Christmas's meaningless without you (smack)

I think that should be either triplets or quads, with me and Linda lol

You mean "Quads SMacked Ghosts"? Me, Kikii, Mel and Linda? Aw, that would be awesome! I mean, you and Linda is joining us for the haunt. :guffaw:I bet they would have no where to run or hide. :lol: We're recruiting an Army of Ghosts.
Asprine and Mel,
We're recruiting an Army of Ghosts.
:guffaw::guffaw:'Smacked Ghosts Army' ! :guffaw: :guffaw:We could rule the world then. :guffaw: :guffaw:

Alright. I hate to do this part, the very end of my story. Thank you again for reading, everyone! :)

Part 12

“Mac, where are you taking me? This is not the direction to my place.”
“I know. We are going to my place. I don’t want any of your excuses to refuse staying at my place for a short period.”
Stella burst into laughter. “Oh, you’re tricking me.”
“No. I made the best decision for you.” Mac laughed with her.
“What’s the difference if I stay at your place or mine? I’m on sick leave. I have to stay home. You have to go to work.”
“The difference is I have a part-time maid. She can help you when I go to work. And I can see you everyday after work. I know you’re tough, Stella. I would be much happier if you lean on me sometimes.”
“Alright. I just sit tight and wait to be pampered.” Stella kissed Mac on his cheek. “Thank you.”
“Maybe we can go out for dinner. It’s New Year Eve. We should celebrate since we missed Christmas.” Mac suggested.
“We didn’t miss Christmas. We had the best Christmas. I think the restaurants are full tonight. Let’s stay at home. I can make some salad and lasagna.”
“With one hand? No.”
“Mac, you’re over protecting. I can handle it.” Although Stella was arguing, her heart was warm and full. There was no one ever loved her like Mac did.
“Remember the Italian restaurant I told you last time? I think I can make a reservation."
“OK. You’ll be regret if you spoiled me too much. Don’t say I didn’t warn you in advance.”
Mac chuckled. “I’ll take it as challenge.”
Mac checked all the windows and door before he went to bed. He saw the light in Stella’s room was still on. He knocked but Stella didn’t answer. He knocked again but still no answer. He was panicked and then he opened the door. Stella was leaning back on the headboard wearing a pair of earpieces. She was surprised to see Mac barged in her room.
“Mac, what happened?”
Mac was so relieved to see she was OK. “I knocked but you didn’t answer. I thought something was wrong. Why are you staying up so late?”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep so I think listen to some music might help. And I want to do the New Year countdown. I was nearly died. I want to welcome the New Year." Stella patted on the bed. "Come on, join me.”
“Your hand…”
“You can stay at my right hand side.” Stella moved aside to give Mac some space.
Mac put a hand around Stella’s waist and pulled her closer. “What are you listening to?”
“A Christmas present from Adam, his favorite music.”
Mac chuckled. “That kid has a crush on you.”
“He’s sweet. Are you jealous?” Stella was amused.
“I won’t as long as you treat him like your younger brother.”
“You know who my heart belongs to.” Stella looked Mac in his eyes.
Their gazes locked. Mac leaned forward. His lips brushed Stella’s lightly. “I don’t know how many times I wanted to kiss you. It grew harder and harder to control myself from doing it. I love you, Stella.”
“I love you back.” Stella whispered.
Mac kissed her on the lips. The kiss grew hot and demanding from warm and sweet. They were so in love that they totally forgot about the countdown. Somewhere outside, people were setting off firework to celebrate New Year.
“I better go before I do something stupid.” Mac whispered breathlessly on Stella’s lips. “You’re not fully recovered yet.”
“You are stupid if you retreat now.” Stella pulled him back into the kiss.

Oh! You did a good job, Kikii. :thumbsup: Like.. Mel, I want more! :lol: I love the last sentence very much! :adore:
You're always so sweet, Asprine! I appreciate you! :)
*Blush*.. I appreciate you too, dear! :) Don't ever say you're not good in writing. You did great! :thumbsup: Everyone has a great start! :)
Great updates!!!:thumbsup: Looooooved the entire story!!
Mac chuckled. “That kid has a crush on you.”
“He’s sweet. Are you jealous?” Stella was amused.
Oh gosh! That one really cracked me up:guffaw:!
*joins the we-want-more club*
:eek: i can't belive i forgot this story:wtf: just read the whole story:) can say that i squeed a few times:lol: great story:thumbsup::D
“I better go before I do something stupid.” Mac whispered breathlessly on Stella’s lips. “You’re not fully recovered yet.”
“You are stupid if you retreat now.” Stella pulled him back into the kiss.
*giggles* i love that *giggles* ahh!:D
you're gonna write more aren't you? i so wanna read more:D