Christmas's meaningless without you (smack)

Am i wrong when wondering if there is more to that Hand?

Maybe.. That would be Kikii to answer the question. Everyone is a suspect until they find out the real murderer.

I love Mandy and Jennifer's conversation. It shows how much they care for each other and a sister's love for the younger ones. Stella is a sexy leopard? Aw, Mac must be attracted. :adore:
:lol: :lol: Is my mind that easy to read? :lol: :lol:

Part 7

Mandy was just had a bath and trimming her fingernails when someone knocked on the door. She opened the door after she peeped out and confirmed the visitor was Stella.
“Hey, Stella. Good morning. Come on in. You got news about the case?”
“Good morning, Mandy. We’re still working on it. I bring Jennifer’s rings back. She left them in my bathroom.” Stella took the rings out from her jacket pocket.
“Oh. She’s always so forgetful. She’s in the swimming pool. Would you like to wait for her?” Mandy took the rings from Stella.
Stella noticed the plaster on Mandy’s hand was gone. Her hand didn’t hurt at all, a circle of pale red like a faded tattoo still barely visible. Stella wondered why she lied, and then the memory of the SD stamp popped up. She looked at Mandy’s hair. It was brown. Stella’s heart sunk when she did the math mentally.
“I like to if you don’t mind. I want to ask her a question.” She stepped further into the room and shifted her gaze to the dressing-table. There was a red wig. Out of instinct, she slowly moved her hand toward her weapon.
Suddenly, Stella felt something sharp pressed against the back of her neck. It was Mandy pressing a metal nail-file to her.
“Don’t move or I’ll have to hurt you. You know I did it, don’t you?” Mandy said coldly. She took Stella’s gun.
“Mandy, you don’t want to do this. Mac and I can help if you turn yourself in.”
“Shut up.” Mandy threw the nail-file away and used Stella’s gun instead. “I know how to use a gun. Now, don’t do anything stupid. Go and sit in that chair.”
Jennifer opened the door when Stella started walking. She was shocked to find her sister pointing a gun at her new friend.
“Mandy! What happened?” She stepped in between them, blocking Stella from the gun point.
“Step aside, Jenny.” Mandy ordered.
“No. Why are you doing this? What happened?” Jennifer insisted.
“STEP ASIDE! I don’t want to hurt you.” Mandy became hysterical. Her eyes were wild. Her hands were shaking.
“No. I’m calling Mac.” Jennifer ignored Mandy’s warning and turned to grab the phone.
The next ten seconds were the most terrible moment in Jennifer’s life. She picked up the receiver, Stella pushed her to the floor and Mandy fired the gun, all happened at the same time. The bullet hit Stella at the back few inches below her left shoulder. Stella fell and hit her head at the edge of the coffee-table. She lay unconsciously on the floor with her head and shoulder bleeding.
“Oh! My God! Stella.” Jennifer was panicked. She kneeled down and patted Stella on the cheek, tried to wake her up.
“Why are you doing this?” She turned to Mandy, who was shaking like a tree in the wind.
“What should we do? What should we do now?” Jennifer didn’t know what to do. She even didn’t notice her tears slid down her cheeks. “We must call Mac.”
“NO! No Mac. No cops. No one.” Mandy shook her head fiercely.
“Mandy. Stella needs help. She’s dying.” Jennifer grabbed a towel from the bathroom and pressed it onto Stella’s gun shot wound, unsuccessfully stopping the bleeding.
Mac was just arrived in his office when Flack called.
“Mac, we got a 911 reporting gunfire. It’s in Jennifer’s room. Her next door heard a gun shot and notified the concierge. The Manager said he heard women arguing after that. I’m on my way.”
“I’ll be right there.” Mac raced for the elevator.
Hey, gals. Thank you for your feedbacks and patience. :) We're reaching the core of this story. Here's the update. Your comments are welcome.

Part 8

Flack and several uniforms were outside the hotel room when Mac arrived.
“Anything?” Mac asked Flack.
“I heard someone crying when we arrived two minutes ago. I’ve knocked and asked Jennifer to open the door. So far no one answers.”
Mac knocked on the door. “Jenny, it’s Mac. Are you OK? Open the door.”
“Mac, help! Stella’s bleeding. She’s dying.” Jennifer’s crying voice came from a short distance.
“Stella?” Mac and Flack were all tensed up. “Why? Jenny, open up NOW.”
“I can’t. Mandy wouldn’t let me. She has Stella’s gun. She…”
“Go away, Mac.” Mandy cut in.
“Mandy. No matter what you did. We could talk about it later. The most important thing is getting Stella help right now. Open the door.”
“Why? Is she so important to you? It was Jenny then. It’s Stella now. You never laid eyes on me.”
“Mandy. We have no time for this. I’m coming in. I’m not armed.” Mac handed Flack his gun.
“NO. I’LL SHOOT.” Mandy yelled.
“Mac.” Flack was not sure.
“I need to check on Stella.”
Mac used the Manager’s key to open the door. He stepped in slowly with his hands up in front of his chest. He took a quick peek to Stella then shifted his attention to Mandy.
“Mandy. Let the paramedic take Stella to the hospital. I’m staying.”
“Please, Mandy. She needs help. She didn’t do anything. She saved me from being shot. I love you, Mandy. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. Please let her go.” Jennifer was begging. Mac rushed forward to check on Stella while Mandy was distracted.
“What are you doing? Put her down.” Mac ignored Mandy’s protest. He picked up Stella and walked to the door.
“I said put her down.” Mandy waved the gun in front of Mac.
“Shoot me. She’s going to the hospital.” Mac walked straightly to the door without even looked at Mandy. He gently laid Stella in Flack’s arms. “Take care of her.”
Mac returned and pulled Jennifer behind him.
Mandy was provoked by Mac’s actions. “I always want to hurt you. You, the golden girl in the family, everybody loves you since you were born. You got all the attentions. You want to know why? I’ll tell you why. I killed your fiancé and Vincent Lane.”
Jennifer was paralyzed. It took her ten seconds to start breathing again.
“No…no…no. It’s not true. Please tell me it’s not true.” But in her heart, she knew it was true. Mandy wouldn’t admit anything which was not true.
“I met Vincent Lane in a friend’s wedding party last year. He knew I’m running a gallery. He pretended he likes me and persuaded me to transport some old books from South Africa for him. Only the books were not books. His partner hollowed out the books and hid some antique artifact in them. I confronted him when I found out. He showed no remorse for using me. He said he would tell the police I’m his accomplice if I talk. I was so stupid.” Mandy sat on the floor, still holding the gun. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“How did Steven involve?” Mac asked patiently.
“I went to Vincent’s favorite club. Tell him I want to be his partner. We went back to his apartment. I treated him two Chitosan. I thought no one would connect me to him. But I was wrong. Steven called me the next morning. He said he saw me and a man in the club but I didn’t know he was there.”
“So you decided to kill Steven too.” Mac said.
“No. I thought I could seduce him to cover up for me.”
“What?” Jennifer couldn’t believe her ears.
“What happened then? Why did you kill him?” Mac pushed.
Mandy continued with a bitter smile. “He told me to control myself. Said he wouldn’t cheat on his fiancé. That man was good. He would figure out the whole thing when the news came out. I had no choice but to shut him up.”
“You had choices. Only you chose the wrong one. Mandy, you’re the smartest girl in the family. You know surrender is your best and only choice right now. Don’t hurt yourself and your family anymore.” Mac said sincerely.
Mandy didn’t speak for a minute. When she spoke, she sounded tired and sad. “Mac, I wished someday you would pay attention to me. I didn’t know that would be like this. Why are you so sure I wouldn’t shoot you?”
“You were just lost. You’re a kind person deep inside. I know you’re jealous of Jenny. But you’re always the first one to stand up for her whenever she has troubles. Mandy, there is no excuse for what you did. You have to face the consequences. Now give me the gun. I’ll accompany you to the precinct.”
Mandy cried while Mac was speaking. She cried even harder when Jennifer went to her and held her tight. Mac took the gun away. He waited Mandy to calm down a bit before he took her to the squad car.
How could I NOT see this?? *smacks herself* Anyway great story! :bolian: Love it.
Hope Stella gets better soon!
Thank you, gals. :) Here's the update.

Part 9

Mac wished he was at the hospital now. He was so worried. He wanted to left everything behind, just to stay with Stella. But he had work to do. He put Jennifer and Mandy into separate cars. He saw Flack running toward him when he closed the car door. Suddenly, his heart stopped beating, everything around him faded away. He grabbed the handle tightly. He was not ready for what Flack might tell him. He wanted to speak but words stuck in his throat.
Flack had taken off his coat because Stella’s blood was all over it, but there still some blood on the chest of his shirt. He stopped in front of Mac. “She’s still in surgery. I let Hawkes waiting there. The Docs are very busy and the atmosphere is…I don’t know, Mac. I don’t like it. You better go. I’ll take them back to the precinct.” Flack was agitated.
“I…” Mac was hesitating.
Mandy spoke inside the car. “Mac, I appreciate your help. You don’t need to go with me. Tell Stella I’m sorry.”
Mac ran to the car and sped away.
In the hospital’s waiting room, Lindsay was sitting in the sofa, all teary. Danny was pacing restlessly while Hawkes sitting there as calm as a doctor should be.
“Hawkes, how is she?” Mac asked as soon as he saw them.
“Critical. She lost a lot of blood.”
Mac sat down and rubbed his face with both hands. Then he turned to Danny.
“Danny, the hotel room is sealed. It’s a crime scene now. I need you and Lindsay to process it.”
“Alright. Call us when she got out.” Danny and Lindsay left.
“Try to relax, Mac. The Docs are doing their best to help her.” Hawkes comforted Mac.
“Why didn’t she tell me she’s going to the hotel? Everything would be different if I were there.” Mac sighed heavily. “I shouldn’t let Jenny stayed at her place. I should’ve handled the case no different from the others.”
“Hey! Hey! Stop there, Mac. You didn’t know that. Stop blaming yourself.”
“Detective Taylor?” A doctor walked into the room.
“Doctor.” Mac stood up.
“I’m Doctor Phillips. Miss Bonasera is still in critical condition. The gun shot wound was a through and through. Luckily, the bullet didn’t hit anywhere near the heart. But she lost a lot of blood. Her heart had once stopped during the surgery. There is a fracture in her skull. She has a concussion. She’s still unconscious right now. Her chance would be bigger if she could make it in the next 24 hours. ”
Mac couldn’t speak. He felt like the doctor just announced his death sentence.
“Can we see her now?” Hawkes asked.
“Sure. But she needs rest. Don’t disturb her too much. A nurse will show you her room.”
“Thank you doctor.”
Mac sat in the sofa. His eyes were hollow. Hawkes had never seen his boss like this before. He patted Mac lightly on the shoulder. “Mac, you have to pull yourself together. She needs you.”
“I need to wash my face.”
Mac couldn’t hold up anymore once he got into the toilet. He closed his eyes and leaned against the door. Tears rolled down his cheeks quietly. When he lost Claire, he lost himself at the same time. He buried himself in work. He didn’t eat, didn’t sleep and even didn’t smile. It was Stella who helped him, encouraged him and even forced him to get out of the shell until he could live again. He was scared to think about losing Stella, his Stella. He was scared to think about the future without her. Is there a future anymore?
Part 7
OHhhh nooo.. Stella is in danger again. I hope she won't lost her memories or anything that might affect her health. I'm sure Mac will be there for her right? ;) I can't believe that it's Mandy that killed Steven. Does she has any relationship with Steven? Hmm, I'm wondering if Mandy wanted Steven herself.. Or Mandy saw something that will hurt her sister? She wanted to confess but accidentally killed him.. Okay.. Just guessing. :lol:

Part 8
This was... AWESOME! It's a great one. No one is the bad guy. I mean, she have to kill both of them to cover herself up, although she shouldn't do that. I really hope she would turn into a new leaf after she came out from prison. She's really a good sister. I can see that. Does she like Mac too? Aw.. She said, "pay attention to her"? Hmm..

Part 9
Kikii.. You made me cry. :guffaw: I mean.. I love this. If this really happens in the show, I think I would flood my house. It's really sad and true about what happens there. This statement is true.. "Mac couldn't live without Stella". I know Stella will be okay soon! She needs to wake up. She has to be strong for Mac. This is :thumbsup:.