Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Interesting that Ryan would be the one finding out about Tara.It will be an opportunity to see how much he learned from his previous gambling addiction.And of course ,super H will find out about it eventually.
Not sure what you mean.Do you mean if he learned that he should give the info to Horatio,or keep it to himself? He needs to inform her to report the problem or he will.
Just when you think Tara is a perfect, cute young woman, she turns out to have a secret. I hope when Ryan sees her he deals with it, and she better take his advice, cause I sure wouldnt want to see his bad side if he was drawn into it.

I think it's like this:
he walks into the morgue, stops seeing her stuffing the pills in the drawer and then asks her. She lies, then explains after he's not buying it, he gives her time to confess to H or whoever but warns her not to make him apart of it, or let anyone know that he knew and didnt report her. And I think she will turn over.
Yeah,I mean he should tell Horatio.Tara will probably tell him a lame excuse(like addicts do) but he should be able to recognize the symptoms.If the writers do it right ,can be great to Ryan character.
See that's why it makes me nervous, I'm not sure the writers will do it right. :lol:

As for what's going on with Tara, I dunno... If she wanted the pills for herself, she didn't have to write them down as evidence and no one would have known the vic even had those pills on her person. What's getting me, is why would Tara suggest that Julia took them? I think there's a bigger reason than just the simple, getting the suspicion away from her scenario. I can't help but think that with now knowing Ron Saris is returning that Tara may be working for him against Julia and Kyle and even Horatio.
Even in the worst case scenario(that Ryan does not tell H) ,I see him as the one that will help Tara in all this so this is something positive.In real life I would have tons of issues with this but this is CSI Miami afterall.

I see Calleigh (with her dad situation) more like the one that cleaned up the mess so Ryan is a better choice to help an addict like Tara.

But we all have to see how this plays out.Maybe the writers will get it right.;)
Why is everyone so suspicious of Tara? It's very easy for even a doctor to get hooked on pain meds. Anybody watch House M.D. here? He's a brilliant diagnostician who pops Vicodin like candy to combat the constant pain from the nerve damage in his leg. Of course, when he was confronted about it and tried to get off the Vicodin, he went into severe withdrawl symptoms because he was actually addicted to the meds. What I'm trying to say is that she may be taking them, initially, to deal with the pain of an injury and is reawakening an old addiction to them that she might have developed maybe in med school.

As far as Calleigh being understanding of addiction.....I'm not so sure. It's one thing when it's a beloved family member and a whole different ball of wax when it's a co-worker. I can see Calleigh giving her nine different flavors of hell and an ultimatum of go and tell Horatio or Calleigh will, herself.
I think that Tara took the vic's pills as a spur-of-the-moment thing. Her shoulder was probably hurting badly, and she just took them to relieve the pain. Afterward, obviously, she probably regretted the choice. She'd alreadly logged them afterall.

I should point out that Tara did not go out of her way to frame Julia. It was not until Horatio cornered her about the missing pills that she somewhat reluctantly mentioned that Julia had been in the lab. She left it to H to make his own assumptions.

I doubt that Tara is working for a bad guy or really trying to actively frame someone. I just think she screwed up once and now is taking advantage of her access to pain medication. As to whether the storyline is taken farther than Ryan telling her to quit it...I don't know. I hope so. I want to see what Horatio has to say about it.
Just when you think Tara is a perfect, cute young woman, she turns out to have a secret. I hope when Ryan sees her he deals with it, and she better take his advice, cause I sure wouldnt want to see his bad side if he was drawn into it.

I think it's like this:
he walks into the morgue, stops seeing her stuffing the pills in the drawer and then asks her. She lies, then explains after he's not buying it, he gives her time to confess to H or whoever but warns her not to make him apart of it, or let anyone know that he knew and didnt report her. And I think she will turn over.
That's a very good way it might play out.
I think about it this way: He'll relate to her in some way, and he'll cut her some slack because of it. Maybe he'll let someone on about it. But hey, If he's willing to risk some of himself for a co-worker, that's fine with me.

I have faith in the writers. They're professionals, they brought us a great series. :) And uh...Yes. I admit. Ryan's hotness does gets me through work on Mondays. AHEM*
As far as Calleigh being understanding of addiction.....I'm not so sure. It's one thing when it's a beloved family member and a whole different ball of wax when it's a co-worker. I can see Calleigh giving her nine different flavors of hell and an ultimatum of go and tell Horatio or Calleigh will, herself.
She should be given an ultimatum.If she needs help,it doesn't do her any good to keep it a secret. If she's really addicted,she is just going to keep trying to cover it up.

I think about it this way: He'll relate to her in some way, and he'll cut her some slack because of it. Maybe he'll let someone on about it. But hey, If he's willing to risk some of himself for a co-worker, that's fine with me.
This sounds harsh,but he shouldn't be cutting her any slack.She needs to come clean. She would be endangering more than just her self.Believe me ,she may not mean it, but an addict will take someone else down with her.
Of course this is TV,so it won't play out like real life,but in reality people can be understanding,but she needs to be dealt with in a way which may be seen as tough by some.
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But hey, If he's willing to risk some of himself for a co-worker, that's fine with me.

I don't want him risking anything for HER. If it was someone else, perhaps, but not for her.

Originally Posted by ladyd10
As far as Calleigh being understanding of addiction.....I'm not so sure. It's one thing when it's a beloved family member and a whole different ball of wax when it's a co-worker. I can see Calleigh giving her nine different flavors of hell and an ultimatum of go and tell Horatio or Calleigh will, herself.
She should be given an ultimatum.If she needs help,it doesn't do her any good to keep it a secret. If she's really addicted,she is just going to keep trying to cover it up.

I completely agree, greatfan. She should definitely be giving an ultimatum. She should also be given some heck for it too. Calleigh gave Ryan hell for his gambling thing, so Tara should get some for her deal too... cause it's worse IMO. What if she was out of pills and having withdrawls while working on an autopsy and it caused her to screw it up so badly that they couldn't find out what the COD was?
I don't like Tara either. It's selfish of her to put a colleague in that spot, but in terms of what Ryan will do about it: Ryan will be Ryan and his decisions will reflect who he is and how we know him as a character. Ryan embodies a lot of emotion, we see it all the time in the things he does. (chasing down diddy's client in Presumed Guilty, strolling up to suspects in Sink or Swim). His aggression translates into passion, and I don't think that will be absent in this case. If he didn't have some sympathy or 'tough love' for Tara, he wouldn't be the Ryan I have come to interpret all along.

(And don't get all Ewwww cause I used the word "love"! I didn't mean it in THAT way. :lol: I meant in mate relationship...type...way...thing.)

But i do agree, Tara should be getting a good talking to from someone. Drugs on the job? Yipes.
To be honest, I don't care how bad her shoulder hurts. There is no excuse for taking drugs aren't prescribed to you. ESPECIALLY to take it off a dead person and blame/hint at other people for it! If her shoulder hurt that bad, she could have gone to...guess what? A DOCTOR! She is one! She should know! I find it to be pathetic she would go that far.

I also don't really care who confronts her, as long as she is confronted. I'm happy it's Ryan though....for obvious reasons. :)
:lol: Holly, I read your post wrong at first glance. I read the word "confront" as "comfort" and I was like what? And had to reread and then I was like, okay that's better. :lol: I want Ryan and Tara's relationship to remain completely platonic and professional. I don't know if I even want them as friends. Seems to me that she'd be a risky friend to have, drug addicts always are.

What's stupid is, she's a doctor. Are they allowed to write their own prescriptions? :lol: I guess not, but why couldn't she go and get some from her own doc? I mean it's not like she's gonna be fired over a shoulder injury. This whole storyline makes no sense to me. It was just all they could come up with for her.

To be honest, I don't care how bad her shoulder hurts. There is no excuse for taking drugs aren't prescribed to you. ESPECIALLY to take it off a dead person and blame/hint at other people for it! If her shoulder hurt that bad, she could have gone to...guess what? A DOCTOR! She is one! She should know! I find it to be pathetic she would go that far.

I totally agree with you, Holly.

As for confrontations, I'd much rather it be Calleigh who confronted her because Calleigh will be caring, but harsh (like she was with Ryan) and that's what Tara needs. If Ryan keeps it to himself, he's only enabling her.

Hey, you know what I just realized? This ep is the 23rd ep and Ryan still seems to be working. I guess that means in 721 that Stetler isn't there to fire him after all. Whew! I feel better now. :D

By the way, thanks for that spoiler info. Sorry I forgot to say it before. I've been a bit frazzled today for some reason. :lol:
You know, Calleigh would be extremely harsh. Remember that she's an adult child of an alcoholic parent. Any concept of nurturing would fly out the window when she'd learn about Tara's chemical dependance. I ought to know. I'm in Calleigh's boat. My dad is a recovering alcoholic and although I've never had to pull him out of bars, I get it. I've had people I know in my life who have had substance abuse issues and I'm so very not tollerant of it. These have been peple I have cared very much about, even loved, so I can really see Calleigh's intollerance of it. Ryan is a better choice. He's been there and knows how it feels. While addicts often need harsh reality thrown in their faces (like A&E's Intervention), a lot don't, like my dad.

So, what I'm saying in a really wierd and sinus infected medcated haxy way is this: I think Ryan is a far better choice than Calleigh. He can isentify as an addict and help her through the recovery process as opposed to Calleigh who wouldn't exactly help, but force her through the recovery process. Everyone knows that unless an addict acknowledges the addiction, any recovery they make is only temporary and superficial.

Hey, anyone think that maybe Horatio figures it out and it scares him because it reminds him of Ray?
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