Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

^^ It does it does. I love watching older episodes to notice these even more. Like Chaos Theory Warrick double checks Cath's gear before she goes down the garbage shoot. The look in his eyes says he cares so much. I love it.

like the eye contact here
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I've spent my day watching CSI!

I have no idea why it's been on all day on a Monday, but I've loved it!

And the YoBling! I love the YoBling.

Even if we never happen... we rocked the world.

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Even if we never happen... we rocked the world.


Love that quote! I'm gonna make a yobling wallie on that... but possibly tomorrow cause it's 1am now and i have work. :(

^^ Love you forever if you made a icon or siggy with it that I could use here. Wallie would be great too, would become and stay my wallpaper forever. Great qoute LLK.

so close
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

ZOMG have you seen this?!!?

One: Thank GOODNESS it's not Nick that finds him. For some reason the focus they put on Nick/Warrick's friendship really threatened me and my YoBLing love! I'm not bothered by Grissom.

Two: I'm a horrible person... but Catherine looking that upset (even for that short of a flash of a moment) was absolutely amazing.

Three: The GSR shipper in me (no matter how hard I try to supress her) loves the Grissom/Sara scene.
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Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

ZOMG have you seen this?!!?

One: Thank GOODNESS it's not Nick that finds him. For some reason the focus they put on Nick/Warrick's friendship really threatened me and my YoBLing love! I'm not bothered by Grissom.

Two: I'm a horrible person... but Catherine looking that upset (even for that short of a flash of a moment) was absolutely amazing.

Three: The GSR shipper in me (no matter how hard I try to supress her) loves the Grissom/Sara scene.

seen what?! seen what?!!!! pls send through pm!!!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

It was a link to a promo video! The new one for season 9! Ugh. I'm sad that they seem to have edited it out of my post.

Here it is again. - This promo is a spoiler - please be warned before clicking it.

Mods, I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to link to youtube... but this is huge for us. If I can't link it here... where can I?
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Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

youtube is fine....the spoiler site you had it linked with from the other post was not.
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Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Yeah the promo is really intense. I feel the whole first episode is gonna be really intense. From the promo it looks like we will get to see Cath's reaction to Warrick's death right away. And hopefully later on we will see how it effects Lindsey from what I have heard about the seasons episode.
perfect pair
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Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Cath's reaction is heart breaking.... :( even if it's shown for like half a second... But by the looks of it, I think GSR is going to overshadow Warrick's plot, although I hope not.... I always wanted them to show Lindsey's reaction, but I seriously doubt the writers are including that in.... I'll just have to hear it from you guys...
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Cath's reaction is heart breaking.... :( even if it's shown for like half a second... But by the looks of it, I think GSR is going to overshadow Warrick's plot, although I hope not.... I always wanted them to show Lindsey's reaction, but I seriously doubt the writers are including that in.... I'll just have to hear it from you guys...

I read the cast list for the first epi--no Kay Pannebaker (sp?) so no Lindsey. Meanwhile I think Gary is going to be in about 4 or 5 episodes. So, that's neat.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Whoops sorry mods. Gonna do a spoiler things just to be careful.

Yeah have a feeling if the first episode is as intense as the promo. I will be blahing my eyes out the whole time. I wonder who shoulder Cath will end up crying on. Cause when Sara is back Gil will be with her so yeah. As for the Lindsey thing I hope the spoilers about her at the club with a fake ID is her acting out after Warrick's death.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Catherine does seem to be rather upset. About GSR overshadowing, I think that if they're careful, they can work Warrick's death and GSR peacefully together. Sara coming back IS a big deal, and the inner GSR shipper in me is celebrating, but I don't want it to overshadow the DEATH of a main character.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I read the cast list for the first epi--no Kay Pannebaker (sp?) so no Lindsey. Meanwhile I think Gary is going to be in about 4 or 5 episodes. So, that's neat.

Is it just me or Lindsey's not so much in the series after Kay? I think it'll be great for Gary to be in the series longer but is it too much leaving in this season? Like we know Sara's coming back but she's not staying.... and we know Grissom's getting off mid-season and Warrick wont be staying long.... I'm just wondering how they're gonna let all these characters leave around the same time.... Gosh, Cath's gonna be extremely depressed...

Whoops sorry mods. Gonna do a spoiler things just to be careful.

Yeah have a feeling if the first episode is as intense as the promo. I will be blahing my eyes out the whole time. I wonder who shoulder Cath will end up crying on. Cause when Sara is back Gil will be with her so yeah. As for the Lindsey thing I hope the spoilers about her at the club with a fake ID is her acting out after Warrick's death.

Like I mentioned earlier, I think the writers are gonna put Catnip together. A new guy's coming in to replace Griss but I dont think Cath's gonna cry on his shoulder... :rolleyes: which pretty much leaves either Nick or Greg. And in the pilot, there's actually a CatNip scene which they cut out. So I'm thinking they may reconsider CatNip.

Catherine does seem to be rather upset. About GSR overshadowing, I think that if they're careful, they can work Warrick's death and GSR peacefully together. Sara coming back IS a big deal, and the inner GSR shipper in me is celebrating, but I don't want it to overshadow the DEATH of a main character.

I havent been much of a GSR fan, so maybe that's where I'm mainly worrying about. I'm sorry to say I've seen many posts where (in here or YouTube or BuddyTV or wherever) people are just concerned over Sara coming back to Griss. And I'm all like "em... hello? warrick's dying here and all you can say is GSR's BACK!!!!" :wtf: Dont get me wrong, I dont hate Sara or GSR... I just think that GSR will steal focus from Warrick and YoBling scenes (if there are any)

Sorry for the excessive spoiler tags.... I'm not so sure which to put as spoilers so might as well be safe. BTW, I havent started working on the wallie yet.... still choosing the right pics. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Catherine does seem to be rather upset. About GSR overshadowing, I think that if they're careful, they can work Warrick's death and GSR peacefully together. Sara coming back IS a big deal, and the inner GSR shipper in me is celebrating, but I don't want it to overshadow the DEATH of a main character.

I havent been much of a GSR fan, so maybe that's where I'm mainly worrying about. I'm sorry to say I've seen many posts where (in here or YouTube or BuddyTV or wherever) people are just concerned over Sara coming back to Griss. And I'm all like "em... hello? warrick's dying here and all you can say is GSR's BACK!!!!" :wtf: Dont get me wrong, I dont hate Sara or GSR... I just think that GSR will steal focus from Warrick and YoBling scenes (if there are any)

I think that about 3/4 of the GSR shippers are a combination of upset over Warrick but happy about Sara/GSR. The other 1/4 is the louder group that is all obsessive-GSR-OMG. I'm in the 3/4, and we find the 1/4 kind of annoying. ;) Don't really take them seriously.
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