Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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It makes people wonder and want to watch the show to see why they're in an airplane together, especially people who don't read spoilers.

If they put a bunch of boring scenes in the promo, I'm sure less people would want to watch. The point of a promo is to screw with people's minds. If they were accurate they'd be boring, and we'd all know or at least have a good idea of what's going to happen, which isn't the point.
It's not that I'm mad about an Eric/Calleigh storyline (I ship them!!) but that that little clip had nothing to do with anything. If they were showing Horatio and Kyle in the plane I'd still be confused. Are they trying to make it look like those two were on the plane? Was Eric having a weird brain malfunction again? It was cheesy and out of place.
But you're going to watch to figure out why that scene was there and how it's happening right? I think it's done its job. ;)
But you're going to watch to figure out why that scene was there and how it's happening right? I think it's done its job. ;)

:lol: You're right! People who are left thinking "are they really leaving?" or simply what the heck was that about will probably tune in to investigate. :lol:
But you're going to watch to figure out why that scene was there and how it's happening right? I think it's done its job. ;)

:lol: You're right! People who are left thinking "are they really leaving?" or simply what the heck was that about will probably tune in to investigate. :lol:

Yes, as usual the promo people just LOVE to mess with us! :lol: I am a fan of the ship but with things like that it irks me b/c I know exactly what that scene is all about from reading the spoilers and it is sooo out of context in the promo. And if I didn't know what it was really about, I would totally be like "wtf?" :lol:
For all we know,maybe the producers wanted to repeat the same impact that the promo for 7:16 had.It surely caused HUGE impact.;)

I also don't care much about repeating storylines becouse each CSI show usually takes a different angle so it will be interesting to see How Miami does it.And IMO this show has improved a lot compared to last season.
:lol: Honestly, when I saw the promo, at first I rolled my eyes, but then I thought okay, they're acting out a scenario to recreate the events leading up to the murder (kind of like they did on the Vegas ep where Warrick and Nick had to play the married couple :lol: ).
:lol: Honestly, when I saw the promo, at first I rolled my eyes, but then I thought okay, they're acting out a scenario to recreate the events leading up to the murder (kind of like they did on the Vegas ep where Warrick and Nick had to play the married couple :lol: ).

Yeah remembered You May Now Kill the Bride? Everyone freaked out with the whole veil scene in the promo and it turned out they were misleading us, as usual, and Eric and Cal were just reinacting the scene or recreating the moment as Cal put it. They also made it seem like that it would be Cal as the bride who got killed :rolleyes: As if we would ever actually believe that but since the promos are sooo damn misleading.....I have to admit when I saw the promo for that ep, I was like "wtf?" :lol:

Oh yeah Nick and Warrick as the married couple, classic :lol:

And I also am not concerned with recycled stories b/c like electra said each spin off puts their own spin on them based on the quirks and differences of each of their shows.

I gotta say, I am really excited to see ep 722...Corey's ep...just b/c given all the publicity The Bachelor is getting over that crazy finale, I think it is going to be hilarious to see a sort of "spoof" on it :lol:
I really hate planes, so having an episode that focuses on one for me is like...:(. I'll still watch, but I'm not terribly excited for next week. I hope there is some continuity with the Tara-drug thing.
I really hate planes, so having an episode that focuses on one for me is like...:(. I'll still watch, but I'm not terribly excited for next week. I hope there is some continuity with the Tara-drug thing.

I hate planes too. I can't even go to the airport without getting sick. haha. When I was younger I went with my mom to pick up her friend from the airport and as soon as I saw the planes (they were parked of course), I started feeling queasy. :lol:

I just had a thought. What was the name of Eric's ex girlfriend who was psycho? Was it Gloria? Wonder if she's still around and if that'll be one of the complications E/C has to face. Might be interesting. I'd actually like to see Calleigh go up against Gloria, she'd kick Gloria's tail. :lol: It'd be funny if Ryan and Dave saw the two of them fighting and started going "Chick fight! Chick fight!" And Ryan would say, "Get her, Calleigh!" :guffaw: Sorry, I'm in a weird mood tonight. Must be the coffee. :D
Now, see, I love plaes: all kinds of planes. Big ones, little ones, jet fighters, stealth bombers....okay the stealth is my fave just because you can't hear it until it's too late. (delighted shiver) My big treat when I was little was for my folks to take me to O'Hare Airport and park where we could see most of the arrivals and departures. If my eyesight was better and I wasn't an asthmatic, I'd probably be a pilot.

So, another case involving a plane is just yummy high flying fun for me. But they'd better get the stats right or I'll be growling. Screwing up my beloved archery physics is one thing. Mess with my aircraft and I'll really get mad. Now if they ever tamper with history.......napalm. That's all I gotta say.

Yes, I'm sounding bizarre. I'm on heavy duty meds and they make me funny.
wonder how Kyle will fit into all this? does someone know if there will be a body then that goes to the morgue? just thinking he'll be around more and might try to 'solve' the cases since he feels he helped so much with the phone off the dead hanging guy-nothing like a teenager who's too eager to help solve stuff then maybe he makes it worst...
first.. i'm with all of people like to play with usand out minds... is their destiny,their mission in life and me for one i like them for that.

maybe they were trying to make us (or the spoiler free people) that actually Cal and Eric were on the plane when the whole thing happened... something like Mac in that episode. or that maybe after the case they take a short holiday and discover another body, in another airplane but with the same MO (YES,i do miss having a serial killer in Miami).

from my own point of view they can make stories with airplanes anytime. ok, they have to be commercial airplanes but they still remember me about JAG so is a good thing. and just for the record,i like planes. i don't fly to much but i like to.

us to the recyled stories.... well, after so many years, and so many shows... they have to do something.... personaly 1 of 3 episodes from the new procedural series that i watch seem familiar because L&O francise already made at least an episode about that. but the trick (in my opinion) is to make the story flow differently even if the bassic idea is the same.
so, i'm not concerned about the episode.
Like for me the promo looks interesting, but we all know they like to confuse people with it. The episode is about the murder on the plane and all of sudden they show Eric and Calleigh on the plane, she's drinking champagne or wine and everybody think what's this, what does it mean:confused:. So anyhow they achieve thier goal, keep people interested.:)
Like for me the promo looks interesting, but we all know they like to confuse people with it. The episode is about the murder on the plane and all of sudden they show Eric and Calleigh on the plane, she's drinking champagne or wine and everybody think what's this, what does it mean:confused:. So anyhow they achieve thier goal, keep people interested.:)

Hi fellow crime fighters...

As this is a fictional show and we are talking about fictional characters,
I am not lying awake at night wondering about THE PROMO.:cardie:As some of my other post -its might imply. Mayby it is the aftermath of the "Jumping the shark" stuff

My only problem as to THE PROMO *LOL*. (Perhaps a tread all on its own;).) The paid off!? Peoples expectations? (hiphugger or not) I mean did you hear the vocieover???. I am so hoping there is some comic relief in that episode.

You know: I am "Go there all in or don´t go there at all".

If you want to shock people(kissing, romantic getaways, babies, weddings or skinaction) save for the episode. Have people go ....-" they didn´t just do that with out any warning. I am so glad I taped that one."
Especially as the lovestory are surposed to the C storyline taking the backseat to 1. and 2. crimesolvingpuzzles.

But putting it out there as a keypiece to draw in the crowd, will tricker peoples expectations post epi. 7.16. Hiphugger or not. Joining forums or not! And it will put some people off and it might just do the trick?

But I have promised on another tread to let Mondaynight answer.

will now spend some time nameing THE PROMO;
THE PROMO that could or could it?Vink - Vink.

Opss. Is the show ready to go all in?

And bring the serialkiller perhaps for more then one episode.
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