Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Oh gosh! Ryan confronts Tara about her substance abuse?! Awesome!
I think it's nice he gives her a second chance, I suspect he might be able to relate somehow. (though the only time he ever messed up evidence is when he was being forced to....)
Ugh... why is Ryan the one confronting her. I don't want him anywhere near her! I don't trust her! I was so hoping Horatio would find out about it. Why is it Ryan? That puts him in the position of knowing something he should tell the boss, but him staying silent. Ugh. Hopefully he only knows about her using the pills right then and not about her taking the pills and framing Julia.
I figured that Tara was taking the Oxy for her shoulder and that it wouldn't have been written in if they didn't intend on using it later on. I like the fact that Ryan is going to be the one to confront her about it, considering his own addiction issue with gambling.

I still don't get what they're doing with Kyle. He's only 17 and should be a Junior/Senior in hugh school, not working full time at a morgue with his own place. Doesn't make any sense.
Ugh... why is Ryan the one confronting her. I don't want him anywhere near her! I don't trust her! I was so hoping Horatio would find out about it. Why is it Ryan? That puts him in the position of knowing something he should tell the boss, but him staying silent. Ugh. Hopefully he only knows about her using the pills right then and not about her taking the pills and framing Julia.
That's exactly what I was thinking pretty much. I liked Ryan and Tara in the few scenes they had together, but if she gets him into trouble. :scream:

We'll just have to wait and see.
hmmm so Ryan's the secret keeper in the team?? Horatio's "death", the mole investigation, suspects the EC relationship, now Tara. It does seem like something he should tell H, but then again if she convinced him that it's all under the control... Though, does he know that she actually took some from a vic or does he only know that she is taking them for the pain?
But guys, if you really look at it...Ryan's the perfect choice. Who better to understand an addiction and the costs of it letting it effect your job better than him! I wanted this to happen as soon as I saw monday's episode and I'm so excited it's going to.

And it also means, more Ryan screentime and that's always a good thing! :)
But guys, if you really look at it...Ryan's the perfect choice. Who better to understand an addiction and the costs of it letting it effect your job better than him! I wanted this to happen as soon as I saw monday's episode and I'm so excited it's going to.

And it also means, more Ryan screentime and that's always a good thing! :)
It still puts him in a bad position.I don't know about Miami,but in the real world in health care(which I am in) if you don't ask for help with substance abuse,and you are stealing drugs, you are fired . Someone that knows of it can also face action ,such as suspension.Tara is putting Ryan at risk also.
Ryan is the best character as far as the story goes, but it's not fair for Tara to put him in that kind of position.
Who's to say he doesn't let Horatio know though? If he left Horatio a little hint, I think H would get it.
But being put in a terrible position by someone else is not new to this show. Even Horatio is not immune to this. Eric put him in a position in season four, Ryan did it twice to Horatio in season five and the second time it cost him his job. Ryan also did it again to Calliegh in 5.3.

So Tara putting Ryan in a dilemia is not new or shocking to me anyway. I think we're all so sentimental to Ryan, that after all the crap he is going to go through soon, we don't want to see him in anymore trouble. I would be the first to agree with you on that score. But this could lead to a wonderful friendship between them and I personally can't wait to see it! :)
But being put in a terrible position by someone else is not new to this show. Even Horatio is not immune to this. Eric put him in a position in season four, Ryan did it twice to Horatio in season five and the second time it cost him his job. Ryan also did it again to Calliegh in 5.3.

So Tara putting Ryan in a dilemia is not new or shocking to me anyway. I think we're all so sentimental to Ryan, that after all the crap he is going to go through soon, we don't want to see him in anymore trouble. I would be the first to agree with you on that score. But this could lead to a wonderful friendship between them and I personally can't wait to see it! :)
That's true about being sentimental,but for me it's because nothing good seems to happen for Ryan.At least we know he's the type that seems to bounce back . Maybe next season will be better for him.
I am personally not concerned. I don't think it will go beyond Ryan telling her not to do it again.
There's been too much going on with his character lately that I don't think the writers can possibly cram anymore bad stuff down his throat.
I have to disagree that Ryan's the right person for that. Calleigh would probably understand better being that her dad is a recovering alcoholic and she lived with that almost all her life. Gambling is an addiction, sure, but I would think that someone who'd dealt with a drug/alcohol addiction (whether themselves or a family member) would better understand. So, I think personally it should have been Calleigh. And I don't want Ryan and Tara to become friends personally. I would much rather they build on Ryan's friendships with his team members before they start with the new girl. Though I wouldn't mind Ryan having a guy friend in the form of the new A/V guy. They seemed to click right off the bat. Tara needs to stay far away from all of them. I don't trust her. I think there's something more going on with her than just this taking pills for an injury thing.
:lol: Honestly, when I saw the promo, at first I rolled my eyes, but then I thought okay, they're acting out a scenario to recreate the events leading up to the murder (kind of like they did on the Vegas ep where Warrick and Nick had to play the married couple :lol: ).

Yeah remembered You May Now Kill the Bride? Everyone freaked out with the whole veil scene in the promo and it turned out they were misleading us, as usual, and Eric and Cal were just reinacting the scene or recreating the moment as Cal put it. They also made it seem like that it would be Cal as the bride who got killed :rolleyes: As if we would ever actually believe that but since the promos are sooo damn misleading.....I have to admit when I saw the promo for that ep, I was like "wtf?" :lol:

Oh yeah Nick and Warrick as the married couple, classic :lol:

And I also am not concerned with recycled stories b/c like electra said each spin off puts their own spin on them based on the quirks and differences of each of their shows.

I gotta say, I am really excited to see ep 722...Corey's ep...just b/c given all the publicity The Bachelor is getting over that crazy finale, I think it is going to be hilarious to see a sort of "spoof" on it :lol:

I agree, the promos can be misleading but I'd rather they be misleading than give away what basically happens. The promo that was aired for this week's episode just ruined it for me, gave me nothing to look forward to but next week's promo looks good.
I have to disagree that Ryan's the right person for that. Calleigh would probably understand better being that her dad is a recovering alcoholic and she lived with that almost all her life. Gambling is an addiction, sure, but I would think that someone who'd dealt with a drug/alcohol addiction (whether themselves or a family member) would better understand. So, I think personally it should have been Calleigh. And I don't want Ryan and Tara to become friends personally. I would much rather they build on Ryan's friendships with his team members before they start with the new girl. Though I wouldn't mind Ryan having a guy friend in the form of the new A/V guy. They seemed to click right off the bat. Tara needs to stay far away from all of them. I don't trust her. I think there's something more going on with her than just this taking pills for an injury thing.
Very valid points.What do you think is going on with Tara? For some reason,I don't trust her either.
Interesting that Ryan would be the one finding out about Tara.It will be an opportunity to see how much he learned from his previous gambling addiction.And of course ,super H will find out about it eventually.
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