Confessions Thread #2

Florence87 said:
confession: my cousin is in politic and he did something iligal and now its all over news. my mother is so ashamed, she's going to change her last name, its an unusual name, Jodenius, our family is the only one named that.

I got curious so I headed to

I'm sorry you have to handle something like that :(
I hope you don't get too much trouble over it.
ok, i'm joining ya'll :D

Confession: i flu to the US and stayed there for 8 months putting on 15 pounds of weight. i came back home (Europe) and lost it all in 3 months. now i'm going back to the US in two days ... wonder how it will all work out this year. one thing is for sure: no more waffles!! :lol:
I have more then just one confession to make or it's just one big confession whatever..

A while ago,,, actually more then just a while,, some months ago I though gawd I'm bisexual,, and I had this thing with a girl for like a really short time,, and then I realised OMFG!! that's not me, and I now know for like a long time that I'm absolutely not Bi or Gay,, I'm Frikin' straight!! and I just really really needed to say this coz I have this stupid feeling ever since,, and I sometimes even wish that period in my life just never happened and I could just erase that chapter!! And I don't want to hurt the person that knows who I'm talking about, I can't help it.. I know she's happy now and I hope she'll stay happy like forever and please forgive me if I'm cruel it's just what I feel and you can't sue me for feeling or expressing my emotions..

Gawd I feel better now... I guess or.. at least hope so...
Forgive me.. I guess.. gawd I'm so stupid.. or just honest..
@Simply_Sara: Why do you need to lable yourself bi/gay/straight or anything else? Anyway, my confession to you: I'm absolutely head over heels in love with your Julie-Avi
Confession: I regret the past six months of my life.

Confession: I should be working on my Physics paper but I had to take Nyquil for my cold and cannot think properly (I'm lucky to be posting, lol).

Confession: Last night I was online for around nine hours. :eek:

Confession: French is my favorite subject. I absolutely love it! :lol:
Confession: I did less than a half shot of rum last night, and even thoughit was that small of an amount I really enjoyed it. I'm underage which is why I made this a confession.

Confession: I'm worried about my friend who gave me the rum, I'm afraid that he's going to become addicted to alcohol. He said he only does it when he;s really worried or with a couple of his friends. The part that really worries me is said it makes hime feel like a better person, instead of making him depressed. The friend who introduced him to alcohol also introduced him to chewing tobacco and said the next time they get together he can get them marijuana.
MiaCharlize said:
@Simply_Sara: Why do you need to lable yourself bi/gay/straight or anything else? Anyway, my confession to you: I'm absolutely head over heels in love with your Julie-Avi

Well thanks ^^ I love my avi too,, coz Julie Rocks =),,
I don't know and I'm not trying to lable me it's just,, I had that confession to make,, and It's not me who's labeling,, it's others who lable you.
Simply_Sara said:
Gawd I feel better now... I guess or.. at least hope so...
Forgive me.. I guess.. gawd I'm so stupid.. or just honest..

I'm glad you figured yourself out :) You are absolutely not stupid, I mean it would have been stupid if you hadn't tried and kept hiding your feelings. At least now you are sure.
Simply_Sara said:
I have more then just one confession to make or it's just one big confession whatever..

A while ago,,, actually more then just a while,, some months ago I though gawd I'm bisexual,, and I had this thing with a girl for like a really short time,, and then I realised OMFG!! that's not me, and I now know for like a long time that I'm absolutely not Bi or Gay,, I'm Frikin' straight!! and I just really really needed to say this coz I have this stupid feeling ever since,, and I sometimes even wish that period in my life just never happened and I could just erase that chapter!! And I don't want to hurt the person that knows who I'm talking about, I can't help it.. I know she's happy now and I hope she'll stay happy like forever and please forgive me if I'm cruel it's just what I feel and you can't sue me for feeling or expressing my emotions..

Gawd I feel better now... I guess or.. at least hope so...
Forgive me.. I guess.. gawd I'm so stupid.. or just honest..
i was in the same spot of bother when i was with a chick for like a few months, and now i'm like dude what was going on i LUV dudes, lol.

and dw i know that the chick you were with wont care about what you are saying, coz you arent saying its anything against her, its just somin that most chicks go through.

trust me i know what its like lol.
Simply_Sara said:
I have more then just one confession to make or it's just one big confession whatever..

A while ago,,, actually more then just a while,, some months ago I though gawd I'm bisexual,, and I had this thing with a girl for like a really short time,, and then I realised OMFG!! that's not me, and I now know for like a long time that I'm absolutely not Bi or Gay,, I'm Frikin' straight!! and I just really really needed to say this coz I have this stupid feeling ever since,, and I sometimes even wish that period in my life just never happened and I could just erase that chapter!! And I don't want to hurt the person that knows who I'm talking about, I can't help it.. I know she's happy now and I hope she'll stay happy like forever and please forgive me if I'm cruel it's just what I feel and you can't sue me for feeling or expressing my emotions..

Gawd I feel better now... I guess or.. at least hope so...
Forgive me.. I guess.. gawd I'm so stupid.. or just honest..

Hey Sara. I struggled myself for a long while trying to figure out what/who I like and how that is supposed to fit in with the rest of my life. The best thing you can do is to not label yourself as anything and just go with what you know feels right. It can be a very scary time, but you have to do what is best for yourself, and don't worry about the rest.

My confession: I have an unreal amount of homework that I should have done way before now, and it's still not done.

Confession #2: I went to see a person tonight that I shouldn't have gone to see. :)
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I really want to quit smoking, but when I feel like shit I just can't help it to light one..

*goes out for a smoke* :(

Jayne, you can PM me if you want. ;)
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I really want to quit smoking, but when I feel like shit I just can't help it to light one..

*goes out for a smoke* :(
ooooooh, i HATED when i was quitting, and i did it cold turkey, dude was i moody haha.

you'll get there jayne!!!