(so as not to offend those less open to same sex relationships)slash pairing. I know there are many fans out there who like CSI for the forensics and would like there not to be ANY personal relationsips. I can understand that but when you have such good characters, we as fans can't help but become involved in their personal lives and want to know more about them. And that would include their personal and romantic relationships.

I know many here don't like GSR and I'm only bringing it up to make a point(I'd bring up another canon relationship but sorry I'm a Vegas gal). Anywho, I believe the writers dealt with that particular relationship well. It was an adult relationship. It was loving, respectful. There wasn't a lot of "soap opera" tactics brought into the scenes. I know some think there was but I would totally disagree with that.

That being said, if they can take two geeks who were socially awkward and bring them together, then I think they have enough insight to make a truly unique and tasteful relationship between two characters of the same sex.

Now will it happen? Probably not. They couldn't even keep the storyline of Bobby Dawson being gay in, they're not going to pair two characters on the show of the same sex together. And that's a shame. For a show that's changed television in a lot of ways, that would certainly be raising the bar...

But if we are talking risky (or I was), CBS did have that show 'Swingtown' and that was I don't see why they cholk when it comes to homosexual couples. Now I never saw the show, so I can't say if there was homosexuality or lesbienism in the show. But they pulled it and I'm not sure if it was because of ratings or because of the subject matter.

Now Grey's had a lesbien couple, but they pulled the storyline, was it the storyline? Or was it the chemistry between the couple?

It could work...the Bobby Dawson storyline could still be there and ready to come pun intended.
I had a feeling Swingtown would be cancelled. A show like that works on a cable channel like HBO or Showtime, but it just doesn't work on a regular network channel, especially CBS. I mean we are talking about a network where the top soap Y&R fired an actress because they found out she posed nude in playboy (that was eons ago... over 13 years ago I think... back when I still watched the show lol). I think a canon slash pairing could definitely work on the csi shows if the network and/or writers had the guts to let it happen.