Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Why is everyone so suspicious of Tara? It's very easy for even a doctor to get hooked on pain meds. Anybody watch House M.D. here? He's a brilliant diagnostician who pops Vicodin like candy to combat the constant pain from the nerve damage in his leg. Of course, when he was confronted about it and tried to get off the Vicodin, he went into severe withdrawl symptoms because he was actually addicted to the meds. What I'm trying to say is that she may be taking them, initially, to deal with the pain of an injury and is reawakening an old addiction to them that she might have developed maybe in med school.

I sort of on occasion watch House. But I didn't think Tara would be getting herself hooked on pain meds mostly because her personality is so professional. I think that's what shocked everyone the most. House is almost the exact opposite of professional.

I'm no doctor, but wouldn't the pain in her shoulder be less noticeable to her by that time? Sure, I have a bit of a pain myself, but I don't take anything for it. Miami hasn't really been great with telling us what the date is.
To be honest, I don't care how bad her shoulder hurts. There is no excuse for taking drugs aren't prescribed to you. ESPECIALLY to take it off a dead person and blame/hint at other people for it! If her shoulder hurt that bad, she could have gone to...guess what? A DOCTOR! She is one! She should know! I find it to be pathetic she would go that far.
I agree with you too. Regardless of how much her shoulder hurts, you don't go stealing pain medication not prescribed to you (let alone pain meds that belong to a dead girl in your morgue, that's supposed to be filed and put in an evidence box). Plus, if she told Horatio about Julia and Kyle on purpose, to distract from her (why else would she tell him about Julia being there?), obviously she should have some consequences come out of it. :rolleyes: What's the problem with going to a doctor for some pain meds? Unless of course she's just addicted to the meds now, even if she doesn't need them, and doesn't have a way to get any.

And I like Tara.
So, what I'm saying in a really wierd and sinus infected medcated haxy way is this: I think Ryan is a far better choice than Calleigh. He can isentify as an addict and help her through the recovery process as opposed to Calleigh who wouldn't exactly help, but force her through the recovery process. Everyone knows that unless an addict acknowledges the addiction, any recovery they make is only temporary and superficial.
Ryan still would need to give her an ultimatum to tell Horatio or whomever what is going on,it's not something he should keep to himself in the hopes that she will do what she needs to do. He isn't in a positon to wait until she feels she is ready to acknowledge her addition.Too much is at risk.Once it's in the open,when she acknowledges it to herself and how she goes through recovery depends on her.She can still be helped through the recovery phase,but not by others keeping her secret.That really is enabling her addiction.
GregNickRyanFan, i think Calleigh better choice too! Ryan maybe too soft for it, he can believe her, give her time. I think Calleigh is strict and thats what Tara needs, it help her to make the right decision faster.:)
I still think Ryan is the wrong choice because as I said, if he doesn't tell her "either you tell the boss or I will", then again, he's just enabling her habit. Plain and simple. although I sort of felt that way aobut Calleigh with Ryan too. :lol: She covered for him which was basically enabling, but she sure gave him a good chewing out over it too. You could see how guilty he felt too. And at least he offered to come clean to the boss about it, but Cal told him not to that she'd take care of it. I seriously doubt Tara will offer to come clean to Horatio, especially being that she implied that Julia took those pills. she knows if Horatio knew she was addicted, he'd put two and two together and figure that she took them and not Julia. Calleigh is closer to Ryan than to Tara, so I'm not sure she'd cover for Tara. :lol:

I just have a bad feeling that they are setting up another mole like storyline here. Ryan suspects something between E/C and now he's gonna know Tara's secret too? Both of those things are going to come out and E/C and Tara are going to be blaming Ryan for it. And that is something that I DO NOT like at all!
I just have a bad feeling that they are setting up another mole like storyline here. Ryan suspects something between E/C and now he's gonna know Tara's secret too? Both of those things are going to come out and E/C and Tara are going to be blaming Ryan for it. And that is something that I DO NOT like at all!
Bad, bad scenario!:scream: Knowing writers, Ryan would be bad in this story, Tara just poor girl with addict, EC - romance couple, and Ryan is bad guy who don't tell anyone about Tara and suspect something wrong with Eric and Cal, another words too curious! :(
first things first..... thanks for the spoilers.... the eppy sounds interesting and the Ryan-Tara situation really lit a fire under the discussions on here:devil: POV:

Ryan is a good choice for a number of reasons:
1. from the "old"members of the team he's the only one that could actually relate properly with the a lot of you mentioned the others had some contact with addictions in a way or another but is not the same. yes, i belive that for the reasons that lady10 put on "paper" soo good, Cal would be too harsh,and the same reasons apply to H and the Ray situation also. on the other hans Eric would be too simpatetic.
2. this a crap that is NOT HIS! and in my book that's a good thing for the character... this time his not the one to mess up the things,his the one that is cleaning the mess...

Tara's storyline is not new or unpredictiable, so my question is: why all (ok only like 70% of them) the MD's in the movies are getting addicted to pain meddication. tyhey should know better. personally i belive the omnipresent tequilla botle from Grey's more real than the pain medication. a MD should be ableto find a stupid medication or cocktail of medications that is not addictable.
ok,I do belive that there are persons thatare prooned to addiction, yes but the great majority of them deal with it... they start collecting stamps or what ever, watch too much footbal or too much tv series, less distructive things...
and yes, i can relate to her taking the pills in the "heat of the moment" or pain of the moment - because not everybody has a high pain threeshould. but framing Julia? continuing to take the pills? that's not good.

ok, that were just my 2 cents during coffee, so.... soryy for the ramble
Thanks for the informations Delkolover.:thumbsup:
Well it looks that Ryan is getting a lot of storyline in the second half of this season, finally I'd say. Even Tara character's gets some interesting story, but why they don't give anything interesting to Natalia? I'd like to see her more often then just in a few seconds in the lab, she deserves it.
I dunno guys, I'm not going to sweat it. I really don't think he's going to get in any trouble.

NATALIA. She is a cool chick. Needs way more storyline, probably before Tara does. She's been here longer.
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Thank you so much for posting the last spoilers delkolover ;)

Ok here's what I think about the whole Tara's stuff:
Why on hearth when a person has an injury on a TV show, does he/she have to get addicted????? I really don't get it. Ok that Miami always had some miracles in tearm of health care ( I mean Delko's bullet, Ryan's eye & Calleigh's lung) so that maybe they should start with something more realistic, but it's really annoying me whenever there's a plotline like this on anyy show.
I do have a bad shoulder injury (trust me it's far worse than hers considering she can move her arm withouth any problem ;)), but noone gaves me prescriptions for drugs & I'm not looking for them. I'm not an addicted. Why does she have to become an addicted for sucha stupid injury??? Reallly I don't get it.

The fact it's Tara having who has a storyline like this , instead of someone else like....let's paly a funny game.... N*****A (who was this person??? Who gets the answer right will get a holiday to Cuba :lol:) leaves me kinda :wtf:. I mean how is it possible that Tara has already a storyline??? But then, I think about 2 things:
1) if Tara didn't have an interesting storyline by the end of the season, TPTB would technically make the same mistake they once did with Alexx's character ;).
2) I honestly can't picture Natalia addicted :lol:. Probably I can do it with Calleigh, but not Natalia. So I say thank god they didn't want to write an addicted Natalia (well she had a badly broken arm because of Nick, so she could be justified for an addiction, surely more than Tara)-.

I love the idea of Ryan facing this problem with her. I mean Calleigh would be surely harsh knowing her family problem. There's no way she'll be kind or let's say touched by her problem (Surely a shoulder injury like hers is not the right justification for her addiction).
Eric let's say it's not the case. I mean he's suffering from that bullet & he takes drugs too (meaybe he's not addicted, but I wouldn't advise him :lol:).
Maybe Horatio could help her, but still I think it would mean sack. So yeah I think Ryan is the best choice, if they really want her to solve her own problems ;).
Not to mention that I don't see how it can create him some new troubles.
After seeing all of the replies....I still stand quite strongly on Ryan being the perfect choice for the role of confronter. He knows the feeling of being addicted to something, it doesn't matter if it's drugs or gambling; an addiction is and addiction. I believe he will give her some kind of ultimatium.

and I love Tara! She's no Alexx but you know what...i'm ok with that. And I want them to be friends, she needs some being the new person. Isolating a person because we don't like them seems a bit unfair. Remember what alot of us did when Ryan came along? I think this storyline will give us an opportunity to see Tara in a new light, and maybe she'll get a life-long friend in the lab in the form of Ryan.
I have to say that I also think that Ryan is the right choice. He's been there, well kind of, and I think would sympathize with her. Calleigh, even though she has struggled with an alcoholic father, has never been there herself. Eric I just don't see him in this storyline and Natalia I just don't feel would have a similiar situation in her life that would help her understand what's happening to Tara. I do agree with whoever said that this may have started as a mistake (she had logged the pills and then the pain got too severe and she just took them). When Horatio started sniffing around she just steered H in Julia's direction. Now she's hooked and keeps on stealing/taking them. I think this is a really interesting storyline for Ryan and I'm looking forward to see how exactly he handles having this information. It can tell us a lot about where he is as a character after everything he's done and been through.
and I love Tara! She's no Alexx but you know what...i'm ok with that. And I want them to be friends, she needs some being the new person. Isolating a person because we don't like them seems a bit unfair. Remember what alot of us did when Ryan came along? I think this storyline will give us an opportunity to see Tara in a new light, and maybe she'll get a life-long friend in the lab in the form of Ryan.
Totally agree with you here!!! ;) That's one of the reasons which make me wait for this episode. I mean I don't love this kind of storyline in any show, but I still want to see it played out by a character like Tara. Not to mention that she has to get a storyline. Plus I lover her character :).
Oh I'd love to see her and Ryan getting friends :thumbsup:
I'm excited for it too!
I admit, I don't like Tara, she's not very memorable to me, but that's okay. I am interested to see more from her as well as Ryan's reaction to her situation.
I'm excited for it too!
I admit, I don't like Tara, she's not very memorable to me, but that's okay. I am interested to see more from her as well as Ryan's reaction to her situation.

I am not a fan of the Tara charater either. I don´t think the writers did introduce her very well. Her odd recations going from "I don´t like jokes on the job" to "I care for you" .(Eric at motel). Within a few episodes ...I actual like the guy from "Going balistic" better.

As to steal and lie about the pills...well yeah perhaps the back-dropstory on that one will make us care, but I am not there yet at all.....

I can´t remember if they already did it, but I suggest a stalkerstoryline for Ryan instead. (They used a personal story of Eva R. in the photokiller.)One where he could show some compassion for the stalker in the end.

I am still puzzled by the fact, that Jonathan T. seems so nice and caring and sweet on the bonusfeatures of the DVD and why the writes doesn´t let that translate into the character a bit more. PLEASE do not get Ryanfans outthere...But does he get in trouble a lot and he didn´t get the girl in the Ryan, Eric, Natalia - affaire and his eyeproblem. I know there might be comming a Ryan story soon ...but he gets ..Well you know....

And considering he is a young attractive guy ..Why don´t they(writes) used him in beach scene playing volley or showing compasion for the poor stalker?
. Here is one for you Ryanfans...Undercover as a lifeguard? :)
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