Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Catherine does seem to be rather upset. About GSR overshadowing, I think that if they're careful, they can work Warrick's death and GSR peacefully together. Sara coming back IS a big deal, and the inner GSR shipper in me is celebrating, but I don't want it to overshadow the DEATH of a main character.

I havent been much of a GSR fan, so maybe that's where I'm mainly worrying about. I'm sorry to say I've seen many posts where (in here or YouTube or BuddyTV or wherever) people are just concerned over Sara coming back to Griss. And I'm all like "em... hello? warrick's dying here and all you can say is GSR's BACK!!!!" :wtf: Dont get me wrong, I dont hate Sara or GSR... I just think that GSR will steal focus from Warrick and YoBling scenes (if there are any)

I'm very upset about this. The first freaking episode is called For Warrick not freakin welcome back GSR. I'm worried its gonna be like five minutes of Warrick then the rest will be GSR stuff. I have nothing agianst GSR but I feel its really being shoved down our throats. I want there to be YOBLING stuff. I wanna see Cath reacting to his death, I want to see some indcation they where together at some point. They have teased us for years, the just can't let him die without there being anything.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Just a reminder - keep comments about other ships to a minimum and watch what you say. What was said in some of the above posts could be considered offensive to some. Thanks.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Whoops sorry. Sometimes I get into such a fury posting I forget about that sorta thing. Won't let it happen agian. Anywho random picture time. Something to cheer us all up.

Gary and Marg
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Well I know we're not supposed to talk about other 'ships but I for one don't think it's fair how much GSR has taken away from us. We were IT. :( I stll have a little tiny bit of GSR in my blood, I admit that... but it's not fair. GSR and Wedges have taken the stage and pushed us (and we were THE ship at one point) completely out of the picture.

And I fear that you're all on the mark with the Catnip blather and that scares me more than anything else. Catnip shouldn't happen. Again, I know we're not allowed to bash other 'ships... but it simply shouldn't happen.

IF they were going to do that they should NOT have given us the two scenes they gave us-- wait three if you count the divorce chat as one-- at the begining of season 8. That's simply not fair.

The writers KNOW that there are still people out there vying for this ship to happen. Obviously they do because of they way they teased us at the begining of the season last season and that's not right. If they were going to make YoBling a thing of the past they shouldn't have done that to us and to them. Just let it die peacefully. But NO they brought it back FULL FORCE for two episodes and then completely forgot about it again. It's just a sick game they're playing with us. Silly PTB!

Sorry, I get a little TOO animated. Meh plus...

... PLUS the whole "Warrick as a Ghost" thing. What the HELL is that? Am I allowed to say hell? Well I'm going to. Why do we have to turn Warrick's death into a re-creation of a Miami plot? Why do Warrick and Nick have to become Speedle and Delko? Huuhhh? If the man is going to die let him die. This ghost crap they're planning is just stupid. It's a forensic science show... ghosts don't exisit!

They have NO place on CSI. Granted I'll love seeing Gary Dourdan for a few more episodes but as a ghost? I don't think so. It takes one of the vital and beautiful things away from the show. Ugh.

Okay, well I should calm down. And I have a three hour drive ahead of me. Anywho... try to stick by us everyone. I still have a shread of hope left that they aren't going to totally ruin this for us. Maybe we'll get some sort of confirmation about YoBling. Maybe... hopefully...

And as an aside... I'd FAR rather see Catherine with Greg than with Nick. I think t hat the Nick ship has sailed they've tried to do Catnip together too many times and there are far too many supporters of yobling for it to possibly make it. Greg could be some sort of theraputic sexual relationship to heal her from the outside in. Nick... he can't be that. He shouldn't be. The viewers would be revolted. (With the exception of a few). I think that would be one of the biggest mistakes TPTB could possibly make at this point.

Are we allowed to discuss why 'ships are a bad idea if it's from a ratings standpoint? That's why I brought that up.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I will remind you of the rules here. I am asking everyone to read them and follow them...especially these lines:
~ We expect EVERYONE to have RESPECT for the other posters in this forum and their ships. Treat other ships the way you want everyone to treat your ships.
~ Discussion in each thread should be limited to the ship it pertains to. Brief, on topic mention of other ships is allowed (for example, if you are discussing a double date between two pairings),
Otherwise, discussion of other ships is OFF TOPIC and should be avoided.

Lastly - there is a thread called the great ship debate listed here.
That thread is for discussing and debating the pros and cons of the various ships from all three shows.
Please read the other rules of that thread prior to posting.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Whoa... ok, we're heading to a bad zone here. Kat, sorry I brought CatNip up (and GSR), I should be gunned down this point I know.

So, let's bring it back to YoBling... :)

they're bringing him back as a ghost?? whoaz.... are they exploring the whole Nick thing they tried during Season 6? I dont think that's a good idea either. It SOUNDS silly.... I hope they wont turn Cath into delusional or into a major depression. I mean, it's one thing being sad that Warrick died and the relationship between them end but resorting into a MAJOR drama would be, well, I dont even know what to call it... oh yea, bad tv. :rolleyes: I mean, that's one of the MAJOR reasons I stop watching HK drama series, they're SOOOOOOOOOO overly dramatic.

TBH, I'd prefer if the whole ending Warrick thing would be something like my fanfic. Simple but important, not overly dramatic but with a tinge of YoBling-ness
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

they're bringing him back as a ghost?? whoaz.... are they exploring the whole Nick thing they tried during Season 6? I dont think that's a good idea either. It SOUNDS silly.... I hope they wont turn Cath into delusional or into a major depression. I mean, it's one thing being sad that Warrick died and the relationship between them end but resorting into a MAJOR drama would be, well, I dont even know what to call it... oh yea, bad tv. :rolleyes: I mean, that's one of the MAJOR reasons I stop watching HK drama series, they're SOOOOOOOOOO overly dramatic.

TBH, I'd prefer if the whole ending Warrick thing would be something like my fanfic. Simple but important, not overly dramatic but with a tinge of YoBling-ness

At this point I have stopped trying to figure out what the writers are thinking. Hopefully they won't go down the crazy route with any of that characters. Only a couple more weeks and we will know what the heck is going on.

Mel C I agree with you about Warrick's ending. We just need to see the team reacting and the under sheriff get whats coming. Also like I ahve said before and will most likey say agian. I really really really just want some little hint that they where together. Nothing big, maybe even just Cath looking at picture of them together or something.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Came in to drop in the wallie I entered for the Coloured Text challenge... which is also my current desktop wallie... :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Wow that's amazing! Can I set it as my wallie? I already did... but I could take it back if you don't want me to. :)

I'm sorry that I got all shippy Kat. Honestly I wasn't trying to dog on any 'ships. I may not like them all but I do respect them.

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Wow that's amazing! Can I set it as my wallie? I already did... but I could take it back if you don't want me to. :)

I'm sorry that I got all shippy Kat. Honestly I wasn't trying to dog on any 'ships. I may not like them all but I do respect them.


Oh why on earth would I want to take the YoBling goodness down! :rolleyes: I cant even make myself change to any other wallpaper on my desktop! :lol:

Oh and did I ever say how much I adore that pic I used? I mean, that's just love in like, 5000 different languages... I love how they'll have these stolen looks every once in a while without saying anything. Words cant expressed what the eyes do of the heart. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I love that wallpaper MelC. Gonna snag it just like I did with your Warrick ones. I agree with you love the picture you used. What episode is it from?
You can just see the el the electric charge going between them. So great. :thumbsup:YOBLING forever baby.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

It's an ep. in Season 6. The scene when they're flirting about rocks and Hodges tells them to quit it. And I do love that cap. It's super sexy!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

^^ LLK I know exactly which episode you are talking about thanks. Great eye sex in the scene if I recall correctly. I know I have mentioned this before but I love the episode Living Legend when they have the conversation over the bones. And Cath tells Warrick about meeting Mickey Dunn. His smile is priceless. Lets hear some of your favorite YOBLING moments guys.

working together
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

My favorite YoBling moment?

All of them.

Them being together makes me happy. I really couldn't pick an instant I liked any more than any others. I guess the divorce talk/close standing stuff from A La Cart probably made me the happiest. I just knew we were back in the running then...

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Have to agree LLK , all of the YOBLING moments make me happy. The A La Cart one where he told her that he was officially divorced, I literally stood and cheered in my living room. Thats how happy I was. And the scene in later on in the dark with Warrick and night vision goggles.

in the dark together